The Way We Are
This page is about our family and the way we live.
Our family, summer of 2004
Roger and I married in the summer of 1988. Roger works as an RV mechanic.
I've worked at various jobs in between taking my Biology degree and Associate
of Arts degree: in security, reception, as an ECG tech, an armed guard (3 yrs)
and as an heir finder.
Right now I'm working at home as a consultant doing some writing, editing and
supplying artwork/photographs for various projects. It is interesting and varied
work and allows me to care for my toddler and my grandma, who is often sick at
home. It also allows me to be a mom that is available for taxi service, throwing
parties and handling various crises:
"Mom, I forgot my lunch! Can you bring it over? Also my theory book? Thanks!"
-----Evie or Ina calling from school, gratefully.
We really enjoy living in Chilliwack, British Columbia, which is beautiful.
It has lots of fun activities: lakes, mountains and forests to enjoy in the
summer, skiing in the winter. Roger loves to ski.
We are heavily involved at our Pentecostal church, Glad Tidings Fellowship.
The girls attend Highroad Academy, a terrific Christian school.
Wedding Pictures
Baby Pictures!
Evie (1992), Ina (1994), and Trinity (2003)
We are expecting our 4th baby in November 2005. Picture to come!
For the kids out there, a link to a page about our Pets...
You can contact me at <>
This page updated by C. L. Van Eysinga, c. 2005.