Hearing God: Dreams and Visions
OK, so I've finally gotten the go ahead to write them down. This is a comprehensive
list, and because some of them concern future events or the private lives of people, I will
not give a full interpretation for all of them. Nevertheless here they are, so that you may
come by to peruse them in your own time, or whenever God prompts you to come look.
--Sandy Van Eysinga
Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls;
all your waves and breakers have swept over me.
By day the LORD directs his love,
at night his song is with me. --Psalm 42:7 & 8
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2004 Update: The dreams have not stopped coming, but they did slow down a bit. I am currently
compiling them offline and will add them here soon. Since I began this dream log I have seen many
of my dreams come true, especially those dealing with my personal life. I can attest that they are
genuine prophetic dreams and I always keep them in mind in my day-to day life as a witness of God's
faithfulness. He does what He says He will do.
"Blessed is she who has believed that what
the Lord has said to her will be accomplished! (Elizabeth to Mary, Luke 1:45)
This vision occurred during a family reunion in 1993. The whole extended family had gathered
after a meal for a service and to pray. My father was leading. We had gotten the sad news that
my uncle had been diagnosed with Melanoma, and his chances were not good. We heard that
he might have only months to live. Although he is a grandfather, my uncle is not that old yet to
give up on life! So we all as a family gathered to pray for him. There were chairs placed in a
circle around the room, and people were seated on them, praying. An inner circle of standing,
praying people who had accepted the invitation to lay hands on my uncle was in the middle of
the room, surrounding my uncle who was kneeling on the floor in the middle. As we were in
prayer, like on the back of my eyelids (I was seated), I saw a powerful stream of water/light
descend from the brilliantly colorful throne of God in heaven come down directly on top of my
kneeling uncle's form. The healing power continued on in large waves outward, over first the
inner circle of standing people, then onward to the rest of us who were seated in the outer row.
That day my uncle was healed. He is still living and enjoying his family and grandchildren today,
some six years later.
In the dream, I was out on a picnic with some friends in a low lying, grassy field which was a
bit damp. God spoke into my ear, "Get everyone into the car, Quickly, Right Now!" So I
jumped up and immediately started getting people into the car, and then jumped in too. God
then said, "Drive to the mountains. I'll show you where." So I drove upward to the mountains
following a road. We were following a semi, driving on the left hand side of the road, beside a
sheer, rocky cliff on the left when the great earthquake began. The semi stopped in front of us
and so did we. "Get under the semi!" I yelled, and we all raced out of the car, and scrambled
under the strong steel under-rigging of the semi in front of us. Just as we were all in, the cliff
crumbled and all its huge boulders crashed onto the road, crushing the car and the semi too.
But the space under the semi stayed firm, and we were safe in this little space. We stayed
there until we heard someone starting to move the rocks away.
The message of this dream is the importance in the future of prompt obedience to the voice
of God. If we are obedient, God will be pleased to provide a safe refuge for his servants.
In the dream I was approaching lava pit or lake in which the lava was rising, about to over-
flow. As I went I was battling spirits, rebuking, binding and casting them out in Jesus' name.
As I approached the edge, the lava overflowed. Just in time, I climbed up a little, burnt-up
tree and was saved from the engulfing lava. I was dismayed, as I perched up there, but I
knew in faith that God would save me. Sure enough, a small, humble native man approached,
wading through the lava unharmed. I was amazed, especially because when I had known him
he had been backslidden and weak in the Lord. But here he was, grinning up at me with a
twinkle in his eye. He asked me to get on his back (an act of faith, since I am a rather large
woman) and he would carry me to safety. So I did, and he carried me to safety wading in
the lava.
This dream is symbolic: I represent the believers of our area. This dream shows that as
tribulation approaches, God will provide a temporary refuge. He will then use Native
Indian believers (who will be untouched by the nature of the troubles) to save the rest of
us! This is remarkable in light of the decades-old resentment which has been between
Canadians and Native Indian Peoples! Nevertheless, I believe this dream shows that it
will be they who are used by God to save us and take us to a place of safety. This will
require faith and humility on our part, as well as obedience to the will of our Father.
God used this training dream to develop boldness in me. I was riding a bare-backed horse
in pursuit of a female lion to bring her back into captivity. I was calling to her as I rode.
Finally I saw her stop. I got off and took her by the collar. She turned back the way we
came, voluntarily. She also slipped out of the collar. She turned to look back and I saw
her looking at a large male lion with another female near him. The male lion roared and
started to chase after us. I stood and rebuked the lion in Jesus' name. It reluctantly stopped,
turned around and went back. We turned and started back the way we had come.
The Bible speaks of us needing to bring into captivity every thought. The lioness thus
represents my own carnal thought patterns, which I am in the process of learning to
control. The roaring lion, according to scripture, is Satan, who seeks to destroy us.
We can stand against him in the power of Jesus' name, turning him back, away from
us, so that we are able to pursue our spiritual journey in the Lord Jesus' service.
In this dream I was holding a young man's hand tightly through strong, vertical iron bars. I
was yelling for someone to come and help me pull this person out of his prison--the bars were
far enough apart for me to pull him through sideways. However, my grip was loosening. As I
watched the man's face, it alternately changed from a man's face (wanting to be free) to a that of
a demon (pulling him back). I could see his face changing back and forth as I watched.
This dream prophesies my prayer intercession and evangelism on behalf of a young demonized
man. It shows that often such work requires help from others to succeed!
In the dream I got dressed to go to class. When I got there I was late but sat down anyway.
The professor said we would be investigating the spirit world and everyone arranged their
chairs in a large circle, with the backs to the walls. Something was done (I'm not sure what)
to summon demons. The air grew electric and I looked up to see shadows of small horned
evil spirits dancing on the ceiling in circles. There were piping sounds and the objects in the room
started to rattle. The evil pixies laughed. The door began to swing back and forth. It felt like
an earthquake. Everyone was scared and didn't know what to do so I immediately jumped up
and began binding and rebuking the demons in Jesus' name. I seemed to be the only one who
knew what to do. I approached the door and bound the demons who were swinging it in Jesus'
name not to be able to touch or influence it in any way, or any part of the house or furniture, so
that no one could be harmed by flying furniture. The door stopped swinging. I was not happy
that I was the only one able to bind the demons--these people had summoned them, after all!
The house grew quiet.
This is a training dream in spiritual warfare. God often trains his warriors using the virtual reality
of dreams. Once again the importance of working as a team in exorcism is emphasized--I was
unhappy because I was the only one fighting in this situation.
Another training dream I had about the same time. I was in a large, dilapidated old mansion
that reminded me of the Captain's house from the movie "The Sound of Music." It was also
full of ghosts. It was not safe to walk in, the floors would give way unexpectedly, etc. This was
not a safe house to be in. I entered anyway, with the purpose of cleaning it out, and fixing it up.
As I went, I was binding demons, casting them out in Jesus' name. It was hard work, however.
This dream was a repeating one during our work in the Safe House. It showed the spiritual nature
of our work during our time there, the danger to us, and the uphill battle of the constant warfare in
the Spirit we were engaged in at that place.
I had been reading about the BC Stein Valley Native Rock Art. Roger didn't like the book in
the house but I was interested in the topic and didn't listen to his advice. One night soon after
I dreamed that I was surrounded by giant bears standing in a circle around me. I didn't want
to remember the details of the dream. Mom and Dad Gutowski were on holiday at the time.
The morning after the dream Mom called me all the way from wherever they were staying on
holiday. That same night she had dreamt that giant bears were attacking me and I was trying
to protect my girls from them. She called to see if we were all right. It so happened that the
cold I'd had turned into a serious and painful, persistent sinus infection which still troubles me
now and again. But please look for the Cove Dream to see how things are turning out!
This is a warning, first to avoid books which can compromise one's spiritual health, and also
to be in submission to the people that God has placed as a covering over us. If I had listened
to my husband, who's 'vibes' about that book were right on, I might not have opened my-
self up to that persistent infection. The bears, by the way, represented the powers and
principalities of our local area, which found a way to attack me. We need to guard against
allowing the enemy to have a foothold in our lives. I learned the hard way!
While resting on my bed I saw a fluttering white dove descending. The vision repeated three times.
In the dream I went upstairs into the attic of an old house of mine. I looked up at a giant
painting on the wall. In the painting, I could see into a level of heaven in which the ground
appeared rocky (like pictures of Mars), but through the ground I could see cumulus clouds.
There was a man, a gray, featureless man, kneeling in mid-air above the ground. His hands
were raised in petition to the throne of God directly above him. There was a stream of water/light
coming down on him, going over him and pooling on the ground. At his feet, kicking and wriggling
was a little, gray, featureless baby lying in a puddle of this light/water. Around this man,
one supporting him, and one whispering into his ear, were two very bright angels of light.
God showed me how intercession looks like in the spirit. My father interpreted this dream: he
was the praying man in the dream, praying for a newly born christian of importance to us.
This dream was like a flash of a future event. I was seated in an auditorium which was part of an
old castle. The audience was made up of Eastern Europeans from the village associated with the
castle. My father was speaking at a podium. He was explaining that he and his family had purchased
this castle and had given it to the villagers to use as a meeting place, a church, and a community centre.
I could see the skepticism , unbelief and pride of one seated man with folded arms. We were very rich.
This dream takes place in the future, and contains some symbolic elements. My father and I were
leading a line of women and children following a railway leading over a well known mountain, taking them
across the border to a safe haven on the other side. We were following an old railway track. We were
carrying a very old woman in a plastic tub. We approached a very steep part, and accidentally dropped
the tub. As it fell, I very casually ordered it (her) to stop and return in the name of Jesus. It did.
