1.  do you work for ups?  i could have sworn you were checkin out my package?

2.  mean people suck, nice people swallow.  you look nice

3.  hey baby, why don't you sit on my lap, and we'll talk about the first thing that POPS up!!!!

4.  {motion for girl to come here with one finger}, "If i can make you come with this finger, imagine what i could do with all five!"

5.  Fuck me if i'm wrong....but haven't we met before?

6.  nice shoes, wanna fuck?

7.  If i told you that you had a nice body, would you hold it against me?

8.  i wanna use your thighs as earmuffs.

9.  are those real?

10. {offer guy/girl a screw}  wanna screw?

11. I may not be Fred Flintstone but i sure can make your bed rock.

12.  ya know, that shirt is very becoming on you....of course, if i was on you, i'd be cumming too.

13.  hey you want to know what i heard about you?  fuck me and i'll tell you

14. nice outfit.  can i talk you out of it?

15. as you walk by, turn around and say:  Excuse me, did you just touch me ass?[no] Damn!

16. You touch her shirt and ask, "is this cotton?"  wait for response.  Then touch down in the crotch or chest area and say, "oh, this must be felt.

17. You baby, i bust more nuts than a squirrel

18. Girl, if you were a porch i'd take out all the nails and screw ya

19. hey baby, can i tickle your belly from the inside?

20. if you were the last woman and i was the last man on earth, i bet we could do it in public.

21. you have 250 bones in your body, want another?

22. hey  baby, wanna wrestle?

23. This valentine's Day i want you to know that i'm head-over heels for you...and i know i know some other positions too

24. This valentine's Day, i reallywant you to know how i you better use both hands

25. you're on my mind this valentine's Day....i'd prefer you on my bed.

26. i'd walk a million miles for one of your smiles, and even farther for that thing you do with your tongue.

27. you can feel the magic between, lower

28. Excuse me but is your last name "Gillette".....cause you are the best a man can get!

29. Excuse me miss, do you give head to strangers?{no} well, then, allow me to introduce myself.

30. if i washed my dick would you suck it? [no] oh, so you like dirty dicks

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