![]() The capital city is Chandigarh. This state is quite vast with an area of approximately 44,250 thousand sq kms. Hariyana was carved out of Punjab after India became independent.This place is a weekend spot for people from Delhi and other neighbouring states. It is a high cultured state and a very importent tourist spot of Notrhern India. The state was the home of the legendry Bharata dynasty, which has given the name "Bharat" to India, Haryana is immortalised in the great epic Mahabharata. Kurukshetra, the scene of the epic battle between the Kaurvas and the Pandavas, is situated in Haryana. The state continued to play a leading role in the history of India till the advent of Muslims and the rise of Delhi as the imperial capital of India. Thereafter, Haryana functioned as an subordinate state to Delhi. But this state was not populer till the first war of India's Independence in 1857, when the people of Haryana joined the leaders of India in revolt against the British Government. Haryana has no perennial river. The river Ghaggar flows through the northern fringes of the state. The climate is very hot in summer and cold in winter.
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