As We Walk Down The Path Of Life

Down Below The poem Is genealogy Information On Family

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A certain man planted a rose and watered it faithfully, and before it
blossomed, he examined it. He saw the bud that would soon blossom
and also the thorns. And he thought, "How can any beautiful flower
come from a plant burdened with so many sharp thorns?" Saddened by
this thought, he neglected to water the rose, and before it was ready to
bloom, it died.


So it is with many people. Within every soul there is a rose.The
God-like qualities planted in us at birth grow amid the thorns of our
faults. Many of us look at ourselves and see only the thorns, the
defects. We despair, thinking that nothing good can possibly come from
us. We neglect to water the good within us, and eventually it dies. We
never realize our potential.


Some people do not see the rose within themselves; someone else must
show it to them. One of the greatest gifts a person can possess is to be
able to reach past the thorns and find the rose within others. This is the
characteristic of love, to look at a person, and knowing his faults,
recognize the nobility in his soul, and help him realize that he can
overcome his faults. If we show him the rose, he will conquer the
thorns. Then will he blossom, blooming forth thirty, sixty, a
hundred-fold as it is given to him.


Our duty in this world is to help others by showing them their roses and
not their thorns. Only then can we achieve the love we should feel for
each other; only then can we bloom in our own garden.


This is going to be a long process for me to get these names and dates in for my genealogy...
Got to start somewhere..
If their's relatives out there...that disputes any of these dates..
Just email me and I'll correct them..
On with the list.

(b=born)(p.b=place of birth)(m=Married)(d=died)(p.d=Place of death)

(1)Dreama(Lucas)Calvo-b-5/20/45-p.b-Burnwell,W.Va -m-4/11/75...

(1)Barbara Ann(Lucas)Shrout-b-7/6/34-p.b-Dent on,Ky.Carter Co--m-3/6/54...

(1)Billie Jean(Lucas)Gibson-b- 9/15/35-p.b-Burnwell,W.Va-m-11/11/55.

(1)Betty Sue(Lucas)Sh ultz-b-12/9/36-p.b-Burnwell,W.Va-m-5/25/57-d-7/30/94-p.d-Phoenix, Ariz...

(1)Bethel Elwood Lucas-b-5/19/38-p.b-Burnwell,W.Va- m-3/24/62...

(1)Charles Bernard Lucas-b-5/17/40-p.b-Burnwel l,W.Va-m-11/12/60...

(1)Jackie Lee Lucas-b-8/15/41-p.b-Burnwell,W.Va-m-(a)9/1/65(b).

Father of (1"s)
(2)William Henry Lucas-b-9/09/1906-p.b-Boyd /1933-d-5/1/1984-p.d-Cleveland,Ohio...

Mother of(1"s)
(3)Rilda Ellen Stanley-b-7/18/1911-p.b-Carter Co,Ky-d-6/7/1985-p.d-Cleveland,Ohio....

Father of(2)
(4)Denton Lucas-b-7/12/1879-p.b-Boyd Co,Ky-M?-d-9/17/1935-p.d-Burnwell,W.Va...

Mother of(2)
(5)Nancy Elmira Stapleton-b-1888-p.b?-d-6/4/1964-p.d-Gen oa,Ohio....

(6)Father of(3)Alexander Stanley-b-4/3/1879-p.b-Carter Co,Ky?-m-7/25/1902-d-10/14/1961-p.d-Boyd Co,Ky...

(7)Mother of(3)Rhoda Travis-b-?/?/1881-p.b-Lawrence Co,Ky?-d-9/30/1965-p.d-Boyd Co,Ky...

(8)Father of(4)Henry Kane Lucas-b-12/8/1846-p.b-Va-m-abt-1867-d-6/2/1933-p.d-Carter Co,Ky..Buried Klaiber cemetery,Ky..

(9)Mother of(4)Lucinda Sexton-b-abt,1850-p.b?-d-1/5/1931-p.d-Carter Co,Ky..

(10)Father of(5)James William Stapleton-b-1886-??..

(11)Mother of(5)Minerva Belle Kimbler-b-4/1870-??..

(12)Father of(6)James S Stanley-b-2/5/1846-p.b?-m-3/?/1820.KY-d-11/1/1917.

(13)Mother of(6)Julia Tolliver-b-1851-Carter Co,KY...