Symbolic elements: old railway, as in "underground railway" illegally transporting people to safety over
a border, the same way Grandma Moses did, and the same way my great-grandfather smuggled Jews
over check-points in his hay wagon during World War II. Taking risks to save people illegally.
This dream also shows how casually we will be using the power of God in the future. The laws of
Physics themselves will obey us in the name and authority of Jesus.
In this dream I was visiting my cousin in Manitoba. He was showing me this huge bomb shelter that
God had told him to construct. It was approached through a small shed. It went down into the ground,
it was all underground. Everything was extremely well built, clean, high-tech and spacious. The space
was all tiled with white tiles. There were fluorescent lights in the ceiling. There were also plants hanging
down from niches in the walls to keep the air fresh. There was a huge walk-in freezer, large enough to
store enough food for a little town for a year. This shelter was enormous and extremely well stocked.
My mother, myself and my two girls were present in this dream. We had gathered with other church
members in a little wooden house to worship, taking shelter from the authorities. Suddenly a sad lady
approached, yelling that she had a bomb. She also had a small two-year old girl with her. She went
downstairs into the basement in order to contain the explosion, for the bomb had been planted on her
involuntarily--that was why she was sad. We all began to evacuate the building, running in an outward
direction. I was leading a team of people, taking them into a far corner of the house thinking it would be
safe. I was followed by an asian lady with her young son. We got down flat, and I was feeling into a
stairwell to feel the wall grow hot from the heat of the explosion. Suddenly I saw the little girl at the
base of the stairs, and realized that this place was not safe--it was made of wood, not cement as I had
thought. I raced down the stairs to grab the little girl, and ordered everyone out. We jumped through
a glass window and onto the lawn in a rush, right through the glass. As I landed on the lawn, I realized
I'd left the little girl behind. I turned to see two men pick her up and toss her to me. They were not
men, they were angels. I caught her and we all went to the crowd gathered on the lawn. I found my
mother and one daughter, and was searching for my other daughter among the survivors.
This dream is symbolic of the Church in the future during the tribulation time. There will be a time of
trials, running away from persecutions, and the Church will be betrayed. It will become an outdoor
phenomenon, driven out of structures, perhaps even itself without formal structure. This will be a
time of angelic aid and visitation. Even though it will be desperate times, we will be full of courage
and faith, and not fearful. We will learn to trust in God completely for our safety.
I had a brief vision of a granite ewer of water. God showed me that it is me. I am very hard, and
He has had to grind me to make me into a vessel fit to pour out his water. But the water from a
stone vessel is especially cool and refreshing unlike that from clay vessels which are formed wet, not
ground into shape. This explains to me why so many of my life experiences have been so painful.
While meeting with other prophets I had a very brief vision of the Gold wedding dress God is getting
ready for me, for the Wedding Banquet. Gold signifies purity, royalty, and wealth. See Ps. 45: 13
Early in the morning I saw a vision of a body of water bordered at the front, to the right and to the
left with three verdant mountains. From the middle of the bay or lake stuck out the very tops of
the downtown buildings of a town. A town was submerged below the water. The name of
"Castlegar" was then printed and spoken above the water. When I looked up this town to see
where it was, I was surprised to see how far inland it is. It will be submerged--though whether
this will be a spiritual or an actual event I do not know.
In the dream, I was first counselling a girl, sharing the Gospel and teaching or discipling her. Then
suddenly we were transported to the top of a very high mountain. We were on a cold, rocky ledge
and there was a bitter wind blowing. She was standing on the edge of the ledge, and to my amazement
I heard the Lord say to her, "Jump!" At the same point, because I wanted to help her, the Lord made
me realize that my job with her was finished, and that now she was in His hands alone. With no
hesitation at all, she jumped. I watched her fall a long way. Suddenly, the rock of the mountain itself
leaped out, and became reddish stone wings for her. She spread these wings out and came out of the
dive beautifully.
This dream occurred while I was away on vacation, and was concerning a dear friend who was
going through a particularly difficult time. God was showing me that the trials she was going
through were for the purpose of her growing trust and obedience, and that when she did, God
would come through for her in a very special, even supernatural, way.
I was vacationing with my family in a beautiful glass and oak resort built on the edge of an ocean.
I thought it very beautiful, but much too fragile for its location. Roger had both girls by the hands
and had taken a walk out on a cement pier reaching out into the ocean. I was inside the building,
looking out of some French doors. I turned inside for a moment, then heard a shout: "Look at that!"
I turned and saw that a fierce wind had whipped up the whole ocean into whitecaps, even the little
waves inside the beach area. Approaching the pier were two tidal waves approaching very
quickly. Roger and the girls had returned, and were walking beside the house on a cement ledge
hemmed in with metal hand rails. I called my girls by name: "Come here RIGHT NOW!" They
turned and began to run toward me. I saw the first wave cover my youngest up to her armpits.
She did manage to get free and run toward me with her sister. The dream ended there suddenly.
After the dream, I awoke with a strong feeling that God wanted me to intercede for my family,
like the way Abraham interceded for Lot's family. I reminded him of that, and asked for each
member's safety in the coming events, even including friends who are just as close as family.
The Glass House on the Mountain
A dream similar to the one above: I was on the top of a mountain, by my mother's house
which was made of glass and oak. I was outside looking in. I realized that it would not be strong
enough. A fierce wind began to whip up grass and leaves blowing everywhere. I went inside to
be with my family. I looked out a big window and saw below the mountain, in the valley, a huge
slowly rotating funnel cloud approaching in our direction. It was as big as a hurricane, and I knew
that our house would not withstand its power because it was mostly built of glass.
The mountain is the kingdom of God, on which we stand. The house represents the Church, which
is too fragile in its current form to withstand the coming judgment of God, and this concerns me.
I was walking in the dream with an older lady who resembled Nancy Reagan, on a path beside a
fast rushing river or stream. We were in a narrow canyon overhung by verdant, abundant plant
life. She was joking and laughing, and playfully leaned over the river. I grabbed the back of
her shirt, not very seriously, and as I did someone pushed me in from behind. The water was
sparkling and wonderful, not cold at all. We waded upstream, looking at all the glass houses
perched like pagodas hanging off the cliff sides of the canyon. We approached one built on an
island in the middle of the river. It was boat shaped, and inside it was equipped like a doctor's
office but very old-fashioned. I went inside and explored it with some pleasure.
This dream is about my personal journey in the Lord--I have a gift of discernment which is
used to examine various churches. The path is the Christian Life, and the river is the leading
and joy of the Holy Spirit 's anointing (The River of Life). The boat-shaped doctor's office
represents medicine or medical studies, which I will find to be an outdated method of
healing (compared with that wonderful river)!
In this dream I was invited by older, holy ladies to enter a large, white mansion. It was beautiful
inside, decorated luxuriously in white and green, my favorite colors. I was admiring everything.
I went up a stairwell, and was looking into the upper rooms. In one, I could see Asian Christians
in conference, praying and planning busily, working for the Kingdom. One Philippina woman went
out onto the balcony with her lover, and I could see them praying and singing as they looked out
over the fertile rice paddies and the people working in them. I could see that they loved their land
very much. I went back into the hallway and looked through some French doors into the stairwell.
A group of school girls passed me going up the stairs, as I descended. I stopped halfway down and
looked down into the banquet hall, which was all laid out with elegantly appointed tables for a
sumptuous banquet. The places were laid out quite far apart, with many pieces of silverware at each
one. There was a huge grand piano in the room, and wonderful music filled the air. There were
white, middle-class people seated at the tables with stiff, wooden attitudes of unthankfulness. One
family in particular stood out: a man, woman, and their son. The man was actually smoking, he
nonchalantly hid his cigarette below his chair as he lounged insolently. I saw this as the master called
everyone to rise for prayer. I was shocked and overwhelmed, especially because these people had
so much while we had scrimped to get by when we worked at the transition home, yet been grateful.
This caused me to weep, so hard, that the master looked up and caused his servants to come and
comfort me.
When I awoke, my heart was still very grieved over this dream, and I felt quite low the rest of
the morning. But this song was going through my head, too:
The River of God fills my mouth with laughter,
The River of Life fills my heart with cheer,
The river of God sets my feet advancing,
And we rejoice, for the River is here!
The dream was about the condition of the church today. God is pleased with the asian churches,
at how busily, prayerfully and carefully they plan for their land. They are a hardworking people,
and are also close to their "lover," Jesus. They will soon go down to a well-deserved supper with
the Lamb. Us Europeans or whites, however, who have had so very much in the West, have lost our
thankful attitude and will be judged for that. For even as some partake in the riches, they are in the
very act of secret sinning, thinking that they are not seen (but they are). In my distress, Jesus sent
his servants to comfort me with a song on my heart.
In this dream I was in a beautiful stone cathedral raised high above the land. I lived there, and I
was showing a young woman around--displaying the shining brass, glass, thick carpeting, and
general luxuriousness. I took her out onto a large balcony. Then we went back inside. I took
her along the hall, and she asked what was behind an office door. 'That's the vicar's office,' I said.
We could hear heavy breathing and the sound of fornication going on inside. I was very embarrassed
and said, 'don't worry, we'll soon take care of that!' I went to the next adjoining room, a small
utility closet, and turned off a switch. There was an immediate commotion from the vicar's office.
A woman then came out of the vicar's office at a run, entered the closet, and turned on the switch.
Then she went back into the vicar's office and the lewd sound resumed. 'Ho ho, you think that's
going to take care of the problem, do you!' I thought to myself. I went back, turned the light switch
back on, and with distaste looked in a window into the vicar's office. Below, in a pit, I could see
them still fornicating. Then, to clinch the matter, I locked the inner lock and pulled the door shut
behind me as I went out. Now, no one could turn off the light, ever!
