Support Groups in upstate New York
Transgender Independence Club (TGIC)
PO Box 13604
Albany, NY 12212-3604
(518) 436-4513
Open to the whole TG spectrum, their partners and friends. Meetings are held every Thursday evening in Albany. Phone calls are answered live on that evening and a message can be left at other times. Annual membership fee is $40 and a monthly newsletter is mailed to each member.

EON Inc.
745 North Salina St.
Syracuse, NY 13204
Open to the whole TG spectrum, their partners and friends. Meetings are held each 2nd and 4th Saturday evening from 8 to 10pm. Phone calls are answered live on that evening and a message can be left at other times. A small fee collected every meeting.

The Southern Tier Gals
408 W. State St.
Ithaca, NY
The group meets Wednesday evenings from 7 pm to about 8:30 PM. at during the fall, winter, and spring months. There are informal meeting at the Common Ground during the summer.
Directions: From route 13 turn east onto State Street. Go past Corn Street until you pass the hardware store and see the State Diner. Look for a parking place; after six on weekday nights, no parking meters need to be fed. On your left, you will notice a large wooden sign: "PHD Environments, Baths, and Kitchens." The door is on the front of the building.


Joanne Zager, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist
118 Park Lane
Ithaca, NY 14850
Phone: (607) 272-6353


Husovsky Harold L., M.D., Internal Medicine (currently 6 months waiting period)
550 Harrison Street,
Syracuse, NY 13202
(315) 464-6527

Walter Futterweit, M.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.C.E.
1172 Park Avenue
New York, NY, 10128
Phone: (212) 876-6400
Fax: (212) 427-1130

Local Electrologists

Karni Kachadourian, Member of the American Electrology Association
1184 Vestal Ave.,
Binghamton, NY
Phone: 607-723-3624

House of Electrolysis, Member of the American Electrology Association
108 Nanticoke Ave.,
Endicott, NY
Phone: 607-785-3559

The remaining links are the best information resources on the web, according to my biased opinion

The best information source for Hormone Replacement Therapy

The best overall information source on transitioning
TS RoadMap

The best plastic surgeon
Douglas K. Ousterhout, M.D., D.D.S.
Suite 150, Davies Medical Center
Castro and Duboce Streets
San Francisco, CA 94114
Phone: (415) 626-2888 (ask for Mira)
Description of the available procedures

The best place for planning the SRS
Transsexual Women Resources by Anne Lawrence, M.D.

The most comprehensive web site on electrolysis
TS RoadMap under Electrolysis.

The most comprehensive web site for transgender employment links