This is the Mod era shelf in my cabinet. I just love those bright funky clothes!

This 1970 tnt Stacey wearing Made For Each Other from 1969 is one of my favorites!

This is one of my favorite Francie outfits- Peach Plush(aka Perfectly Great) from 1971. It is being modeled by HairHappenin's Francie 1970-71.

This is a vintage Living Barbie flicker disk. I have several of them that I got off the internet, but I have no idea what they were meant for. I'm guessing they came with the fan club kit? If anyone knows I would love to find out!
They are about 2" in diamater and would make awesome buttons to wear to a show!

1971 Sears Exclusive Living Fluff Sunshine Special Gift Set

1971 Live Action Christie wearing Peasant Dressy also from 1971.
Does anyone have the camisole?

1971 Sears Exclusive Hair Happenin's Barbie. She is wearing Tanti Pois (1974) from Europe.

I got her a year ago at a garage sale for $15.00. I still have a hard time believing I actually have this doll!

1967-68 tnt Francie wearing Pink Lightning from 1969

1968-69 Talking Barbie wearing Sears Exclusive Golden Groove from 1969

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