Having taken care of that, I took my young friend out to the steps of the cathedral. Here there was
a large fountain of pure water coming from the base of the cathedral, running down the steps and
forming a river on the land below. I was musing on how we could make a safety rail in the water
so that the children could go play in it, when I woke up.
This dream again shows the condition of the church today. That very evening God sent someone
in church leadership to receive this word, as a warning to his church leadership that their secret
sexual sins would not be tolerated, and that they were going to be revealed once and for all. The
scripture associated with this dream is Ezekiel 34, concerning the evil shepherds who devour the sheep.
I was in our old house on the hill, a teenager, and content--sisters were agitated about going somewhere
(tacotime, I think) to eat with the youth group, and I was going along with them, but said maybe we should
eat first, since it would be a while before we'd be fed and I was hungry. Then the scene changed.
I went outside, and it was a different place--a dry, piney forest in the fall. There were pine needles
on the ground, and I was looking for mushrooms like I would do given such a situation. I was having
a good time, dawdling a bit. My sister was beside me, and was trying to hurry me because she wanted
to go back home. I wasn't listening to her--it was so beautiful out there, and I was enjoying myself.
I started to see some small mushrooms, and was getting excited.
Then it became winter. Snow was on the ground, and I was really having a great time now, because
I was finding loads and loads of really huge, wonderful, rare edible mushrooms poking up out of the snow.
I had a towel with me and was picking these great mushrooms, using my towel to carry them
(they were really big). There were many growing beside the shore, in huge bunches, more than I could pick.
I didn't even know if there might be some bad ones in the bunches, but thought I'd sort them out
later, when I was home.
I was so happy and excited about these mushrooms, that I didn't even notice how agitated my sister was
getting beside me. I was in a playful mood, and pushed her into a snowbank, then pulled her out
because she was being overwhelmed by the snow.
Finally I decided to follow her home, because she just got fed up with me and left. As I followed her,
I started feeling guilty because I could now see how cold she was getting. I started to get really concerned
for her, because she was turning blue. I began to see how ill-prepared she was for the wintry weather,
wearing flimsy Sunday shoes, stockings, a shortish skirt, and a fairly useless, fancy crocheted sweater
which was not keeping her very warm. She also didn't have a coat on, while I had a warm winter
jacket, warm sweater and pants, socks, and really warm, lined winter boots which were waterproof.
I wasn't feeling the cold at all, but she was dying of it.
She was walking very fast ahead of me, walking through a giant puddle of icy snow-melted water which
came well above her ankles and totally filled her flimsy shoes. I called to her to avoid the puddle, to come
walk around it where I was--the snow was firm, the water hadn't melted so far here. But she didn't listen,
because she was really cold and only wanted to get home as soon as possible. I finally caught up to her, and
was trying to get her to stop so that I could put my warm jacket on her--I was so warmly dressed that I
didn't really need it now anyway, and it would save her. But she wouldn't stop, and all I could
do was drape it over her shoulders as best as I could. And there the dream ended.
This dream really disturbed me, because it is prophetic and speaks of the equipping which we
as various churches have for the cold, bleak times coming ahead. Paradoxically, the times ahead will be
times also of great harvest; and those of us who are well equipped will be having a wonderful
time harvesting, not minding the exterior conditions, which God has equipped us for. Other
Christians will be ill-equipped for the times ahead. These Christians will be stressed greatly, even as if
their lives are being endangered. They will certainly not be having a good time, ignoring the harvest,
intent only on going home to be with Jesus! What a shame! At the last minute, there will be an awareness
and an attempt to help these cold, ill-equipped Christians by the well-equipped ones, but it will be too little,
to late. In this I'm reminded of the parable of the ten virgins. Please see Matthew chapter 25.
Boarding the Speedtrain in Japan
I had a very brief flash of the future, showing me and my children jumping on board the very fast
people mover train in Japan. I was concerned about the luggage getting on ok. That was all.
Another 'flash' dream, I was boarding a ferry crossing a canal or river in Czechoslovakia with my
children. The ferry was open to the elements, and a storm came up as we were crossing. I was
hanging desperately on to some support, also holding very tightly to my kids who were quite
frightened. That was it.
I was on board my father's medium-sized yacht in the Caribbean. The water was especially blue
and clear. I was dressed in a bikini, and dove off the edge of the yacht, swimming toward a
small island on which was a bar/restaurant. Another 'flash' dream.
Another 'flash' dream: I was in the kitchen washing dishes on a bright, sunny morning. Something
drew my attention and I went out onto the balcony to look into the driveway. I saw a tow truck
pull up. Then, below me, I could see our brown van parked in the driveway. It's front driver's side
was completely smashed inward, in a semicircular shape, compressing the steering wheel toward the
driver's seat. I realized that whoever was driving could not have survived such a crash.
Note: this van was a lemon. God graciously because of prayers kept it from getting into this accident
while it was in our hands. It gave out while I was driving to work, and so I sold it to a tow-truck
operator for sixty dollars. Yeah! Its gone! Dreams are used by God to give timely warnings--
as when Joseph was warned in a dream to take the baby Jesus and His mother to Egypt.
As I was driving one day I had a sudden vision of a four-door blue-green car of recent make with
rounded corners and a high rear. It was more than we could afford. The Lord said, "That's your car."
Vision fulfilled July 2000. Roger has bought us a Chrysler Intrepid, 4-door, blue green, a large
imposing car with plenty of room for kids and dog. We paid for it with tax return money.
Praise the Lord, for He does what He says he will do, and He is so
good to us His children. He knows our every need, and is gracious and compassionate.
Southeast Asia: Walking the Ditch
Another 'flash' dream: I was walking in a low ditch filled with water and with snakes, between
some rice paddies. I was in the middle of a line of people who were travelling. They were
Christians. I could see that although I was wearing tennis shoes, and was a little (not much)
protected from potential snake bites, to my amazement none of my asian companions were
wearing shoes of any kind. When I pointed this out to the man ahead of me, he suddenly seemed
to lose faith, became very fearful, and sure enough was bitten by a snake. I immediately healed
the snake bite in the name of Jesus, by laying on of hands, and the man's faith was restored.
In the dream I had a sudden glimpse of a man who was blind, deaf, and mute. I was trying to
save him, was reaching out with my hand to him, but he was dull and uncomprehending, smiling
in a dimwitted way. I was sorry for him, he was so close to being saved but was so insensible
to the fact that it was possible. I believe this dream shows the condition of much of humanity,
lost in sin and blind, deaf and dumb to the promise of salvation, which is actually so close to them.
In the dream, I'm invited to see a young man sing at a recital. The teacher is the Wagnerian drill sergeant
type, female. She does, however, like him a lot and thinks the world of him. She's proud of his accomplishments.
The chairs are arranged in a semicircle, and people arrive to hear him and others perform in the recital. His father
arrives too, and sits down. Everyone is happy, and expecting good things from him. The music starts,
and he starts to sing. There's a stir of discomfort, because the song he has chosen is his mother's song. As he sings,
and he sings well, he looks directly at his father. Then he sings his second song, and this time everyone
is really uncomfortable. The song he has chosen is the one his mother danced to in front of his father all those years
ago. I don't know what that song was, but what I hear is, "I'll love you, love you, love you for a million years..."
I was sleeping with my husband in a suite in a tower. I could see a man through the window:
he was rappelling up this tower, inch by painful inch. I could see that it required great exertion;
he was sweating and appeared to be at the limits of his strength. Finally, coming to the end of his strength,
he stopped climbing and just let go. This was deliberate. Fortunately he was wearing a parachute.
From the window, I looked down at him as he fell, fearful for his life. I was aware that the day was windy,
and cross currents could blow him into danger. I could also see that there was a slight problem with the
parachute. I was suddenly part of the team who was responsible for picking him up where he fell. He landed
OK, not hurt. I went along with the team, helping with the setting up and taking down of equipment.
In that place, there was fruit--strawberries grew on bushes like blueberries, and hazelnuts that were not quite
ripe but still tasted good hung from trees. I picked a strawberry to offer to him later. Then, I was sitting down
with the team to eat. I was sitting with female friends. He came by and sat down at the head of our
picnic table, and looked at me. As I looked at him back, it was as though I could see into his very soul,
and he knew it.
I was ocean fishing. I pulled in a large swordfish, which had the shape of the Oscar statue.
The prior dream, this one, and the following one all make reference to the same person.
I was in a large ship, like the Titanic. There were increasingly big waves, and the ship began to be in
trouble. I went out of it with a group of people, into a smaller craft. We went ashore a small island,
where we could watch the increasingly huge waves. I went out onto a sand spit, away from the crowd.
Unconcerned about the huge waves, I began fishing in a crevasse of clear, sparkling water using a
paper lure which was like a folded letter, in the shape of a dove. A silver salmon rose to the bait, but
then swerved away. Instead, a grouper took the bait. I lifted the fish out, and took it to show our
group leader, a woman who looked like my favorite cousin. She said it was a very good catch!
This dream is about evangelism. The ship represents the church, which is currently in trouble and
in stormy circumstances. Going ashore in a small craft represents a break-away group which is
kept safe, and which is able to ignore the troubling circumstances, safe in the assurance of Jesus.
Fishing represents evangelism, particularly using letters inspired by the Holy Spirit. "Salmon" is
a word-play on the word "Solomon" which refers to a Jewish person. "Grouper" refers to the
charismatic, leadership skills of a person about to be brought into the Kingdom, and of whom
there is great approval. I believe this person is the same one as the swordfish in the last dream.
I was in someone else's body, a woman on vacation, hitchhiking with her husband. They were
near an old fort on the West Coast, possibly in Washington or Oregon, beside a large awning.
