About Me
Hi, my name is Lesly  Browning and I am from  West Virginia.
   I am a Sophmore at Marsh Fork High School. One of my favorite things to do is cheer!!!
My Hobbies
My hobbies include
Talking on the Phone
Hanging out with Friends
Reading Magazines
Playing Playstation
Meeting New People Online
Watching Television
Listening to Music
My Friends
Here's a list of my friends and what I like about them:
Sylvia-Me and Sylvia have been friends since we met in preschool. 

Morgan- Morgan is really sweet and funny.  She is one of my best friends!

Amber- Amber is really nice and sweet and VERY funny! I'd say she one of my funniest friends, and she is very fun to be around.

Mandy- Me and Mandy are cousins and best friends. We're practically like sisters-we are together all the time.

Ashley- Ashley is one of the happiest people I've ever met-she is always smiling.  She's a junior this year.  She is super sweet, nice, and caring.
My Birthday is July 3rd, I am a Cancerian.
Click here for my list of online friends.