Kick back and relax for a few minutes.
"I thought you all might find this amusing.
We were sitting at the
supper table tonight when my son, Sam, who is in grade two, stated out of the
blue, "Teacher believes in evolution." I looked over at him and
replied "Well that's unfortunate" and his reply was "Well, she
also believes in Santa Claus."
-CRSnet participant.
Christian cartoon, updated weekly.
Visit the Dilbert
Home Page
I'm an engineer, and it's a requirement these days that
Dilbert be an engineers' favorite cartoon... so, enjoy!
Revolution Against Evolution Cartoon Page
Play online!
Lemonade Stand
remember playing this back in 1981 on the ol' Apple II! Now play this classic
on the web. Great for those long boring lunch hours.
Play in the Sandbox
the stock market, a Minesweeper clone, and other FREE games! Real prizes can be
won. For example, I won a compact 12-CD case. Hey, it's not much but it was
Play the Riddler
This site
also offers a number of free games and real prizes to be won. It helps to have
a java-enabled browser, but some games can be played without it.
Canada: The
Evil Empire?
This is a joke. I think. Are ravening hordes of
bloodthirsty, hockey stick-wielding northerners preparing to sweep down like a
blizzard at any minute and impose parliamentarian rule on us? Say it ain't so!
Answers to Bible Questions
Cute, very cute.
The Bible is
Filled With Mistakes and Contradictions!
Alas, 'tis true. Surprised
to hear a Christian admit it? Read on...
Dark Sucker Theory
New report from
prestigious scientists: light bulbs don't emit light - they suck dark! :-)
Engineers: Do You Fit the Profile?
and eerily accurate...
If God Were Process Oriented, Genesis May Have Begun Something Like This...
Hollywood Ignorance
About Guns Exposed
MANY examples of goof-ups in movies involving
firearms described. From double-barreled "pump" shotguns to WWI
German troops in 1916 using 1942 rifles to those famous "infinite capacity"
magazines and clips Hollywood gunfighters always seem to have on hand....
What do you do when
you come up to a Stop sign?
Lawyer Jokes
BIG archive of these! :-)
Michigan Humor: You're Probably From Michigan If...
Politically Correct First Christmas?
Hilarious reading by John Leo
of U.S. News & World Report.
Lots of good, more-or-less, Christian humor.
The Revolution Against
Evolution Humor Page
All kinds of humor courtesy of my friend Doug.
I especially recommend the links to the
spoof on evolution,
aren't you glad the universe doesn't
run in DOS, and the fictitious letter from the Smithsonian.
Parents' Letter
Home-schooling hilarity.
Technology Quips
the justly famous have screwed up in their predictions for the future.
Ten Signs You're a Homeschooler
Tens Signs You
are Winning Over Your Family
More homeschool humor.
The Western Book of the Dead
don't know if this really belongs in the Humor section, but it strikes me as
hauntingly funny - with an eternally serious theme.
"If you thought the idea of unintended acceleration was weird, how
about 200 Cadillacs coming alive in the middle of the afternoon? A few weeks
ago, nearly 200 1994-95 model Cadillacs within a 70-mile radius of Raleigh, N.C.
started flashing their lights, sounding alarms, unlocking doors and popping
trunk lids - all by themselves! GM is baffled by the occurence, but there is a
theory that a nearby military base may have crossed over onto Cadillac's
frequency for keyless remote systems, triggering the whole mess."
"Ghost in the Machine?," Automotive Industries
(December, 1996), p. 13.