They put down sleeping bags on the grass in front of the fort, and settled down for the night. In
the morning, very early, (I) awoke looking up in to the sky. As the sky became lighter, I could
just make out four strangely curling vapor trails in the sky, very high up. They became four
parachutes, the kind you can steer. As they came down, I could see that they were paratroopers
in blue and white uniforms. As two landed, they unfolded some futuristic, very lightweight, carbon
framed bicycles and got on them--one headed North, and one headed South on the I-5. The
other two agents walked purposefully toward the entrance to the fort. One pulled out a pistol with
a silencer, and swiftly, efficiently and very coldbloodedly shot my husband and I in the heart.
As I lay dying, I could see the fourth paratrooper skillfully picking the locked front door of this
old fort, which I realized must be a secret storage facility for weapons. I suddenly woke up.
This is another dream concerning a friend. I was walking up toward a large house, to go into
the basement suite. As I entered, I could see that it was a lot larger inside than it looked--there
were rooms the size of an auditorium, everything well appointed with good, if a bit old-fashioned
furniture. I was in a kitchen, where there were two huge, six-burner stoves in the old-fashioned
style and size. This kitchen was obviously designed to handle a lot of cooking! In the dining room
there was a huge table set for a dinner, but no one was there. On the walls were pictures of the
friends and large, extended family of the person's home. Nevertheless, this person had only been
in the place for one month before going away. I thought that was such a shame, especially since
He was going to be blessed with such a large family. But he had scorned it all, deciding to leave.
I went outside, to pick something to cook. I walked down the hill and into the first of two corn fields
that belonged to this young man. I was looking at the corn, realizing that it was really ready to
harvest, but that the young man had gone away and would not harvest it. It was such a shame, so
much waste. I crossed an irrigation ditch, noticing that a lot of the corn stalks had already
withered and were dry. I found a few good ears of corn and picked them, putting them in my
basket. I walked along a second ditch at the end of the second corn field, and was walking in
mud. Yet my shoes stayed clean. The young man approached, and was amazed that my feet
were clean, even though I had been walking in mud. I approached him to speak with him.
I was in my house, and I heard something in the dining room which I went to investigate. I saw
a thief climbing in from a vent under the window. This was not a negative thing, though, for this
thief was not coming to steal or destroy. In this dream I was reminded of Jesus' words, "Behold,
I come like a thief." It is about how close we are to the return of Jesus, and what an unexpected
event it will be.
This dream is a dramatic example of how God can bring his servants to divine appointments, if
they are willing listeners and are obedient. The dream began with me and my family travelling.
We got into a little boat and began to cross the cove. I fell out of the boat, and was swimming
in the waves, which were increasingly large. I felt no fear, though. I climbed onto a wooden pier.
I was then walking on a path beside a river, which was also somehow in a little, semi-circular
cove which faced south-east with the words "Barb cove" above it. It was in North Vancouver.
As I walked, I began to see a lot of fruit off to the side, huge fruits--strawberries, carrots,
peas, melons, all sorts of good things. I started to pick some and eat them, and also to put some
into my carry-sack. Then I saw some wonderful boots. I took off my old rubber boots,
and was realizing that these new boots were exactly my size! They were shiny hip waders,
beautiful and elegant as well as extremely functional.
This dream is about my personal journey, and about the equipping that God has in store for me.
The fruit refers to the fruit of the Spirit, found in Galations 5:22, and the boots are a reference to
"having your feet fitted with the readiness that comes with the gospel of peace" in Ephesians 6:15.
I realized that I was to go to this cove, which ended up being Deep Cove in North Vancouver.
I noticed that there was an Anglican conference on the Holy Spirit there one spring, and knew
that this was my divine appointment. When I went there, I was able to share the dream and also
people gathered around me to pray for me, and also a man prayed for my sinus infection to be
healed. I experienced a partial healing of it! An older lady, named Barb, agreed to pray for me too.
So the word of the Lord was fulfilled. The next Sunday, in my own church, a sister came
to me and said that God would be gradually healing the infection, "filtering my blood" so that it
the illness would gradually lose it's strength every time it recurred. I have been finding that this
is indeed happening! God does indeed take care of his kids wonderfully.
In the dream, I was approached by a man who attempted to stab me in the back at work.
Instead, I stabbed him and another man in the back.
I saw a father and two sons. There was a large, red tartan blanket on top of them. The son gave
the tartan to the father.
This dream concerns Scotland, and the red tartan represents a redemptive work which the Son
is presenting to the Father.
I was in a forest, on a path beside a huge, wonderful tree. It was about eight or ten feet diameter,
and had beautiful, smooth, papery bark the color of peach or rose marble. It was perfectly round,
massive, and reached up higher than I could see--probably all the way to heaven. I loved this tree,
and spent some time just caressing the smooth, soft bark and looking up at it.
Then, hunting bow in hand, I walked around the tree on a small path around it. I was hiding behind
the tree while waiting for my quarry to come within range on the small forest path beside the tree.
My compound bow I held fully drawn, armed with one arrow, completely ready. I waited in full
confidence and relaxation for the right moment.
As the magnificent stag came up the path toward me, I stepped into his path and loosed my arrow
both in a single motion. It flew straight into his heart and he dropped to the ground. As he fell, he turned
into a man. I walked toward him and started dressing the carcass, carving it into twelve pieces, which I
loaded onto my little red wagon. I pulled the full wagon home.
This dream is about the evangelism of Israel, which has twelve tribes. The tree is the tree of Life, which
is so beautiful to us believers in Christ. There is a man who's conversion through the piercing word of
God will initiate a coming together of Israel's tribes, the Jews, to be brought home through the (red wagon)
blood of the Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus). They of course will be brought home to the presence of their
Heavenly Father! My prayer is that I will indeed by God's instrument in this harvest work. Associated
scripture is the story of the Levite's concubine, whose sacrifice brought the unification of Israel's tribes
(Judges 19), the stag: Psalm 42 and Song of Solomon 2:8 and 8:14, the Tree, Genesis 2:9,
Jeremiah 23:5, the arrow, Lamentations 3.
I was coming out of a large, auditorium in a red, brick building. I was meeting someone for lunch.
I sat down on the curb with my bag lunch, noticing that the curb was painted yellow and that
cinquefoil had been planted with bark mulch just within the curb. The weather was extremely hot
and dry; I thought it might be late August or early September. There was also a lack of profuse
vegetation, I thought I must be somewhere in the prairies. It was also quite flat and bare, except
for a low hill I could see straight ahead of me, just behind a band of aspens and other trees. I
saw my lunch partner approaching, walking down a gravelly road toward me. He sat down with
me and took my hand to pray before the meal. I was very surprised to hear him say, "Father, I
thank you for showing me that Sandy is to be my wife," because I had never mentioned
this dream to him! I immediately woke up in shock.
I see myself and a blond man I know in profile. We are neck to neck, both pulling and working
together in perfect tandem like two horses in a team.
I was visiting a pilot friend of mine who works up north in this dream. He was driving a jeep,
showing me the area. As we drove up a hilly trail, a large bear came out and was threatening
us. It represented the Spiritual Principality of the region, a demon in power. I got out and
rebuked it in Jesus' name and it retreated, but kept looking back like it would still like to attack.
It turned toward us and charged, but, quite unfazed, I bound it in the name of Jesus and it left.
Meanwhile, my friend (a tall man) had fallen. I picked him up gently and carried him back
to the safety of the jeep. He is a lot bigger than I am, so this was rather surprising!
In this one I'm cooking and feeding breakfast to my husband and this pilot, a friend of long standing.
They are busily and happily discussing a work project, not really paying attention to the breakfast.
I am in a grumpy mood (maybe because its so early). The porridge I am serving out looks like
cooked bird seed, and I think that this must mean that in the circumstances of this time there is a lack
of regular food stuffs like oats!
My husband and I are standing beside each other, hand-in-hand on a promontory looking over a
city. I recognize that it is Calgary. I notice that my husband is wearing a moustache (no beard), which he
did not have in real life yet (that is, it is a surprise to me in this dream, because I don't really
like moustaches but there it is). We are feeling very happy about this new field of work!
My husband and I are sitting in a restaurant booth having lunch with another couple that we
know who live in Calgary. My husband gets up and leaves, and another man I know comes and sits
down beside me. I introduce him to my friends, who are quite surprised.
I am walking down a hospital hall with a male doctor. I am in a lab coat. I am arguing with him about the
Caesarean Section we have just finished; saying that there was really no need for the uterus to be raised
onto the abdomen and irrigated like it was. He is arguing that it is standard procedure, and my point
is that it is unnecessary.
In this vision I see first a dark-haired girl who is very demure and quite Jewish looking. The second
child is a small boy who is blond like his father. I can see that the anointing of his maternal grandfather,
the anointing/cloak of Elijah, rests on him. The girl's name is Ruth and the boy's name is Jedidiah. See
2 Samuel 12:24-25.
A dream about power: this dream is about the NO NAME revival God will bring on the Fraser
Valley. No name but Jesus! No one will be able to say this person or that person spearheaded this revival.
No, it began like a wildfire, with little fires of power breaking out all over, through small people.
Housewives like me, children, street people, teenagers, NO NAMES. God's power is going
to come on them, flow out of them, and blow away everyone!
In the dream, I was in my parent's church prayer room. The power of God came down on and through me
like a massive waterfall, going out to everyone around me for a radius of about four meters all around me.
Everyone was immediately slain in the Spirit, except for a few holdouts in the corner who's knees were bending
but weren't quite down yet (resisting). I waved my arm, leaning in their direction, and foom! they
went down under the Power of God! Praise the Lord! What an amazing thing it was!
Then for some time, people were drawn to me for healings and words of knowledge in the power of God.
These were flowing out of God's presence with no reservation. All were being healed, and the Words
were coming out of me and through me without my knowing what I said, but with undeniable wisdom,
power, and aptness. Everything was happening so fast it seemed like a blur.
