Northern Lights

Nice Ave *S*.

Me *S*.

Me again *S*.

Hi..Here is a picture of me for those of you who are wondering who I am. I
am 48 years old and live in the Yukon, Canada..I hang out in the family room
at coolchat. Drop in and say hi..I have two cyber sisters, Sue and Galaxy
Girl..Sue was the first one i talk to on the net in march 1997.Love you
sis..Galaxy ..Will what can I say, She haven't got me into any trouble yet.
*LOL* Love you sis. I have two cyber brothers. Fuzz and Timbo. Love you

A little update here..They have shut down coolchat alot of my friends and me now hang out in Paltalk..Real cool site and alot of very nice people..


Friendship is a strange thing. We find ourselves telling each other the deepest details of our lives ...
things we don't even share with the families who raised us.
But what is a friend? A confidant? A shoulder to cry on? An ear to listen? A heart to feel? A friend is all these ... and more. No matter where we met, no matter how long we've been together ... I call you friend. A word so small, yet so large in feeling, a word filled with emotion, a word overflowing with love.
Truly great things come in small packages. Once the package of friendship has been opened, it can never be closed.
It is a constant book always waiting ... waiting to be read ... and enjoyed. We may have our disagreements ... we may have our disappointments ... we may argue ... we may concern one another ...
friendship is a unique bond that lasts through all tribulations. A part of each of us goes into our friendships ... our humor ... our experiences ... our tears.
Friendships are foundations ... necessary for life ... and love.
Friends ... you and me ... you brought another friend and then we were three ...
we started our group ... our circle of friends ... there is no beginning ... there is no end.


Lost in the webb of life
Darkness covers your world
One person then can bring you light
That person the brightest star

Twinkle, twinkle angel light, brightest star on any night

Through shadows of deppest dispair
When days seem they willl never end
Your world can sudenly come to life
By the light of the brightest star

Twinkle, twinkle angel light, brightest star on any night

The moon doesn't hold a candle
To the light she brings to your life
Spreading her rays of kindness
She who'se the brightest star

Twinkle, twinkle angel light, brightest star on any night

She's the friend you can always count on
She's the shoulder you need to be there
She's the one who will always be help you
North Star the brightest star

Twinkle, twinkle angel light, brightest star on any night

Written by Learner

A list of some of my good friends from coolchat

Sue..Galaxy girl..Moonda..Fuzz..Timbo..Punts..Night Angel..Maggie mae
Tennis Girl..Lady Godiva..Scuba..Beach Bum..Skip..Soft..Redhairgirl..Issel..Ditz
BigWilly..Dean..Learner..Connie..Highlander..Blue..Night Rider..CoolCat
Bear#1, My Fishing buddie..Munchie..Mcgyver..Creepin..So Bear..Steely Dan
Steve Squared..Beth..Silvina..Meg..Kimmy..Larry..Dizzy..Lily..Sleepless..Swede
Mom3..Redbeard..Glide..Wonder woman..Purple..Mickey..Silver Fox..Keith
ButterBean..Black Panther..RMK..Daisy..Rosebud..Top Cat..Hilly..Mg..Ski
Fastball..Jada..Cross Stitcher..Big Guy..V. Christina Witschey..Marilyn
Papa Cheech..Jeannie..Fairydust..Spazzer..Methai..Just Me..
Kari..Shorty..ThunderHawk..Misty..Skywalker..Triple T..

A list of some of my good friends from Paltalk

Bambi..MsPele..Gamblingrandma..Lady Shy..
Flash..Du..Mystery_Man..Wandering_urge..Sandy in oz..

Northstar's Poem Page

Pictures of the Yukon

Pictures of my family

Pictures of my friends

Baby Page

Story Page

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Many thanks to Night Rider And CoolCat for helping
me out with this home page.