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2 B wit U

author unknown

Sumtime I wonder
Y I even feel dis way
I juz want u 2 b mine
I'd wait 4 eva 4 dat day

U think I may be shy
And I no its true
I would change mah ways

wheneva u walk by
I fall in2 a trance
All dat I ask 4
Is juz 2 chance

I like u so much
Believe meh, I do
I juz wish dat 1day
U would feel da same 2

If only u liked meh,
If only u cared
I would ask u out
But dat I would not dare.
I  used to think I love you...
but now I know forsure
I will give you everything
and you still ask for more
But one thing that you will never have to look for....
                  is me...
Because I will always be yours
When I first saw you...
I was afraid to meet you...
when I first met you...
I was afraid to kiss you...
when I first kissed you...
I was afraid to love you...
But now that i love you...
I'm afraid to lose you...
Altho it may seem
that I don't care,
and altho it may seem
that when u need me
I won't be there
Just put your faith in me
and in the end, I promise,
I won't true my back on u,
ever again
and I will forever
be your angel
In my heart I know
it will be you
whom I will love
always and forever
Never say I love you
If you don't really care
Never talk about feelings
If they aren't really there
Never hold my hand
If you are gonna break my heart
Never say you are going to
If you don't plan to start
Never look in my eyes
If all you do is lie
Never say hi
If you really mean goodbye
If you really mean forever
Then say you will try
Never say forever
Cuz forever makes me cry....
If u love something very badly
       set it free
If it comes back to U
It's UR's Forever
If it doesn't
It wasn't UR's to begin with
Leave it all behind
Tears won't break U free
what am i supposed to do,
with all these blues.
haunting me everywhere,
no matter what i do.
watching the candle flicker out,
in the evening glow.
i can't let go,
when will the night be over.
i didn't mean to fall in love with you,
and baby there's a way for what you put me through.

it is enough,
it's robbery.
i'm sleeping with the ghost of you and me.

i'd rather be alone,
then being in love with you.
i'd sleep out in the cold,
before lying in bed with you.
i'd take the lonely road,
before taking any ride with you.
i'd rather be alone,
then being in love with you.

all the things you said,
they were untrue.
all authors are unknown to me....not my work
other poems
you alwayz had my heart.  you alwayz had me thing of you.  i never let you go, never stopped missing you.  you have my love forever like you had it the first time we met.  you are the only oone for me and forever that'll alwayz be.  i am happy now that you i am with you.  i am in love now that i know that this is true.  you have me still always.

kuv hlub and nco koj alwayz
june 19, 99:  saw u in new century hard to explain de feelin da i had 4 u
june 21, 99:  wow...u asked meeh 2 b ur gurl in da fone
june 22, 99:  we met today ur hold mah handzn we first kissed
june 25, 99:  u told meeh da u'r lucky to be mah man...i start to luv u
july 1, 99:     u page meh a day wen i was in mah friend'z house..u sed u wana broke up...
july 2, 99:     finally u gib meeh a chance
july 3, 99:     i thought u goin 2 believe meh..but u'r not..u ain't gib me 1 more chance
july 5, 99:     i was cryin all day long..i dun want u 2 now..i really want u 2 back
july 14, 99:   i lookin at mah arm de blood ish comin out..i pick up ur call heard ob
                   ur  voice all dudden i fallin..
    wen i c u , i cherish da moment de best da i can even though u c me as a invisible gurl
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