Welcome to our own
little corner of the Galaxy! We are the Jedi Prudes, and this
is our home! Please feel free to look around!
Please excuse the mess, as we're
redecorating the cottage, and seem to be making quite a production
out of it!
New Feature!
Take our new JediPrudes
Star Wars Online Purity Test. How much of a Prude are you?

Star Wars, and all of it subsidiaries,
are the properties of Lucasfilm, and the products of George Lucas'
imagination. The Jedi Prudes, and this web page, are in no way
affiliated with or endorsed by Lucsfilm. We accept no money, because
if fans want to spend their money that badly, they can buy the
official merchandise and join an official fan club. If there are
any problems, please e-mail the web mistress at jediprudes@yahoo.com

I worked long and hard on the graphics on this
site. Please do not use them without my permission.