Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glint on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush,
I am the swift uplifting rush
of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there, I did not die.
My Sister Is...
someone who helps me find my smile.
Who accepts me for what I am.
who lets me know that my efforts
really are worthwhile, and that
my accomplishments are worthy ones.
She lets me know that she will
catch me if I fall. She's so much
more wonderful than she will admit
to being. She watches out for me
and helps me through it all...
My Sister Is...
someone I'm very
proud to be related to.
Having her as such a special
part of my family has given me
memories that I wouldn't trade for
anything and hopes that I'll have for
as long as I live. Even if there are times
when the two of us are far away from each other,
our thoughts will make sure we stay together.
   My Sister Is...
a person who is great to have around.
She's someone who laughs at my jokes
(maybe because she has the same warped
sense of humor!) and she understands
the times when I need a shoulder to cry
on. She is there for me in the exact
same way that I will always be there
for her. Our friendship will always
remain, and our love will never depart.
   My Sister...
deserves to know that even though I
don't always get a chance to show it,
she is absolutely essential to the
happiness... that lives within my heart.
-- Ann Turrel |
You Are the Best
There are
years lost behind us,
full of words we never spoke,
and now we have our separate lives
and less time to share together.
But in my heart I have always felt
the love we have,
and neither distance nor time
can take away the bond
we forged as children...
Growing up, we played and fought,
talked and laughed.
Beyond the fun and games,
beyond the battles we waged,
we found in each other
unending support
and a lifelong friend.
Through thick and thin,
and difficult times,
we emerged together as one,
protecting each other
from the world.
I know that if either of us
ever need anything,
we can count on the other
to give our all
and help in every way possible.
Perhaps words are not always
necessary in our relationship,
because we both know what's there.
But today I want to take the time
to remind you how much I really care
and thank you for all
that you have been to me.
I could never ask for, want,
or need a better brother,
because I have the best in you.
I love you!
-- Erin N.