I was concerned about the trap of pride, and my joy was somewhat blunted because of my concern
about this danger in me. I am relying on the prayers of the saints to intercede on my (and the others) behalf
to keep pride from us, since this power will be so drastic.
In the dream I am in a large, white marble mansion. I am cleaning in a room with a fireplace, trying
to vacuum the carpet thoroughly. This is difficult because I only have the small attachment, not the
large one. Nevertheless, I am doing as well as I can, working hard--even vacuuming under the carpet.
I then turn my attention to the mantelpiece, on which stand a jumble of trophies, all with silver totem
poles on the top of them. I think that I should set them up neatly, but every time I set one up, the
totem pole on it offends me and I have to take it down. I finally give up, leaving them on a jumbled
heap on the floor. I decide to look around this palace, which I am told is mine! It is absolutely
beautiful, with a large hall/patio in which the ceiling is very high and there are white pillars. There
is sunlight streaming in the huge windows, which are covered in blowing white gauze curtains. The
room is full of beds of all kinds--for all sizes and ages of people. I see my girls each have a bed
here, and the sheets are still rumpled from them sleeping in them. I straighten the sheets out and
work happily, cleaning this room.
There are many symbolic elements in this dream. The palace which is mine represents my giftings
or God's equipping for me, God's place for me in His work. I am cleaning; which represents the
hard work of discernment and spiritual warfare, "cleaning house." I even am cleaning up where
people do not see, private areas of sin. I have a "Fire Place," a ministry in signs and wonders
which accumulates accolades of fame. These I am uncomfortable with because they are suggestive
of idolatry, and I leave them to move on to another area: dreams and visions, represented
by the beds and the windows in the next room. This area of gifting is beautiful and generously
appointed, even my daughters have a gift of dreams which I happily supervise, "cleaning up" interpretations.
I am trying to go to my pastor's house. It is very difficult to do this because the stairs are very
steep, and I find it very hard. But I finally make it; as I go in I see my pastor's oldest daughter's
boyfriend going by on his way out. I go into the kitchen; my pastor's wife gives me some refreshment
in the form of cookies and something to drink.
I was playing and working beside a small, bubbling river with other people. Then a call came to get going.
A car drove up, parked in the stream/river. I got in the back seat beside an old man who I treated as
someone with authority.
I was given a dove to hold--a beautiful dove, blue and green, iridescent. I enjoyed holding it--a great honor.
I stroked it, and it was content in my hands. Then the old man told me to give it to him, or to put it
down for just a minute. I did, and the dove disappeared. He gave me a small, metal key-chain toy
model of a dove instead! This was no fair exchange! I felt extreme loss, and scorn for the toy! For it
was only a counterfeit.
A dream calling for intercession and wisdom.
Power will be given to little people in the coming revival; this will make some leaders uncomfortable.
Their overcontrol of these gifted people can result in a loss of the outflow of the power of the Holy
Spirit in these circumstances; notably associated with the creation of avenues of ministry
within the existing structure of the Church. This dream warns that a balance must be struck within
the rightful oversight of new, highly gifted people emerging in revival times. These powerful,
sometimes radical and frightening new outflowings must be overseen but not taken away, not
over-controlled by older, respected and already established church leaders. This is a warning to Shepherds!
I see a man come up to a single lady I know. He is offering her a valuable gift, and she is very
happy to accept it. He is wearing a green coat and looks like a very nice man. I think he wants
to marry her.
The green coat signifies wealth; this man is wealthy as well as nice!
A young, single man who lived with us is in the dining room, I have been called by him to be introduced
to this lovely young girl. She has clear skin, shoulder-length fine, blond hair, and large eyes of an
indeterminate color. I notice that they are not blue. She speaks with a slight accent and uses
her hands a lot when she talks. She seems very young and vivacious, bubbly and beautiful. I can
see that she really is a treasure. The Lord says, "This is T****'s girl."
I had this vision very early in the morning, and in the afternoon related it to the fellow. It turned out that
he had been praying and weeping before God that very day for a wife. The vision was for his
This same young man is a singer and a musician of some merit. He has indicated that he feels called
to be a Christian performer. I had a dream in which my family went to visit him backstage. He was
very famous, a little tired but happy to see us: especially the young, blond teenage girl (my own
daughter?) with us. He gave us each a flower, pinning them himself. These were very expensive
orchids, and the nicest one, a blue one, he gave to the young girl, who was special to him.
I saw a couple in my church. Soon after, I had a dream concerning them. They were in an outdoor
area, preparing for and then conducting a large outdoor service. The man was preaching. I was
drawn to look at a young man who was helping out ushering and with chairs, and knew that he was
their son (though possibly their spiritual son). He was about sixteen.
Although I didn't know this at the time of the dream, this Jewish Christian couple had
been in ministry in the past and had taken time away to rest. They are also childless at this time.
I believe God will use them mightily, and also that they will somehow gain a son! How good our
Heavenly Father is to us, even as he was to Abraham. Sometimes all He requires is our faith.
I was in a large garden which had been carved out of the forest. It was ready for planting. There
were some beds in which flowers had just been planted, some prepared beds, and some
lightly tilled soil near the edge of the clearing. I went into the garden shed and looked around for
something to do. There was a bucket of sunflower seeds which I took, and began to scatter
handfuls of seeds on the tilled ground near the edge of the clearing near some trees. Most
of the seeds fell on good, prepared ground, but some fell on unprepared ground.
I didn't dig them in or anything, just left them to grow as they would. I was enjoying sowing
the seed, anticipating how nice this patch of sunflowers would look later in the season.
Soon the bucket was empty. I went back to the garden shed to see what else I could do. I saw
a large cardboard flat of young marigold-like flowers which were "Jews for Jesus" flowers. I
took the flat out to a nicely prepared, raised bed, and was about to start planting these flowers
when the Head Gardener came and stopped me.
"Sandy," he said, "You can't plant those flowers now. My assistants and I are going to plant
those flowers tomorrow after special preparation." Then he showed me how these
"Jews for Jesus" flowers were to be planted according to rule, in straight, measured out
lines, each in an exact placement. He also said these flowers had to be "heat pressurized"
before they would be ready for planting, and all these things I didn't know how to do.
He had taken out a single "Jews for Jesus" seedling and had been handling it while he
spoke to me, and I was concerned that the extra handling would harm the plant. I was also
concerned that it would not be left out of the planting because it had been removed
from the flat already.
I expressed my desire to help with the planting of these flowers the next day. Then I began to talk
about the sunflower patch I had planted earlier, and the Head Gardener smiled and approved
of my earlier work, saying it would look very nice.
This is a clear reference to the parable of the sower, Luke 8, 4-15.
The seed: the Word of God, the Gospel.
The sower: an evangelist or servant of God disseminating the Word
The Head Gardener: the Lord Jesus
Sunflowers: "Son flowers," children of God who arise when the
Word of God is planted deep in their hearts, Followers of the Son
(sunflowers are noted for always facing the sun).
Planted near the edge of the clearing: establishment of new
Christians in new areas of outreach or in hard to reach areas, in
other words, evangelism in missions
"Jews for Jesus" flowers: new Jewish believers in Jesus who
require special treatment in their planting, ie: special placement, as
well as a special treatment within the Law, and intensive preparatory
divine pressure for toughening and purification.
Great interpretation Sandy and I agree with all of it! We need to keep in
mind that the Lord is speaking specifically to us and we need to also look
for the current specific messages in dreams from the Lord. For example,
the dream appears to be saying that the time for the Jews to come into the
New Testament Covenant in Christ Jesus en masse is close at hand and it is
going to be a sovereign and planned work of God Himself ("Sandy," he said,
"You can't plant those flowers. My assistants and I are going to plant
those flowers tomorrow after special preparation.")
It is always good to look for relevant scriptural verification so that
your interpretation has heavenly witness:
2Cor 3:13-16
And not as Moses, which put a veil over his face, that the children
of Israel could not steadfastly look to the end of that which is
But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same
veil untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which veil is
done away in Christ.
But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the veil is upon their
It is obvious Sandy that you have a heart for the Jews before God and the
Lord is saying that there will be ones here and there (He had taken out a
single "Jews for Jesus" seedling and had been handling it while he spoke
to me) that will come into the rest of God in Christ but the Jewish nation
or people as a whole will have their appointed time "tomorrow!" Pity the
Head Gardener did not reply to your desire (I expressed my desire to help
with the planting of these flowers the next day) which would have been of
eschatological interest!
This line of thought could be taken further when you look at the
Sunflower plot of ground in relation to what God is saying to the
churches at the time of your dream. Planting seed which is to grow to
Sunflower plants and flowers correspond to the child inside pregnant women
of many dreams and visions. I would venture to say that your
interpretation of the Sunflower actually corresponds to the "man child"
company who is going to be in the express image and likeness of the
sun/Son ("new creature") and who is going to walk in the very footsteps of
Jesus from the time of its anointing! This is a big topic which the Lord
will unfold more and more henceforth.
So "Sunflower" pertains to the "Man Child Church" from Gentile
background and "Jews for Jesus" correspond to the Church from natural Jew
background. The planting and manifestation of the latter will follow the
former. In fulfilling the plan and purpose of God, these two will become
one in the sheep fold of the Head Gardener!
John 10:14-16
I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.
As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down
my life for the sheep.
And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must
bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one
Sandy (and readers) can you see how the Holy Spirit teaches and guides
into truth from divine dreams? We may not have all the answers but we can
rely on what God directly reveals to us each day! Yes, these are days of
great enlightenment for those whom God has called and chosen! Glory to
Deut 29:29
The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things
which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that
we may do all the words of this law.
1Cor 2:9-11
But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have
entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them
that love him.
But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit
searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.
For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man
which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the
Spirit of God.
