<BGSOUND SRC="/seasick007/userfiles:/user/Carsletsgo.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
James M LoTempio
Send me some Email please, I'm all lonely.
Mom Dad?
Little Sis?
Big Sis
Click here to go to my Hobbies and Interest Section!
Gotta love em!  Besides they owe me money.  Just Kidding Dad, I'll send ya a check.
Included in no order <ya right>
My daughter Heather, My little Sister Dana, My Big Sister Dawn, Mom, and Pop.
They all reside on my left hand and are very reliable.  Hey Jack, where are ya man?!
Mark? Jay? Ed? Roxane? Carol?They all gone.
Hi Karen,Becki, Penny, Tim, and Everyone else! 
Finally Hello to you, and thanks for stopping in!
I'm a sailor on the USS Enterprise.  This picture is not acual size.  I stand a whopping 66 inches.  Yes that is 5'6".  I was born on April 23, 1968. I grew up in South Miami, Fl. If ya really wanna hear more just Email me.
people have been spotted at my web site!
Stroud's CWSapps
Navy Federal Credit Union
My daughter Heather
Fyrelake Elven Association
Sailor Photo age 30 /  Hair Photo I think 20
Heather and Me at my sisters site
My Pictures
Compter Mod Work Log
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