(14)Father of(7)John Travis-b-1844-p.b-Breathett Co,KY-m-3/22/1866-Lawrence Co,Ky-d-11/20/1913-p.d-Carter Co,Ky...

(15)Mother of(7)Nancy Mullins-b-1847-p.b-Pike Co,Ky-d-12/30/1915-Carter Co,Ky..

(16)Father of(8)Emanuel Lucas-b-1817-Va-md-9/15/1845..

(17)Mother of(8)Charlotte Moore-b-1825..

(18)Father of(9)James Henderson-b-abt-1820<--Not Married-->

(19)Mother of(9)Hulda Sexton-b-1820-Ky-md-(1)Jessie Sexton-md-(2)Fletcher Burton-Boyd Co,Ky..

(20)Father of(10)William Stapleton-m-4/2/1876..

(21)Mother of(10)Elmira Palmer..

(22)Father of(11)William H Kimbler-b-12/?/1825-Va-m-3/2/1844-d-2/12/1901-Ky..

(23)Mother of(11)Nancy J Picklesimer-b-1/2/1826-d-5/19/1905-Ky..(Daughter of,William H. and Nancy Picklesimer Kimbler)

(24)Father of(12)Joseph Stanley..

(25)Mother of(12)Nancy Crabtree..

(26)Father of(13)Hampton Tolliver-b-1815-NC-m-10/11/1840..They had 9 children..Hiram,b.1841:md..Rachel Defoe..James,m.Mary Stanley..Andrew J,m.Melvina Jackson..John ..Julia Ann,m..James Stanley..Carloine,b.4/19/1853,.d.11/14/1932..Eventine,m.Mary Hall..Wade Hampton Jr,.m.Mary?..Martha,m.Madison Green Morris...Wades Parents was William Tolliver and Elvira Johnson..

(27)Mother of(13)Melinda Stewart-b-1822..

(28)Father of(14)John Travis-b-abt-1810-m-2/17/1827-d-after-1870..

(29)Mother of(14)Isabelle Howard-b-1810-Floyd Co,Ky-d-after-1880..

(30)Father of (15)? Mullins..

(31)Mother of(15?)Scarberry..


