Eric's InfoCenter
History and the Bible Home Page


143 "Bible Contradictions" and Their Solutions
By a trio of non-"professional" but knowledgeable apologists.

792 Teeth
From ChristianAnswers.Net, by Gary Byers. What can 792 teeth from ancient Israelites tell us?

Has Archaeology Helped Provide Confirmation of the Bible?
From ChristianAnswers.Net, by Dr. Bryant Wood of Associates for Biblical Research. Brief overview with a few examples.

The Bible and Other Historical Sources
Do we have support for events mentioned in the Bible from other sources? Yes. Here is a summary of some of them, see also Memories of the Genesis Flood below for another example.

Likenesses of People in the Bible
From ChristianAnswers.Net, by Dr. Bryant Wood. Do we know what anyone mentioned in the Bible looked like? Yes, there are a number of individuals whose likenesses have been preserved.

Man-Made Structures and the Bible
From ChristianAnswers.Net, by Dr. Bryant Wood. A list of some of the palaces, forts, towers, etc. mentioned in the Bible that have been found and excavated in modern times.

Manuscript Evidence for the Bible
By Dr. Ron Rhodes. Compared to any other piece of ancient literature we have dozens of times more manuscripts for the Bible, with many being far closer in time to the originals than for other ancient literature. If no one goes around doubting if we have accurate copies of the writings of Aristotle, Herodotus, Josephus, etc., then how reasonable is it to dismiss the accuracy of the transmission of the Bible? See also article on earliest NT manuscripts below.

The Temple Mount in Jerusalem
Home page with links to many articles on the Temple Mount.

Old Testament

According to the Bible, When Was Adam Created?
FAQ by Dr. Walt Brown.

The Ark of the Covenant
From ChristianAnswers.Net, by Gary Byers. Brief article on the story of the Ark.

The Ark of the Covenant - Location in the Temple
From ChristianAnswers.Net, by Gary Byers. A review of Ritmeyers' claim to have ID'd the position where the Ark rested on the Temple Mount.

The Ark of Noah - A Feasibility Study
By John Woodmorappe, this page describes the contents of his extremely well researched book.

The Ark of Noah - Found?
From ChristianAnswers.Net, by Gary Byers. Has the Ark been found? Brief article. See also the Amazing 'Ark' Expose from Creation Ex Nihilo. (Several more links in the anti-creation page.

Balaam the Prophet
From ChristianAnswers.Net. Is there extra-biblical evidence for Balaam, the prophet sent to curse Israel by its enemies, but forced by God to bless them instead?

Dead Sea Scrolls: Introduction and Significance
By Will Varner, as the Associates for Biblical Research website.

The Flood of Noah and the Flood of Gilgamesh
Impact #285 by Frank Lorey. As other articles in this section demonstrate, gradually embellished records of the Flood were handed down by virtually everyone after Babel, not just the Hebrews.

Genesis According to the Miao People
Impact #214, by missionary Edgar Truax. The Miao tribe preserved their own record of the events of creation and early human history.

Jericho - Did the Walls Really Fall?
From ChristianAnswers.Net, by Dr. Bryant Wood. A brief treatment; Dr. Wood has excavated at Jericho and his work there has been described in articles in Time, Newsweek, and U.S. News & World Report.

Joseph and Egyptian History
From ChristianAnswers.Net, by Charles Aling. A rather long but fact-filled, interesting article on the biblical story of Joseph in Egypt.

Memories of the Genesis Flood
If all humans are descended from survivors of a worldwide cataclysm, shouldn't there be many records of this event from around the world?

The Moabite Stone and the Revolt of Misha
From ChristianAnswers.Net, by Dr. Bryant Wood.

The Origin of Israel in the Light of Archaeology
From ChristianAnswers.Net, by Dr. Bryant Wood.

Problems With Mt. Sinai in Saudi Arabia
Well-documented rebuttal by Brad Sparks to claims that Mt. Sinai is in Saudi Arabia.

Samson and the Philistine Temple
From ChristianAnswers.Net, by Dr. Bryant Wood. According to the Bible, after Samson was blinded he killed himself and many Philistines by collapsing the Temple with his bare hands. Was this possible, even with supernatural strength? Archaeological excavations reveal a potential weakness in Philistine temple architecture that could explain this feat.

Shishak, Pharoah of Egypt
From ChristianAnswers.Net, by Dr. Bryant Wood.

Sodom and Gomorrah
From ChristianAnswers.Net, by Dr. Bryant Wood. One theory as to the destruction of the two wicked cities as described in the Bible, based on the local geology.

The Testimony of Dr. Robert Dick Wilson
Robert Wilson learned no less than 45 ancient languages in his quest to study the Old Testament. What did he conclude about it's reliability?

The Tower of Babel
From ChristianAnswers.Net, by John Walton. Long and interesting article.

New Testament

The Cross of the Crucifixion
From ChristianAnswers.Net. What did the Roman cross used to execute Jesus look like?

The Galileean Fishing Boat
From ChristianAnswers.Net, by Gary Byers. Insights into life during the time of Jesus, and his travels on the Sea of Galilee.

Was Jesus Born in a Stable?
From ChristianAnswers.Net. A helpful warning that many Christmas traditions are just tradition, not part of the Bible itself.

How Old Are the Earliest New Testament Manuscripts?

Paul's Travels in Cyrprus and Modern Archaeology
From ChristianAnswers.Net, by David Gill. Insights into part of Paul's missionary travels.


The Tunnel that Caused the Riots
From ChristianAnswers.Net, clears up some of the confusion about the source of recent Palestinian riots.

Organizations and Resources

Associates for Biblical Research

Biblical Archaeology Page

Lutherans Interested in the Bible and Related Antiquities (LIBRA)

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(Created: 19 September 1996 - Last Update: 4 April 1997)