Fred O. Lucas II - 11/28/00 15:17:31 My Email:folucas | Comments: I was looking up The Lucas Surname and came across your site, My father and his family come from Virginia, specifically from Scott county and the Areas around it. Fred Lucas |
Mary Tolliver - 11/19/00 04:28:36 My | Comments: Dreama, This is one of the nicest family sites I have been on. I don't even have to say it because I can feel the tremendous amount of love you have put into this for the enjoyment of your family and people like me. Thank you so much for inviting me. I kn w that you have really put alot of manhours into this and I can only say that some day I would be so proud and honored to have my own family site that is so well thought out and put together with all the love that you have given and put into it. When I ge all my research together I hope that I can depend on you for some valued advice. Keep up the good work and don't let anything keep us from our family!!!! God Bless You |
Kenneth Kees - 10/13/00 00:55:54 My | Comments: |
Linda Thompson - 09/28/00 03:41:39 My | Comments: |
Sharon L. Sims - 08/15/00 00:18:37 | Comments: Wonderful!! |
erma willis-sims - 07/28/00 16:05:23 My | Comments: enjoyed the history of your family.sombody has worked hard on this.sorry i cant add to it.might see you at the burnwell sis |
michelle Damron Webb - 05/21/00 05:28:55 My | Comments: Absolutely beautiful website & design; looks like a lot of hard work and love went into it. Thank you, Ann Lucas Wheeler, for giving me website url. |
ANN LUCAS WHEELER - 04/05/00 02:32:19 My | Comments: I also collect angels, Loved your site. |
Joanne Elliott - 03/30/00 21:54:55 My URL: My | Comments: Hello, Nice site! I stopped by to see what information you have on the Travis line from Lawrence County, KY (VA>KY>OH). I would love to hear from anyone reseaching this line. Thanks much, Joanne Travis Cousins: Lawrence County: |
Joyce - 03/27/00 00:36:03 My | Comments: Hi, Thanks for sending my your site. Continue your MOORE family research and I will continue mine. Maybe someday, our paths will cross genetically. |
Larry Calvo - 02/14/00 01:57:47 My | Comments: |
Dina - 02/01/00 05:02:16 My | Comments: I LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT.........LOL :-> |
Dona(Stevens)Weber - 01/27/00 22:58:19 My | Comments: This brought back alot of memories and I loved it. I have so many great memories of your family when I was growing up, especially the time that I spent at Sinda and Lyle's house. The pictures came through very good and I loved them. You did a nice job with this site. Love Dona |
Lois a, Smith Evans - 01/20/00 21:39:06 My | Comments: I have already e-mailed you, but after Mike left,I went into the sight and it was wonderful. I have lots of information about Frank and Nancy Lucas. Great Job. |
Ronald G Price - 10/31/99 00:44:26 My | Comments: Henry Kane was my great-great grandfather and Perry Lucas was my great grandfather. My grandfather was Ruben Hansel Lucas. My mother is Zella Mae Lucas Price. I found you through Phillip Lucas who is my second cousin. My mother has one sister and four brothers. My aunt, Betty Lucas Douglas, who was the youngest of the children has a email address. It is Feel free to email her. My uncles from the eldest to the youngest are: Clyde Edward Lucas, Robert Gayle Lucas, Kenneth Ray Lucas and Gary Gene Lucas. My mother has a group picture of all the children with Maudie Wallen Lucas, their mother and Hansel Lucas's wife.Email me if you are interested in any furthur information. |
Phillip Lucas - 10/19/99 05:04:21 My | Comments: Thank you for the return- I saw my son in the guess book. He lives only 69 miles from Salt Lake city. he is going to try and get morer. I'm getting so info. and pics. togother. I'm pround to be a LUCAS. kEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. Maybe we could have a HENRY K NE LUCAS REUION some day. |
Phillip A. Lucas JR. - 10/17/99 22:11:29 My | Comments: Hello I was just trying to find some information on the Lucas family. My dad Phillip SR. told me to come to this site. |
Barb - 09/26/99 23:54:54 My | Comments: Dreama, Nice job indeed. You have really worked hard on this. I will show it to my Lucas relatives in West Virginia and get back to you about some pictures. I sent Deanna Brawl quite a few Lucas pictures a few years back. Maybe these are the ones she has already ent to you. I will send you one of great grandpa Peter Lucas and great grandma Mary Mcgowan Lucas soon. I have someone whom I hope is getting them together for me now.I will scan them then and send them via-email to you only. I know you will appreciate them. Again thank you very much for all of the work you have put into seeing that our Lucas roots is carried on. This is very nice of you to share it with all of us. I would love to get a picture on also of my Grandma "Clara Ellen Lucas Hudson". She was married first to a guy who we won't speak of here and then second to Howard Hudson. She was the daughter of Peter and Mary Lucas. Sincerely, Barb Tolley |
mae - 09/04/99 03:48:46 My | Comments: Drema i enjoyed your site . your sister Jean: husband Dana &my husband are first cousins . i think i met you once when Dana & Jean lived in Alliance .Maybe we will meat again some-day . best wishes , mae |
- 08/01/99 20:09:51 | Comments: |
