2 The Battle Is the Lord's
1 Samuel 1 7
One of the myths of our culture is "if you set your mind to it, you can do anything." The heroes of that myth are self-made men and women, those who climb from obscurity to fame through sheer will power and determination. The message is clear. Victory goes to the strong, and the spoils of victory to those who are powerful.
The Bible presents a very different message: "Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD Almighty" (Zech 4:6). In this chapter David confronts not only Goliath but also our myths of human adequacy.
- When you are faced with a challenge that seems beyond your abilities, how do you tend to respond?
- Read 1 Samuel 17. Humanly speaking, why were the Israelites justly terrified of Goliath (vv. I - I I )?
- Spiritually speaking, what had the Israelites forgotten about God's covenant promises (see Deut 20:1-4)?
- What promises do we need to remember during the battles of life? (See,
for example, Mt 28:20; Rom 8:28; 2 Cor 12:9; Heb 13:5 6.)
- As David reaches the army camp, what does he learn about their situation
(Vv. 12 27)?
- Why do you think David's brother is so harsh with him (vv. 28 30)?
- From a human standpoint, why was David an unlikely choice as the champion of Israel (vv. 15, 33, 38 40)?
What risk was Saul taking in allowing David to fight Goliath (vv. 8 9)?
- Normally, we select people who are humanly qualified to do a job. Likewise, we normally take on responsibilities for which we feel qualified. Does faith remove the need for human qualifications? Why or why not?
When is it proper to trust God to overcome our deficiencies?
- David is confident that he can defeat Goliath (vv. 34-37). Is this faith or merely youthful bravado? Explain.
- How can previous spiritual victories encourage us when facing future battles?
- What impresses you about the conversation and battle between David
And Goliath (vv. 41-49)?
- What "Goliath" are you currently facing-either at work or home or in
your personal life?
- How can David's example give you hope and courage as you face those battles?