4 A Matter of Conscience

1 Samuel 24


How do we determine God's will? Do we look to circumstances? the counsel of friends? The words of Scripture? In 1 Samuel 24 everything seems to indicate that David should kill Saul and take his place on the throne of Israel. Yet David rejects conventional wisdom and uses a different method for deciding what is right. His attitude should cause us to reexamine our own notions about guidance.

1. How do you determine whether God is leading you to do something?


2. Read I Samuel 24. What factors might have convinced David that it was God's will for him to kill Saul (vv. 1-4)?

3. We often rely on circumstances and the counsel of friends when making important decisions. To what extent are these reliable guides?

4. What additional factors convince David that he should not mistreat Saul in any way (v-v. 5-7)?

5. Is it ever right to go against conscience in a small area for the sake of a supposedly greater good? Explain.

6. Why do you think David places such importance on respecting the Lord's anointed (vv. 6, 10)?

7. What arguments does David use to convince Saul of his innocence (vv. 8-15)?

8. How does Saul respond to David's words (vv. 16-22)?

What do David's actions force Saul to conclude about David?


9. David could have killed Saul and seized the throne of Israel. Instead, he relies on God both to avenge him and to establish him as king. Although the result would appear to be the same in both cases, how would it be different?

10. How can we know when to take matters into our own hands and when to leave them in God's hands?