erne coyne and dave - 07/21/99 02:18:59 My | Comments: this is just beautiful. I wish I was half as good on the computer as you are and it makes us very happy to have you for a friend. You know what the real values in life are. Love Erne |
Debbie (Travis) Blakley - 07/20/99 06:16:55 My | Comments: Hi Dreama! Someone named Billie sent me your page....I am a Travis researcher. They said that if I had time that I should look at this site as you had done such a great job. Well, it's been busy and I nearly just zapped it. BUT, I decided to open it and what a pleasant visit I had! Thanks so much LOVED EVERYTHING! Graphic's, pictures, poems and especally the music! Keep up the great work! BTW..Most of my TRAVIS line were in east Tennessee by at least 1820, maybe we're related before then!?! <[:~) I'll keep looking! Debbie |
Susan & Jack - 07/14/99 21:41:48 My | Comments: Appreciate your hard work and it's really great to have all the pictures of the family |
Kathy Wilson - 07/13/99 14:55:12 My | Comments: Great Home Page... Hope when I get time to do mine it will be as nice. Thanks for inviting me! Kathy Wilson in Mansfield, Ohio Great Grandmother was Malinda Stanley |
Pam - 07/12/99 06:53:06 My | Comments: Hi Aunt Dreama, thank u so much for what u have do to the family tree i think it is beautiful, everytime i look at the picture of mom, it makes me miss her more and more, and it also makes me even closer to her, i blow a kiss to her everytime i look at he picture, and yes tears comes to my eyes everytime i see it, but i love it and i love u for doing all of this, Love Pam |
Ruth White - 07/12/99 02:45:54 My | Comments: This is a great way to see new cousins. Just wish that the real cousin could know about you. I think you will understand what I am talking about. You have done a great job and I am looking forward to more that you might add. |
Jean - 07/11/99 16:47:11 My | Comments: Dreama, your are the best. You have done a terriffic job on the Family. It gets sweeter and better all time. I, too, am so glad to be a part of this wonderful Family. Thank you over and over again for all the time you have spent on this. |
Bonnie - 07/10/99 05:22:53 My | Comments: Hello again Aunt Dreama..Just finished checking out the old family pics...It's neat to see the faces of family you've heard about but never had the chance to know them...Your doing a great job on your family tree...Keep up the good work..I check it out fr quently for new stuff...See Ya... |
Barb - 07/10/99 00:24:57 My URL: My | Comments: Dreama How Nice I See You,re on Cyndi's list, Doing A Good Job, Keep It up. Still Glad I'm One Of This Family. |
Fannie Steele - 07/09/99 01:11:32 My | Comments: You have a beautiful site Notice you have Stanley's in your family My mother's mom was Nancy Stanley, daughter of James "Jim" Stanley and Rebecca Beverly. |
bobby - 07/08/99 16:54:37 My | Comments: ur homepage.....good job, aunty |
- 07/07/99 13:50:20 | Comments: |
Hardlove - 07/05/99 14:04:28 My URL: My | Comments: Well Dreama, the last time I saw this page (if it was this page) was when I left some instructions on your file manager and you where ready to give it all up. I think you said something like "I just don`t get it, I`ll stick with email, its easier". Well you didn`t just stick with email and you proved me right, "take your time, experiment and be patience, you`ll learn". You`ve done a marvelous job and one to be proud of. You are a shining example to all neebies that throw up their hands in frustration an say they can`t learn this stuff, I say "look at Dreama"...................Tom |
John Brown - 07/02/99 02:46:54 My | Comments: Your page has really come a long way since I got in contact with you. It's very nice. That's really the first I have seen any pictures of any of you since 1964. Keep up the good work and hope see you this summer sometime. John |
wayne - 07/02/99 01:20:03 My | Comments: very very good |
- 06/28/99 23:10:41 | Comments: |
~Rexy - 06/28/99 05:12:06 My URL: My | Comments: I have just spent a wonderful time traveling through your site.... It looks great.... and the designs you picked to use really complient your pages... I appreciate your support of my work... and kind words... and I love seeing what I do being used a d enjoyed by others... Thanks so much for the lovely visit... ~Rexy |
Marie - 06/25/99 06:50:50 My | Comments: Hello Aunt Dreama...Your page is really good!!!! It sure has come a long way...I printed the one poem off the page to give to my friend, because her dad just died..Anyway, Great Job I liked looking at all you old farts...j/k..LOL!!! ~Marie~:-) |
Dave Skaggs - 06/25/99 02:49:16 My | Comments: Your getting there. |
Rick - 06/19/99 02:26:28 My | Comments: Fantastic job Aunt Dreama!!! I never knew my aunt's and uncle's looked so good. It is wonderful to see Mom. Sometimes its hard to believe she is not here with us any longer. But I know there is coming a day when I'll be with her forever in Heaven!!! hanks Aunt Dreama!!! Love, Rick |
Bonnie - 06/18/99 16:49:37 My | Comments: Great job Aunt Dreama.Left me speechless with the poems and the pictures.Looking forward to the next link you were talking about. |
Larry Wise - 06/18/99 16:45:43 | Comments: Good job Aunt Dreama.It was nice to see everyone again... |
Shar - 06/17/99 01:53:21 My URL: My | Comments: Dreama.. You've done a beautful job. Such a touching tribute to your family. Keep up the good work! |