<BGSOUND SRC="/diana_lyn/">
My life story update
On April 10, 2004 I married the guy of my dreams and on July 20, 2004 we adopted two little girls Terry who is three years old and her sister karen who is six from my home country Scotland. I would like to thank all of my chat friends for all the lovely chats we have had over the last 10 years. My life has became very busy and I do not have the time to continue playing in this virtual world so I must say goodbye and best of luck to all. I will leave this website up for a while longer but it will soon be closed
Huggs and kisses  Diana
Click on the bear to visit me at home
Click Picture and check out my new ride
Click on the keys to see more of me
Click on picture to see me at work
This is the latest Picture of me taken Oct.10 2002
Click here to see more Pics  of me
Ok guys latest Swimsuit Pictures here
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