Step by Step guide to help you begin.

  1. Read the book, or at least scan the important highlights, focusing on the self improvement.
  2. Implement these skills into your daily routine slowly and regularly.
  3. Once you have implemented the self enhancement skills, continue on to etiquette.
  4. Concentrate on the etiquette portion closely. Practice these skills as often as possible.
  5. Continue on to Poise once you have mastered etiquette.
  6. Try to incorporate poise into your daily habits. It will seem strange at first, and everyone around you may think you have gone insane, but, eventually it will become natural, and that is the goal you are striving for.
  7. Once you have completed and feel comfortable with those, then you should proceed to the professional modeling sessions. Only once you have completed the etiquette, self enhancement, and poise sections, though. These will help you to learn the pivots and walk and posing methods.
  8. Study the photography sections first. Practice posing, and get a good grasp of the terminology used in the industry. Have someone you know take pictures of you once you feel comfortable.
  9. After you have mastered the photo posing and terminology, move on to runway techniques.
  10. Take plenty of time mastering the runway walk and pivots. It takes plenty of practice as well as feeling completely natural to pull these off.
  11. After you have accomplished those, you will need to start searching for jobs. Start off working some free jobs.
  12. Build your resume, and have some more photos taken by someone you know.
  13. Submit a few of your favorite photos. (A good way to know which ones to submit? Look at the ads that you copied the poses from. Your pics that look the closest and most natural should be the ones to submit. In addition, you could submit some pics of you in the role that your “look” will sell in~ example~ student, athletic, mother, etc.~ this will give you a variety of different looks, showing that you are versatile. If you have a professional photographer take these photos, they will probably help you decide the poses, if you are new.) Go through the agency list and pick some of the agencies you would like to submit to, and mail them off. (Start with the larger agencies such as Ford, Elite, Michelle Pommier, etc.)
  14. Wait for a week and a half. If you have not heard, give them a call. One call should be sufficient. If you want to be persistent, you could resubmit your pics and resume again, but you should not becoming a complete nuisance to the larger agencies.
  15. While you are waiting, look at some of your local agencies. Set up an interview with some of them and submit your pics and resume.
  16. Continue to be persistent, and push for jobs. Market yourself constantly. Never stop looking for work, and get your name out there as much as you possibly can!

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