MY BOOK OF LUCAS RELATIVES My family of Lucas-- origionally from Russell County Virginia. Jemima Lucas the oldest person that I have. Jemima had a son named Parker who was married 1st to ? any help appreciated. Parker was the father of Emmanuel "Todd" Lucas. Emmanuel married Charlotte "Lottie" Moore on September 15 1845 in Letcher County Kentucky. Again any help on who Lottie Moore parents were would be a great help. Emmanuel and Lottie were the parents of------- Elizabeth Lucas b. 1838 in Pike county Ky. She married William Boyd "Sonny" Vanover 3 Oct. 1854 in Letcher County. 10 children: 1. Archibald Vanover m. Lydia Colegrove 2. Polly Vanover m. Oliver Tomlin 3. Eliza Vanover m. Bill Colegrove 4. Marilda Vanover m. Leander Dean 5. Aaron Vanover m. Linnie Bocock 6. Marinda Vanover m. James Stewart 7. Ellender Vanover m.Hiram Alexander 8. Nancy Vanover m. John Ball 9. James Vanover m. Cora Fraley 10. William Boyd Vanover m. Elizabeth Kasey 2nd child of Emmanuel and Lottie Omy Lucas b. 1840 Pike County Ky 3rd child of Emmanuel and Lottie Rebecca Cemilla Lucas b. 1842 Pike Co. Ky 4th child of Emmanuel and Lottie Susannah Lucas b. 1846 Pike Co. Ky married Nathaniel Slone 5th child of Emmanuel and Lottie Henry KaneLucas b. 8 December 1846 Russell county Virginia d. 2 June 1933 Carter County Kentucky m. abt 1868 Lucinda Sexton 12 children 1. Alice b. 1869 2. Mary b. 1870 3. Perry b. 1871 4. Esau b. 1873 5. John D b. 1876 m. Hattie Jenkins 6. Denton b. July 1879 m. Elmira Stapleton 7. Frank K. b. 7 April 1884 m. Nancy Perkins 8. Ruben b. KY m. Cora Combs 9. Laura b. KY m. Ruben Biggs 10. James b. KY m. Russia Jordan 11. Taylor b. KY 12. Sherman b. KY 6th child of Emmanuel and Lottie Parker Lucas b. 1849 Russell County Va. 7th child of Emmanuel and Lottie Pete Harvey Lucas b. April 1853 d. 16 February 1937 Kanawha Co. West Virginia m. 3 October 1881 Gallia County Ohio 10 children to this marriage 1. Lottie J Lucas b. July 1882 Gallia Ohio 2. James Garfield Lucas b. 20 Aug 1883 Carter County Kentucky 3. Jane C Lucas b. March 1884 4. Albert Lucas b. July 1886 Carter County m. Fannie Richey d. 1946 in Rowan County Kentucky 5. Oscar Harrison Lucas b. 22 September 1891 m. 1911 Martha Wright d. ? West Viriginia 6. Lucinda Lucas b. 25 august 1888 m. 26 December 1911 Bath County Kentucky Owen Withrow d. 12December 1950 Bath County Kentucky 7. Perry Richard Lucas b. 14 January 1895 Carter County m. Cora Moore d. Oct. 1973 Gauley Bridge West Virginia 8. Dora Lucas b. July 1899 Carter County Kentucky m. 1915 Hershel Eddy d. may 12, 1955 Ohio 9. Clara Ellen Lucas b. 28 February 1901 m. 5 September 1919 Bath County Kentucky d. 10 April 1963 Handley West Virginia 10. Myrtle Bertha Lucas b. 1905 Carter County Kentucky m. Hobart Razor d. 1989 Bath County Kentucky 8th child of Emmanuel and Lottie 8. James Riley Lucas b. 1854 Letcher County Kentucky m. 28 Nov 1876 Carter County Kentucky to Caroline Glllean d. 9 September 1899 Carter County Kentucky 9th child of Emmanuel and Lottie Robert Carter Lucas b. 12 February 1856 Lethcer County Ky m. 23 November 1879 Carter County Ky d.17 April 1937 Carter County Ky. 8 children born to this union 1. Maggie Lucas married Charles Marshall 2. Harrison Lucas 3. Ephraim Lucas m. Della 4. Cecil Lucas m. Effie Wilburn 5.Thopmson Lucas 6. Charlie Lucas m. Virgie Gibson 7. Esther Lucas 8. Eizabeth Lucas Robert was married 2 times and the 2nd time to Sarah "Sallie" Moore 8 children to this union also 1. James Franklin Lucas m. Mary Burton 2. John Henry Lucas m. Georgia Felty 3. Perry Lucas m. Lillie Darnell 4. Lottie Lucas m.James Berry 5. Thelma Lucas m. Chester Davis 6. Martha Lucas m.Thomas Warren Sexton 7. Susie Lucas 8. Frank Lucas Parker then married a Elizabeth Sexton and two children were born to this marriage 1. Willis Lucas b. 1824 Russell County Va. m 15 September 1845 Eliabeth Quillen 2. Aaron Lucas b. 1827 Russell County Va. m. 14 July 1849 Letcher County Ky to Eliza Vanover sister of William "Sonny" Vanover Parker then married a 3rd time to Susannah Fraley 10 children were born to this union 1. Mary Lucas b. 23 February 1836 Russell Co.Va. m. Rchard Sexton and James Stamper 2. Sophia Jane Taylor b. 1837 Pike County Kentucky m. 28 Dec. 1856 Letcher Co. Ky to John Reed Taylor d. Carter County Kentucky 3. Jemima Lucas b. 13 Dec. 1837 Letcher County Ky. m. Paschal Sexton d. 1925 4. Nancy Lucas 5. John Lucas b. 1842 Letcher County Ky m. 21 Mar. 1873 Carter Co Ky Amanda Bryson 6.Martha Lucas b. 1843 Letcher County Ky m. 7 April 1870 Letcher County to Enoch Webb 7. James HC Lucas 8 Margaret Lucas b. 1849 Letcher County Ky' m. RJ Delaney 24 Dec. 1874 Carter County Ky 9. Sarah Ann Lucas b. 26 January 1853 Letcher County Ky m. 31 August 1870 Carter County to James Bryson 10. Joseph R Lucas b. 15 April 1855 Letcher County Ky. m. Artie Susan Rice in Carter County Ky.

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