Auctions | Home | Examples | Order | Email | SUPER SALE! NOW ONLY $10 ea. TIPS 4-U-2 USE- TIP #1 - Practice drawing your design before you put it on.
- TIP #2 - The longer you leave it on, the darker it will be.
- TIP #3 - Be careful not to get it on clothes, or furniture, henna will stain.
- TIP #4 - Do not cut the plastic tip applicator, use a stick pin. The smaller the hole on the applicator tip the easier it will be for you to control the flow and get more detail in your designs.
- TIP #6 - Do not scrub off the henna after it dries, or use soap right away. Gently wash it off under warm water.
- TIP #7 - When doing fingernails and toenails, note that the stain will last longer than 2-3 weeks.
- TIP #8 - When doing a large design, always start in the center with asmall design and the then to it, working your way all around the center whenadding on.
 - TIP #9 - When doing bracelets and anklets, use thicker lines around theoutsides to make it stand out more.
 - TIP #10 - Check back here for more tips, of course! :) We will be addingmore all the time!
Our latest customer photo - first time by Beckybug! WHAT A SUPER JOB!
 SHOW OFF YOUR WORK AND CREATIVE TALENTS! Send us your henna art and we will post your designs on our site! Share your great ideas with others! Also, you may send us pictures of your henna parties too! Click on the camera to send us your photos GIVE US YOUR BEST SHOT! (please no nudity or vulgar pictures, antiQa is very sensitive) IF YOU HAVE A QUESTION FEEL FREE TO ASK We have added the basic beginner designs below to get your creative juices flowing for your first or next Henna Party which ever the case may be! Use the long designs to make bracelets and anklets around your wrists and ankles! Hey MOM's out there, think what fun this would be at your daughter's next slumber party! Have everyone do each other's hands and feet! It will be a big hit, and you will be known as the coolest Mom around! We have also added some really cute animal designs for the little kiddos. They will love it and enjoy their cool, but natural "tattoo". :)  | BEWARE OF "BLACK MEHNDI/HENNA" AS IT IS NOT THE SAME SUBSTANCE AS NATURAL HENNA, IT CONTAINS CHEMICAL DYES WHICH HAVE BEEN KNOWN TO CAUSE SEVERE ALLERGIC REACTIONS AND HAVE BEEN PROVEN TO CAUSE CANCER OF THE SKIN & BLADDER IN LABORATORY ANIMALS! THE NATURAL HENNA PLANT IS RED, NOT OTHER COLORS! WE WILL ONLY SELL 100% NATURAL HENNA! top |