A bit of background: My father was a medical missionary in West Africa for eight years when I was a
child, and this dream is set in the African mission I grew up in.
My father and I arrived at the mission. We were greeted by a middle-aged, unhappy Zebulon, the
man my father had trained when we were initially here. My father and I arrived alone-- no
one else from our family was with us. It was many years in the future--my father was quite a bit
older, so was I. In real life, my father and I both have prophetic gifts in the Spirit.
There was a war going on, and a lot of people were armed with fancy holstered pistols. I was also
armed but with a six-shooter, a .38 Special, and was wearing my sturdy leather gun belt and
holster from work (I've served as an armed guard in real life). People were impressed to see a
woman armed (this is a predominantly Muslim country, they don't see that often)--and it could be
seen that I was my father's daughter in truth. I was tired of carrying the heavy gun belt and ammo,
though, and seeing all the armed men, was relieved to take it off for a while. For some reason, I
still carried my gun with me.
Time passed...
Two very bad men approached the mission. One man was black, the other was white. They too were
armed. The white man seemed to be in charge. They went to the hospital to find my father (a doctor) and
I could see them marching the old man toward the building I was in. I really regretted taking off my gun
belt with the extra ammo, but had no sense of fear, only of courage and of a sound mind.
As they approached, I hid myself in the two-story building, which was solidly built with cement blocks
and sturdy blue metal doors. I went upstairs to the balcony, and was sniping at the men, who did not
know where the attack was coming from. I missed, though, because they were too far away to get a
proper target. As they returned fire, I got really low, and belly-crawled away to my left near some other
people. I heard a bullet whiz by my ear, but I was fine and was not hit. As the men came into the building,
I had an excellent opportunity for a shot at the white leader, only about three feet away and right at
his head (I was still above him). But as I squeezed the trigger, my gun misfired--there was no shot,
only a click. The man was alerted to my presence, though, and sent the black man upstairs to find and
eliminate me.
I was straddling the doors, climbing on the exterior wall, getting away from the approaching man.
He came onto the balcony, when I was hiding behind the blue metal door. As he came out,
I shot at his head, and again the gun jammed with only a click. The man tried to shoot at me, and
his gun misfired too! With his gun trained on me, he said, "Where's the money?!" I replied, "We are missionaries!
We only bring enough money to help the people. We live in the same way as the people! We don't
have any money, we are missionaries!" I was laughing at him, because he was so mistaken in this misguided
goal, to rob missionaries! He was absolutely surprised, and was full of terror at my lack of fear.
At this point, after trying to shoot him again, with a similar misfire, I decided to wrestle him to the ground
which I did. I was kneeling on his chest, and, tapping the back of the gun on the floor to
correct the jam, again tried to shoot him. This time the gun fired properly, but I could
not kill him--I actually saw the bullet bounce off the center of his neck, as though his neck
became a piece of solid metal!
I realized at that point that God was preventing me from killing this man, and also was preventing
the man from killing me. So I said to him, "If I let you go, will you get up and run away?"
He nodded eagerly. He then got up, and I saw him pick up his gun, and was wondering
(with no fear) whether he would try to shoot me again. I said, "yes, by all means, take
your gun. You will need it." He realized it was useless to try to shoot me, and, looking at me with
absolute terror on his face, turned and ran away. I understood then that God had allowed this black
man to escape to warn other bad men away from the mission, and perhaps because he would
himself become a believer because of this experience.
At this point, I saw another missionary approaching. He was naked and looked beaten up, but I was
happy to see him and gave him a big hug. I welcomed him to come into the building with great
joy, with my right arm around his shoulders. We entered the main door of the building, and I
could see that the evil white man had tied the old man to a bed, and had been torturing him
horribly. The old man, who I then realized was my father, was dead and was missing a lot of flesh
from his upper body--the bones of his ribs were showing, and his head had been
separated from his body. The white bed sheet was covered in his blood, it was a horrible scene.
Nevertheless, the only feeling I had was relief that his struggle and suffering was over, and
gladness that he was going to his rich reward: see Rev. 7:13.
"Look who has arrived," I said to the evil white man, who was still at the foot of the bed
looking at my dead father. Then in a single motion, as he looked around at us, I brought
up the gun and shot him right in the middle of his stomach, through his aorta, killing him
instantly. The friend with me was astonished and shocked, until I opened the gun cylinder to
show him that the killing shot had used the single remaining bullet left. And I knew God had
allowed that shot to go straight in. I was simply glad that the vermin was dead.
Afterward I was astonished at how fearless, strong, able, and courageous I'd been, and realized
that God had given me supernatural ability to fight as a warrior with even no repugnance at the
horrible scene at the end. I was even able to laugh at the black man. I had fought with
great joy and courage, and was able to overcome.
I was at the beach, enjoying a nice day. Suddenly I saw a tidal wave approaching. It was sucking
all the water away as it came, and was huge. Everyone was panicking and running away. I didn't
because I knew that running away would be of no use. Instead, I ran forward and dove straight
into the oncoming wave, holding my breath for a long time as I swam right through it. I was OK.
In this dream I was in a high rise building which represents the church. There were many people with me,
rushing about and trying to plan what to do because we knew that this great tidal wave was coming--a
tidal wave of the same magnitude as that shown in Deep Impact. This is the coming Judgment of God.
I had my young daughter with me. We were racing against the clock, and I was hurrying her up
the stairs to reach the roof of the high rise. There was a long, strong pole there, and I took a white
sweater and tied her securely on to the pole. Then I took her face in my hands, and looking directly
at her with urgency and firmness, told her, "Look (go) straight into the water, don't be afraid. It's
going to cover you, and you're going to have to hold your breath for a long time, so take a deep breath!"
I had no thought of my own safety, and knew that I and the people with me might perish. But I
thought that my daughter had a good chance of surviving, if she did what I told her to do.
I believe this speaks of the prophetic word to the church in these days just prior to judgment. The
prophets have all said that the only sure preparation for judgment is to cling to the tree of life, the cross,
to be tied firmly to it by the righteousness of Christ (white sweater). We are instructing people not to run
from the coming judgment, but to face it bravely, having breathed deep of the Spirit in preparation.
But there is the knowledge that some may sacrifice themselves for others'survival during this
time, while others will be totally unprepared and will perish.
In this dream I am in a house, with many people gathered. We can see a massive storm system
advancing in our direction. I get everyone to get down into the crawl space under the house, to
lie down with their heads in pillows. This is so that they can breathe while the huge tornado whips
up dust. We wait for a long time for the storm to arrive, and I am dismayed to see some people
give up, and get up and leave. I know that they are doomed. I can still see the storm advancing,
I raise my head to look out the window from this entirely inadequate shelter. But I know that if
we are obedient we will be kept from harm. Suddenly it is upon us! We all breathe through our
pillows. The storm comes over us, and I can feel that it is like the skin is being flayed from my
back from the power of the wind. Then it passes, and I am surprised to see how untouched we are.
This is yet another dream warning of impending disaster. The storm or tornado represents the
coming Judgment of God, which is steadily advancing but which will take time to come. Some
people will lose patience and in lack of faith and obedience will go their own way to destruction.
But those who are obedient to the instructions of God through his servants the prophets will
survive, indeed, be untouched by the coming events.
I am beside our house with my dog. We are examining a hole underneath the house which is large
enough for us to enter--as large as a doorway. The crawl space under the house is not a pleasant place
to go into because we live in a delta and it is usually wet, soggy, and maybe even has sewage down there.
But when we do go down there, I am surprised to see that it is dry, and built out like a garage.
I am also VERY surprised to see that many homeless cats have made their homes there, and are
curled on shelves, in boxes, quite comfortably blinking up at me. They are in surprisingly good shape,
and there are some unusual, rare, costly kinds. Some have even had kittens. I think, what a shame so
many cats--some very nice ones, don't have homes to go to--and I decide to take two very nice
kittens to adopt.
INTERPRETATION: A house refers to the church within our society.
My dog and I investigating represents a gift of discernment of spirits, we are therefore investigating
the foundations or the underside (seldom seen) area of our society, or the church, which is usually a foul place.
The cats are the homeless people who live "in the crawl space" of our society. Their spirits are
beautiful and diverse. I am surprised to see them in such abundance, and I take in two of them.
In church I had a vision of gold dust caught in the crevasse of a large rock in behind a waterfall.
In obedience to the Lord, I submitted it to the Body for interpretation. A sister gave a wonderful
interpretation about how we are precious in the Lord's sight; that we hide ourselves away in the
cleft of the Rock but that as the water comes down from heaven to water the land, and to
cleanse us, the Lord will cause us to grow and to shine with His glory. Many people were
touched, and the altar call brought many people forward. Praise the Lord! This is how the Body of
God was meant to work in Christ for the salvation of the Lost. A prime example!
I am hiking easily, pleasantly up a mountain such as they have in California--rocky, dry, pine trees,
and some grass. I am not sure where I'm going, trying to get home, but I know that if I go up I will
eventually find the top and will be able to find my way home. As I climb higher, it is more and more
difficult to climb. At last, I am forced to climb up by the branches of pine trees, from tree to
tree ever upward. I look down at the ground and can see that it is sandy, steep and very unstable, and
whole sections of the mountain are threatening to fall away. But I know I am going to be ok,
because I am skillfully climbing very rapidly up the mountain and will soon be at the top. As I near the top,
I hear my daughter calling me, and I know that I am very close to home--I call back to her, and climb
faster. When I reach the top, I notice soft areas which are bulging slightly. I put my hand to the
ground near them, and find that the ground is warming up. I realize that this mountain is a volcano. I
can see the ground bulging--the eruption is imminent. Parties of people are climbing in groups to the top,
and they do not realize that the volcano is about to explode.
