Web Resources

Eric's Vehicle Safety Page

Financial Information

Money Magazine Quick Quotes

PC Financial Network

HTML Authoring & Resources

Budget Web Space
If you need more than a free Geocities account, here is a resource list of low-cost providers for your very own website.

HTML Authors Guild
Great resource site for newbies to the most advanced web authors.

The HTML Guru
Many useful tips and information.

Introduction to HTML

Introduction to Java

Microsoft GIF Animator
Free, for creating animated GIFs.

Microsoft Site Builder Images Gallery

Web Publishing Links

A personal favorite site, with HTML tutorials and information, a web glossary, and all kinds of helpful resources for web authors. I need to take more of this guys' advice.

Libraries, Bookstores and Archives of Literature

Classical Literature
An archive of ancient Greco-Roman literature, translated into English. Writings of dozens of ancient authors from Aristotle to Marcus Aurelius listed. Also has links to other on-line libraries.

Gutenberg Project IndexAn unofficial list of the Gutenberg Project work. The project is an attempt to convert massive amounts of literature to electronic format. You can download the text files listed in the index from this site.

Trinity Bookstore
Trinity Zone Christian Bookstore.

Mapping Tools

All you need is an address, they'll provide the map (like Yahoo below). Zoom in and out to your hearts content. Get door-to-door directions if you are going on a trip to an unknown destination.

U.S. Census Mapping Tool
This Census Bureau site provides an amazing amount of demographic information and detailed maps. If you need driving directions or street maps, however, choose one of the other map tools.

Yahoo! Mapping Tool
Online mapping system. Just enter an address of anywhere in the United States and this site will display a map with an "X" marking the spot. You can zoom in and out. Also includes point-to-point driving instructions.


Ford Motor Company
Why is this here? For giving me $$$ in return for my harassment of Restraints Engineering (Advanced Vehicle Technology) in the name of quality improvement. :-)

Tired of getting unsolicited junk e-mail?

Kiersey Temperament Sorter
Rate yourself in this standard psychology test. I used to be an INTJ as a teen, now I'm shading more towards an ISTJ according to the test. The explanations appear pretty accurate, at least for me.

Microsoft People and Places
A variety of tools available here, including weather forecasting, directory of toll free 800 numbers, yellow pages online business directory, area and country phone area codes, email/people search engine, zip code search engine, and a few other miscellaneous things (politicians e-mail, traffic reports, and street address formatting tools).

Music (Listen While You Surf!)

Christian Answers Net MIDI Music Menu
Download dozens of MIDI song files and play them in the background while you surf the web.

Light 99 FM (Live On-line Radio)
Now you can listen to Christian radio as you surf the web, thanks to Realaudio.

Newslinks, Newpapers & Other News Sources

The Detroit News
At least the editorial page is decent...

International News (w. Special Reference to Christianity)
News of interest relating to Christianity from around the world.

Michigan Militia Weekly Update (Newsletter)
On-line at this location! This is actually much better reading than I thought it would be, check some of them out! A search function has now been added for your convenience. You can also subscribe and get the Update free by e-mail - I do!

National & International Religion Report
At the Goshen web site. Informative, covers a lot of ground if not very deeply.

USA Today

World News Report
Stay up to date on the news! Includes links to several dozen newspapers in addition to news reported at this site.

Yahoo! News Ticker
Configurable news ticker that sits on your desktop, gives headlines, stocks, sports scores, etc.

People Search Tools

Christian Connections Search Page
A variety of search engines listed here. (See below under Web Search Tools as well.)

Email Search

People Search Page
Part of The Revolution Against Evolution.

Yahoo! People Search
Look up names, addresses, telephone numbers, etc. of people all over the place with this webtool.

Viruses, Trojans & Other Computer Trouble

Computer Virus Hoaxes
Next time someone warns you of a virus, check here to see if it is a hoax.

NOTE: If anyone receives a chain letter claiming someone named "Jessica" is dying of cancer, that is also a hoax; the story has been twisted into various forms as well. The American Cancer Society is denouncing it and asks that people stop wasting time and bandwidth following the letter's instructions.

Chain letter e-mail is bunk. I have yet to see one that is anything but hogwash and a waste of people's time. Before you contribute to the problem by passing along some excitable piece of information please inquire with friends who may be more knowledgeable than you privately to see if they've heard it before.

Weather Reports & Forecasting

And other newslinks.

The Lighthouse
Weather Forecasting available here.

Web Authoring: See "HTML Authoring"

Web Search Tools

Christian Connections Search Page
Dozens of different search engines of a variety of types available here.

In the Beginning... [Christian Web Search Engines]
Contains a score or more search engines.

Search Engines - Including Metacrawler Parallel Search Function
This site includes a dozen or so of the major search engines, plus a Metacrawler which allows you to search all of them at once.

One of the standard web search engines and a personal favorite.

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(Created: 5 December 1996 - Last Update: 5 May 1997)