About Me
Full Name: Kristy Ann Kembel

Birthdate: October 18, 1983

Parents: Keith and Patricia

Siblings: Kerry(37) Kim(28)

Location: Herndon, PA
(the middle of nowhere...)

Likes: Art, drawing/painting,
taking pictures, doing crafts, trying new things, giving advice, traveling, movies, pigs, manatees, fairies..

Dislikes: Math, petty fights, cocky people who think they're better than everyone else, tomato sauce, when people don't listen, people w/no sense of humor, lazy people, pessimists, when people mess up my stuff, pretty much people in general! haha!

: Shawshank Redemption, Austin Powers, Lord of the Rings, Disney movies, Chicago.

Food: Seafood

Names: Chiara, Sydney, Chloey, Bennet

What's Going On...
Right now i am a Sophmore at Kutztown University and am majoring in Communication Design. I love it so much! 