The Citizen Militia

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
United States Constitution, 2nd Amendment

Support your local militia unit and Constitutional Restorationist efforts and just say NO! to the United Nations
Until you are giving a preponderance of your time, a preponderance of your money, a preponderance of your reputation to rescuing this country, you can't say that you have the right to pull out and take up arms against the government, or possibly to withdraw and abstain from responsibility to the decisions made by your government. We have a responsibility to be the keepers of the gates.
Howard Phillips (1996 United States Taxpayers Party Presidential Candidate),
Reconstructing the Republic: A Constitutional Battle Plan"

Who Are We? About the Militia.
An introduction from the Constitutional Militia of Southern California.

Join the Army, serve the United Nations - Join the citizen militia, serve America!

Militia Equipment Checklists & Operations Information

American Red Cross Disaster Planning

Choosing Communications Gear

Combat Patrol Advice

Digital Pager Encryption System

Emergency Response Procedures

First Aid Kits

FM 90-10 Urban Combat

FM 100-20 Low Intensity Conflict

FM 7-92 The Scout Platoon

FM 23-35 Combat Training With Pistols and Revolvers

FM 23-25 Light Anti-Armor Weapons

FM 100-19 Civil Operations

Food Storage Advice

Gas Mask Information (M-17 series)

How to Activate the Militia In Your Area

Military Equipment Facts
Data on weapon systems and gear used by the U.S. Marine Corps.

Militia Equipment Checklist #1
What every American citizen should have on hand, as a bare minimum.

Militia Equipment Checklist #2
Another good checklist of what every American citizen should have on hand.

Militia Warfighting Doctrine
Looks to be an entire book online. Well written theoretical treatise.

Pennsylvania Citizen's Militia Manual
A well-written manual describing the organization and purpose of the militia.

Militia Unit Web Pages

Constitutional Militia of Southern California

Florida (Lee County) Militia

The Michigan Militia (15th Brigade, Central Michigan Regional Militia Home Page)
Yes folks, I've got "links" to the notorious Michigan Militia! <grin> With links to other militia pages, documents, a weekly newsletter, on-line news stories, etc.

Missouri Militia - 7th Brigade

Missouri Militia - 51st Brigade

Missouri Militia - 52nd Brigade Intelligence Center
BOSTON(AP), August 4 - Police and National Guard units seeking to confiscate a cache of recently banned assault weapons were ambushed Sunday by elements of a para-military right wing extremist faction. Military & law enforcement sources estimate that 72 were killed and more than 200 injured before government forces were compelled to withdraw..."

Missouri Militia - 42nd/58th/59th Brigades

New England - Regiment of Dragoons

North Carolina Citizens Militia
NCCM, distinct from the North Carolina Volunteer Militia (NCVM).

Ohio - South Eastern Ohio Defense Force

Ohio Unorganized Militia (Central Ohio)

Ohio Unorganized Milita (E Pluribus Unum Patriot Group)

Ohio Unorganized Militia (Stark County)

Pennsylvania Patriot Resource Center
Affiliated with the Pennsylvania Citizen's Militia.

South Carolina Civilian Militia Corps
Affiliated with the National Confederation of Civilian Militias.

Tennessee Volunteer Militia

U.S. Militia
Web site for American militias, not a local militia unit as such.
Mission Statement
Vision Statement
International Laws for All Combatants
10 General Orders for Guards
Military Studies (of Militia Interest)
Suggested Reading
Short History of the Militia
Local Militia Units (Many contacts & addresses.)
Other Resources

Virginia Citizen's Militia


The Battle of Athens
The last time a militia was called up to combat government corruption in the United States may not have been as long ago as you think.

Exposing the Global Surveillance System
By Nicky Hager in Covert Action. Describes the UKUSA intelligence cooperative and the ECHELON system. Did you know your e-mail, phone conversations and other electronic transmissions may be regularly scanned for keywords by government intelligence agencies? What if someone starts playing god with the system for a personal or political agenda?

Good 'Ol Boys Round II
(Round I was the exposure of Federal agents at racist "Good 'Ol Boys" parties down south by citizen's militia infiltrators.)

The Larry Gates Story
From Necessary Force.

Michael New's Homecoming Speech
Dishonorably discharged for refusing to don a U.N. uniform under conditions that violate our Constitution right and left. Troublesome and insubordinate rebel, or a man of honor in a thoroughly dishonorable situation?