Before I warn them (which I know they will not believe anyway), I notice many verdant cacti growing
on the ground. I know some are edible and will provide water, and I begin to teach the people
which cacti are good to eat, and how to prepare them.
Then I awoke suddenly. I was awakened by a violent wind storm outside the house.
INTERPRETATION: Climbing up the mountain: the Christian walk toward the Kingdom of heaven,
which is our home.
Climbing on the branch: increasing intimacy with Christ, who is the Branch, as the way becomes more
and more difficult.
Increasing skill: greater ability and grace in the kingdom associated with intimacy with Christ
My daughter's call: the prophetic call to the people as we near the end, calling us home. My daughter is
an active dreamer in the prophetic, even though she is only four years old--much more gifted than me.
She dreams of heaven itself, and accurately describes it to me.
Imminent Volcanic Eruption: the closeness of Tribulation
Parties of people: church bodies also approaching the kingdom, who are unaware of the immanence of
Cacti: divine provision in times of trial: food, and water. Cacti are used as survival food, are outwardly
discouraging but often yield unexpectedly pleasant results with proper knowledge and preparation
Teaching the people: gifts of teaching for the people for their safety and provision during the dangerous
times approaching Tribulation.
I was walking with an elderly friend of the family who has known me since I was a small child,
searching for and picking mushrooms (this favorite activity of mine is used by God as an analogy for
evangelism). We were walking among trees beside a large body of water. Some of the mushrooms were clean,
white and full, but some (two small ones in particular) of the good mushrooms were submerged in mire
at the roots of the trees. I had to plunge my hand into the gross muck to pluck them out. After cleaning
them up, though, I could see they were good. But some of the mushrooms, one in particular, had a lewd
appearance. Nevertheless, it too was a good one, and I broke it open with my teeth with some
enjoyment. I was showing the different kinds of mushrooms to my old friend, explaining the
characteristics and telling their names.
I left that activity and began to walk purposefully toward a forested hill, following a path. My children
appeared briefly, and I gave them permission to run and play. I followed the path, going past a biker's
hangout, and saw a handsome but evil biker watching me pass. He had an expression of desire, hatred
and impotence on his face. I knew that he could not harm me, and even almost wanted him to
try something so that I could "whip his butt." But I passed on, singing a song about the blood of
I approached the foot of the hill, and began to climb. The evergreen forest became straggly, and the
ground became very dry, arid, rocky and extreme. As I climbed, I was joined by my mother and
by a young oriental man who was dressed as I was, in a military uniform. My mother told us to
turn aside to go to church. She told me to smarten up, first. I looked down at myself, and noticed
that my shirt tails weren't tucked in, and neither was the young man's. We tucked them in,
and entered the small, old-fashioned, wooden church. It was crowded in there. We went to the last
couple of aisles, and found places to sit. The pastor was a youngish man, a little overweight but very
humble, and dressed in a formal black suit. He was compassionate and full of the anointing
of the Lord. He was instructing the congregation, walking among them and talking. He said
the topic of the sermon today would be dreams. I looked at my mother, and she looked at me,
laughing and repentant, because in real life she has been saying lately to me in an
impatient tone, "I wish you wouldn't always talk about your dreams. You're getting
so spiritually minded that you are no earthly good!" So she was repentant. But I had never
held it against her anyway. Then the pastor started talking about tithing, and I was overcome
by repentance, bent over weeping and weeping because circumstances had not allowed
me to tithe properly, and also because the strong presence of the Holy Spirit often causes me to
weep. Beside me, an elderly prophetess, Grandma Sperling, was asked by the congregation, "Do
you believe in the ten percent rule?" She replied, "No, I do not believe in the ten percent rule."
(people were shocked) "I believe in the 'open your mouth and I will pour into it'
rule." You see, God was speaking through her.
The congregation was filled with older people. I had the impression that this was a congregation of
mature Christians, strong in the Lord. The power of God in the place, and the worship was incredible.
There were mostly new songs being sung, but also a few oldies but goodies.
As I woke up, this song was still on my mind:
I'm so glad I'm a part of the family of God,
I've been washed in the fountain;
Cleansed by His blood!
Joint heirs with Jesus as we travel this sod,
I'm a part of the family, the family of God!
You may notice we say brother and sister round here,
It's because we're a family, and our friends are so dear...
Sandy, perhaps picking up, identifying and tasting mushrooms in this
dream represent doctrines that we are exposed to in the churches today
(We were walking among trees beside a large body of water). In this dream
you are being shown two particular doctrines which are at the root of
Christian life (tree of righteousness) but which are in need of rescuing,
cleaning and clarifying from the muck of confusion and improper use. These
two doctrines were to be identified later on in this dream.
The path up the forested hill that you climbed could be portraying the
higher levels of prophetic insight and ability that you (the prophetic
ministry) has been called to attain to. When you have set your mind on
this path your potential enemies will be left impotent by the very nature
of the calling of God (He had an expression of desire, hatred and
impotence on his face. I knew that he could not harm me).The hill also
represents testings and trials that are necessary for prophetic
folks/soldiers to go through in order to ascend prophetic heights in God.
(The evergreen forest became straggly, and the ground became very dry,
arid, rocky and extreme.)
The prophetic anointing at such heights of prophetic ability (the small,
old-fashioned, wooden church) will be able to clarify Christian doctrines
that are confusing and which many struggle with. One doctrine is Christian
dreams which many do not believe in or do not totally believe in, as
personified by your mother. Well, anointed prophetic insight as
personified by the compassionate pastor who was full of the anointing of
the Lord, verifies and establishes the credibility of divinely given
The other doctrine identified for clarification in this dream is
tithing. Many will be shocked to learn that tithing as a law or as a
rule is non existent under the New Testament Covenant of God which is
overwhelmingly about the free and abundant grace and provision of God
through Jesus Christ ("I believe in the 'open your mouth and I will pour
into it' rule."). The same Jesus actually owns all that believers in Him
possess and this includes one's bank account as we are stewards of that
which all belongs to the Lord. This is perhaps the key to our 'open your
mouth and I will pour into it' blessing.
1Cor 6:19
What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost
which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
1Cor 6:20
For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body,
and in your spirit, which are God's.
In this perspective, the tithe can only be seen as a possible guide in how
much of one's wages should one give to the local church. No one should
ever be in bondage or in guilt if she cannot give her regular offering to
the local church for some legitimate reason that her heavenly Father fully
understands. We all understand that we ought to give money regularly for
the proper functioning of the church that we attend and believe in. This
church ought to be a spiritual family wherein is the love, joy and peace
of your song (I'm so glad I'm a part of the family of God), and not a
business wherein is the rigidity of rules and regulations which are of
this world. Colossians 2:14, 2:20
During a prayer meeting at Sunshine Hills, we wept and prayed for revival in our church and in our
city. As I wept, I saw on the back of my eyelids a golden tabernacle on a hill, which was a
beacon of light, like a great sunburst of light to the land. Our church sits on the highest point
of our local city, and this vision showed how God will cause it to become a precious light
drawing people to Salvation in Jesus. What a precious blessing!
I was alongside a vast field of ripe wheat. I grabbed a handful of them, and was marvelling at
their beauty and fullness. Each wheat head was completely full of perfectly ripe, plump grains.
This dream represents the fullness of the harvest. The Lord Jesus said, "Do you not say, 'Four
months more and then the harvest?' I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are
ripe for harvest! Even now the reaper draws his wages, even now he harvests the crop for
eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together." John 4:35, 36
Just a note, this dream was given in May, an actual four months before harvest season in September.
In the dream, I was sadly going through the old, fallen down old house,
which had been so beautiful to me long ago. I was with my Mom, and I was
plucking off beautiful and precious trinkets hanging from the walls,
because the house would be destroyed. I fell into the basement (we had no
basement) which was full of hay. I think this hay was "Fodder for the
fire" and I hurriedly climbed up a log to get out of there, away from
snakes in the hay and because soon the place would be destroyed. I was so
sad about this, because I had spent my first years in this house, and
loved it.
I normally try to get a feel for the whole dream and try to get a
revelation of the general meaning and application before I look at the
details of the dream - bearing in mind that the core of my interpretation
must come from the words of the dream. The general message of this dream
is about a house/home that the dreamer belonged to that was/is about to be
destroyed. Now homes in dreams often speak of our spiritual homes. That is
our local church, home group or ministry group. They could refer to our
literal home but this is often not the case in dreams. In seeking the
Lord�s guidance concerning purchasing a Laptop computer, two dreams
referred to the Laptop as a new house. I guess it now houses everything
that is involved in Daystar Ministry!
This dreamer�s house highlights trinkets on the wall which were being
taken down because the house was to be destroyed. Here I am reminded of a
corresponding scripture that may be applicable.
Phil 3:7-11
But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.
Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of
the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the
loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win
And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of
the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the
righteousness which is of God by faith:
That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the
fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;
If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.
Now the dream also highlighted a basement that was not there in real
life. Immediately I am sensing that it has to do with some hidden
accompaniment to this house, church or church movement. The basement was
full of hay that was destined for the fire and in which were snakes. This
statement speaks volumes and gives us more discernment as to what the
basement represents. The fact that the dreamer fell into this hidden
basement speaks of sudden discovery, revelation or realization which she
did not have before.
Snakes speak of demon spirits and hay speaks of the things of the flesh,
of sin and of the world. Most likely snakes here speak of doctrines and
manifestations of demons and of men.
1 Tim 4:1
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some
shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and
doctrines of devils;
Perhaps the church or church movement that the dreamer belongs to at
present houses such a basement. She is being warned in this dream that
this house is going to be destroyed!
Sandy comments: This interpretation is very apt; I believe that the church the dream
house represents is the denomination of my youth; the North American Baptist Conference.
