Apologetics & Information Resources for Christians

Archive of Special Features Links

Apologetics Index
This is a LARGE alphabetical listing of apologetics articles and sites located throughout the web. Appears to keep to a pretty consistent, orthodox Christian viewpoint.

Blueletter Study Bible [Online Bible]
Containables searchable Bible online, and many commentaries as well.

The Center for Scientific Creation
Dr. Walter Brown's site. This site includes the complete text to the latest edition of his excellent book, In the Beginning....

Christian Answers Net is a cooperative effort by a number of excellent Christian apologetics ministries - this is my favorite and most recommended site! From here you can reach a number of excellent organizations, such as Associates for Biblical Research, Answers in Genesis, Summit Ministries, WallBuilders, etc.

Christian Banner eXchange

Christian Resources on the Web

Charlotte Coats' Web Page
Reciprocal link.

Creation Research Society

Cult Information

Goshen is a major Christian web farm, complete with news and religious news links, a search engine, shareware, etc.

In the Beginning... [Web Indexes & Search Engines]

Institute for Creation Research

The Omnilist
Omnilist of Christian Links. A large index of Christian resources. This is easier to work with than most search engines, in my opinion.

Paradise Gardens
On-line Christian shopping mall - check this site out!

The Revolution Against Evolution

Ultimate Pro-Life Resource List

Lola Park Evangelical Lutheran Church
In Redford, Michigan. This is the home page for my church - come visit me and worship with us!

WELS Web Index
Index of WELS (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod) web sites.

Bible-Science Association: reported to be coming soon.

Anyone know of a good site for Christian courtship? Does Courtship Connection have a website yet?

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(Created: 30 August 1996 - Last Update: 24 February 1997)