Generous Giving1 Chronicles 29
Giving has become a sore spot for many Christians. Every day we are bombarded with appeals for money-from television and radio evangelists, from missionaries, from parachurch organizations, from relief agencies and from our own churches. Sometimes we feel like shouting, "Enough is enough!"
David had a very different attitude toward giving. In this chapter he illustrates what it means to give joyously and generously to the Lord.
1. How do you tend to respond when Christians make an appeal for money?
example of what it means to give generously to God (vv.1-5)?
3. What effect does David's example have on the leaders of Israel and the people (VV. 6-9)?
4. In what ways have you been motivated to give more generously or to dedicate yourself more fully by observing the personal example of Christian leaders?
5. What does David's prayer in verses 10-13 reveal about his view of God?
6. How is our view of God related to our willingness or unwillingness to give generously?
7. David might have felt boastful about his giving. What do verses 14-19 reveal about his reasons for humility?
8. David might also have felt remorse about parting with so much of his wealth. Instead, what spiritual and emotional impact did it have on him and the people (vv. 20-25)?
9. According to this chapter, in what other ways can we express our devotion to the Lord?
10. Verses 26-30 record the death of David. How do the events in this chapter provide a fitting conclusion to his life?
11. What have you appreciated most about studying the life of David?
12. In what ways have you been challenged by his example?