I further believe the trinkets to be people and teachings of value which I will attempt to
save from the coming judgment. Thank you, Pastor Paula.
Just before going to sleep on a Sunday night I had a brief vision. I saw an enormous eagle,
with wings outstretched. I was viewing it from below, and it's wings stretched right across my vision.
Immediately afterwards, I saw upturned faces of different races: I knew they were servants of God,
listening to Him intently with great joy on their faces. Each one was shown individually briefly, then
on to the next. It was as though God was looking at each one with great love and intentness.
The Lord is showing me the spiritual nature of His obedient servants in the form of a great, fearless
eagle. "But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like
eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
In this dream I was travelling, then I was in a temporary shelter in which was a lot of fruit. I ate
some good fruit. Somehow I gained a couple of monkeys on my back, one from my childhood,
and another, smaller black one. I was friendly with them, like they were pets. Then I went on
to a ferry, on which there were other people. They were excitedly jumping into the water, which
was waist high. I jumped in too, and as I did the monkeys fell off my back and were lost in the
water. Then I turned to look: a wave about ceiling high was approaching from the bank or
shore. Barefoot surfing on top was a girl in ministry that I know of! Then suddenly I felt a slimy
thing brush against my foot. Reaching down, I caught hold of it. It was a long, huge eel or
hagfish which was about nine feet long and black in color. I was repulsed, and threw it away
from me.
This symbolic dream represents the coming of the revival in our churches. The wave is a move
of the Spirit which will reach over our heads, in which we will be totally submerged. It will
be heralded in our church by this girl, perhaps even brought in by her. The serpent-like thing
in the water represents a spirit of pride, which will be caught, identified, and tossed away from us.
On Thanksgiving I was feeling poorly. I was concerned because I had signed up to work for 4 days in a very
physical capacity, lifting and carrying a lot. I was not well enough and I prayed asking the Lord to heal me.
I'd had a poor night, because of a backache and sinus infection. I woke up when my husband got up at around
5:30, and I felt awful--not rested, and with a backache still. I remembered a dream I'd just had in
which I'd sat with a group of doctors at rest, and a lady doctor watched me as I twisted and turned trying
to get comfortable with a sore back (all this in my sleep!). Then she said, "you must have the flu." I
agreed, because I had a terrible backache, neck and headache, some fever, and was weak.
I went back to sleep with a song of thanksgiving on my mind, and I had another dream.
In this dream, I was driving along a mountain road, with a lot of turns. I was descending. I then came to
the end of the road, got out, and went on foot. I soon was climbing not a mountain, but a castle. I was
asking directions from a young local boy, and he showed me the right way. I came to the end of the
path, which was on a sharp pinnacle overlooking the water. I thought I would have to jump in the water.
Suddenly I was sitting on a pier in the water.
I was watching a line-up of people with arthritic feet, walking through the shallow sea water barefoot
on sharp, obviously painful corals. They were in a line-up for healing--all were going toward toward a
couple who were baptizing, then giving each one communion. In tears, I said to them, "I hope your feet
will be healed!" I was reminded of Lourdes.
Suddenly the scene changed, and I saw a stong, tall matronly nun standing and beaming at me. I knew she
was an angel! I said, "You're an angel, aren't you!" and she just smiled at me. Then I was back at the
previous scene.
I leaned over and placed my hand on top of those of the praying couple, and joined in the healing praying.
I too took communion. I felt the power of God going through us to the person we were praying for. The
woman looked up surprised at me, then suddenly she placed her hand on the side of my head where my sinus
infection was, and I felt the power of God healing my infection. The dream ended.
When I woke up at 7:30, I was completely well. I also felt extraordinarily rested, after having had such a
interrupted night! Praise the Lord! I was able to go to work well and strong. Thank you Jesus!
Further Interpretation: The travelling represents the journey of my life, which has had many turns.
The vehicle represents a ministry which I am no longer a part of, having struck out in another direction.
The castle represents an organization, my workplace which is now my area of ministry. I will soon
come to a place where I must stop my involvement in this company, and from there I will be
suddenly transported to an area of ministry in the water of revival/renewal.
There I will be in a watching position for a time, and will be moved to compassion concerning the pain of
a particular ailment, that of Arthritis. This may also involve ministry to people who have
trouble evangelizing (the symbolic meaning of aged, ailing feet among believers). I will become
involved in healing with a couple through prayer, Communion, and Baptism. Here there is
an encounter or interlude involving an angelic messenger. I will become directly involved
in laying on of hands. During active healing, I will also receive healing from the hand of God.
This dream of Sunday, Feb. 20, 2000 was followed by the three visions coming up next.
In the dream, I saw in the sky a line of bluish-black/grey combat helicopters advancing
to the right. Coming towards them was a ribbon of lines of red helicopters, arranged
in rows of five or six, stretching back to the horizon ,advancing to the left. I felt this
represented a war between a technologically advanced group, and a "red" or
communist, less technically advanced but more numerous group. War! See
Rev. 6:4
I saw in a vision a net of diamonds superimposed on the face of an indistinct
map. There were large diamonds, then chains of smaller diamonds
interconnecting between them. The words "safety net" came above them.
This represents the "safety net" of hardy, transparent and precious saints that
God will establish during times of trial and tribulation to save and preserve
His saints. It is beautiful and functional, like a hair net--not one hair will be
harmed except with the Father's permission. God will preserve us.
I saw a vision of a bear sleeping in my bedroom, at the foot of my bed but not on it.
This represents Russia, which is a close, sleeping, danger which will someday awaken.
After that vision, I had another in which I saw God's finger coming down. It had
a gold "C" on the tip of it, representing Canada. God is about to touch Canada.
Thank you Jesus!
In this early-morning vision, I saw flames at first. When I looked closer, I saw that the
flames' tips were curling over towards each other, so that they looked like hearts.
In this dream of May 24, I was in a large castle's main hall, kindling a small fire in a huge fireplace.
I left the room to get my daughter. When I returned, I saw that the fire had grown so large, it was
reaching up and around the chimney, and was setting the whole building ablaze! I left the room
again to call for help then came back in to get my daughter. I was startled to see the whole
room was filled with Christian Reformed people "dining out," who looked at me in some surprise.
Interpretation: the people of our area are praying for revival at the time of this dream. Thus I
represent these interceding christians, "kindling the flames" of revival. Next thing we know, the
flames of revival will be threatening to destroy the "castle" of our institutional church system, which
will cause some panic and consternation. We will come to see this as not a bad thing, but as
something which allows us to feed people outside of our denominational affiliation, especially
Christian Reformed people, who will be fed outside of their church--in the flames of this
coming revival.
I was telling someone I know very well who is nearing retirement age that he would marry
again in this dream. The response was laughter, and I was reminded of Abraham and Sarah. Then I
distinctly heard the word "Keturrah" spoken in the spirit: this was the word of the promise to this man.
Then in the same dream I saw my grandmother healthy again, and she was at our door bringing a
hot meal of roast beef and gravy to my husband and kids (I often work evenings, so they appreciate
a hot meal). Right now she is struggling with illness and is weak and "old." In the dream she was
restored to her former strength, enough to do this service!
I then saw my uncle weeping and mourning over the loss of his father, who had had a couple of
strokes and then had died after a few weeks. This has not happened yet, it is an insight into a
future event for the purposes of God.
I was in Jesus' carpenter shop in this dream, and I was like a little child there learning from him as he
worked on a slim board of cedar. I could smell the cedar and the sweat from his simply colored flowing
clothing. He was showing me how to use a manual drill made out of a piece of wood and a string wound
around a sharp needle-like drill. He showed me how to use the drill by drilling a hole into one corner
of the board. The hole was conical, and perfect. He then gave me the drill and I drilled the hole in the
other corner. This hole was not as perfect, but was good enough and he was pleased with my effort.
In this dream I watched as my Dad was assailed by an evil poltergeist-like spirit of the air. It
pestered him, and he was puzzled as to where it came from and what it was trying to accomplish.
The spirit tried with great force to destroy him, but could not. In fact, I even saw a gun shot at
him, but the several bullets simply slowed down in the air and fell to the ground.
He then was approached by a child spirit who revealed to him a great crime--a murder--which
was committed by those who sent the evil spirit. With this knowledge he went out to do
battle. As he went I was actively praying and interceding for him, pleading the Blood of Jesus
over him as he went. The method of warfare was different: he approached a great Mango
tree with spreading branches laden with fruit, and picking up the fruits which had fallen to the
ground, was flinging them back into the tree! This represents a ministry restoring the
Spiritual gifts back into the body of the Church!
from Yeshua, the Lord of Love, the Prince of Peace, El Shaddai
Aren't you tired of your petty parlour tricks,
of being pushed around by paltry demons?
Wouldn't you like to make the blind see,
the deaf hear, the lame jump with joy?
You've already learned that for power
you must deny the flesh.
Walk the path of obedience.
I made you that way--
Flesh is controlled by spirit.
My spirit made this world, made even those demons.
You are made to be filled with Me.
My men rode the whirlwind, calmed the sea.
Called down fire from heaven, fed multitudes.
Lived 300, 600, 900 long years. Raised the dead.
Daniel's angels
Closed the mouths of lions.
He saw the future, right to the end.
Did Houdini live for 3 days wrapped in seaweed,
in the belly of a fish, at the bottom of the sea?
My Patrick beat all the druids of Ireland.
Even Mayan pride was conquered by Christ.
Kings in gold bowed to a carpenter,
Laid down their glory and picked up a crown.
The end of days is upon us.
See, I raise up my army.
Where are My Moses, Daniels, Davids, Deborahs?
Elijah will walk again.
Are you he?
Come, follow Me.
You can contact me at <rogerve@yahoo.com>
This page created by C. L. Van Eysinga, c. 2005.