Minuteman Magazine
Now why couldn't this happen tomorrow, or this afternoon for that matter?
"Faced with a popular movement to downsize government, Neo-Communists of the Federal Judiciary, allied with government bureaucrats and federal law enforcement agencies and backed by U.N. troops, suspend the Constitution and order elections postponed. Internment camps are erected while the Armed Forces are purged of "extremist elements." As a dark shadow falls across America, gun-control moves toward the Final Solution. But shutting down a Saturday Night Special-toting resistance movement is like trying to destroy a colony of ants, one ant at a time..."

Raiding the Viper's Nest
Was the so-called "Viper Team" in Arizona a dangerous terrorist group; or has the BATF screwed up again? Article in Reason magazine. I don't know which to fear more, undisciplined anarchistic extremists or government bureaucracies...

You Too Can Control the U.S. Navy From the Comfort of Home!
Story about a real test last September in which a computer whiz kid, in front of Pentagon VIP's, used an ordinary computer and modem to seize control of the U.S. Navy Atlantic Fleet. Boy, I sleep better at night now (not!)

Papers, Essays & Documents

American Gun Control and the Nazi Link
Article from Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO), at a libertarian site. Just as the Nazi party patterned the death camps after previously established "mercy killing" (euthanasia) centers run by German doctors (and applauded by "progressive" American psychologists), American gun control laws are patterned after German laws that ensured the Nazi tyranny would not be resisted.

A Creationist's Thoughts on Government
Written before I began investigating the militia, I wrote this essay by request; it is stored over on the Revolution Against Evolution site. Outlines the three common errors made in the formation of governments, with Scripture citations.

Denying the Benefits of Occupation
From Minuteman Magazine, Fall 1996. Concise article describing how to threaten the financial base of an occupier.

Formulating Militia Doctrine
From Minuteman Magazine, Fall 1996. Concise article on the creation of militia doctrines.

How to Undermine and Destroy America
An insightful "plan" written in 1792 describing how one might destroy the country. It would seem the ACLU and other quasi-governmental socialist apparatchiks have been studying it closely...

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership Interview
Interview between JPFO founder and a concentration camp survivor, at the North Carolina Citizen Militia web site.
The graphic at the bottom of the interview is worth seeing by itself :-)

Is Liberty a Gift of God?
What men give, men can take away. Should the U.N. or anyone else grant us our "inalienable rights"? Do they have that power? From the South Carolina militia.

The Militias Are Coming
A Reason magazine book review takes several anti-militia books to task for misrepresentation and fearmongering.

Militia: Question & Answer
Draft copy, written by me.

Special Operations Unofficial Homepage
Describes equipment, etc. of U.S. Special Ops units. Many useful links for militia preparedness.

Texas Militia Archive
Texas Milita Papers. An excellent archive of papers here on militias and militia activities, the constitution, abuses thereof and threats to the Republic. Papers are available in several formats.

U.S. Troops Training to Attack Citizens

A Well Regulated Militia, Today?
From the Michigan Militia.

Who is the Militia and Why Do We Have One?
From the South Carolina militia.

Who Repealed the 2nd Amendment?
Long but informative and very readable article on the hypocrisy and tortuous reasoning involved in the destruction of a constitutional right.

Related Organizations and Pages

Militia Equipment Suppliers

Minuteman Press Online

National Rifle Assocation
Includes details on laws, state by state, on gun ownership. There is a lot else here too, of course!

Police Against the New World Order
The organization that brought us Operation Vampire Killer, a guide to defeating a U.N. occupation force utilizing local police units as the backbone of a guerilla army.

Self-Protection: Real Life Stories
Since the media pretty much only gives you negative stories about gun ownership, I thought I'd list this site, giving a number of examples of real life incidents in which citizens successfully deterred criminals, etc. thanks to their weaponry.

"If immorality is the law of the land (by legitimizing homosexuality), then Bible-believing Christians become moral outlaws and biblical beliefs are recast as bigotry. At that point the full force of the government's civil-rights apparatus will be brought to bear against those who hold to traditional views..."
Robert Knight of the Family Research Council, Citizen, 1/20/97

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(Created: 5 December 1996 - Last Update: 17 April 1997)