- 07/30/00 02:03:21 | Comments: Click Me |
sdgdsg - 06/06/00 03:38:10 My URL:http://sg My Email:sgsdg If it was affordable would you pay for someone to design a personal webpage for you?: gds Have you thought about having a webpage or website for looking for a mate? Checkout www.10k4awife.com: dsdgs Would you be interested in information about affordable webdesign?: sdgsd | Comments: sdfg |
- 03/28/00 17:13:31 | Comments: |
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Website de Nice. Agradecimentos para deixar-me assinar seu guestbook
Pat - 10/26/99 14:33:20 My URL:http://homestead.com/handworkhouse/index.html My Email:goatgirly@hotmail.com If it was affordable would you pay for someone to design a personal webpage for you?: Am learning to do it myself. Have you thought about having a webpage or website for looking for a mate? Checkout www.10k4awife.com: No. Would you be interested in information about affordable webdesign?: Sorry. Afraid not at this time. | Comments: Hi! Just dropped in. Thanks for sharing about your life, and family. When I was in grade school I knew a pair of twin girls ... one who wore her hair in long, dark ringlets, and the other was blond with the same hair style. So it does happen. Hope the bes for you, and your family. Pat |
sarahbaum - 10/28/98 16:21:04 My Email:sarahbaum@geomail.com If it was affordable would you pay for someone to design a personal webpage for you?: i'd rather learn to do it myself, but i'm interested, i'd like to know more Have you thought about having a webpage or website for looking for a mate? Checkout www.10k4awife.com: nooooooo Would you be interested in information about affordable webdesign?: yes | Comments: hi marcy...im new to the neighborhoods and i was just lookin around. I really liked your pages...they were very informative and real. gee i feel like i know you, and thats nice. thats so unusual about your twins having different color hair! god bless ou and your daughters! |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.