ron draper - 02/18/99 01:33:51 My Favorite type of images: bra Favorite Site (be honest!): under it all | Comments: you have a great site |
alkaline - 02/05/99 19:58:30 My | Comments: sorry, i'm a bit drunk. but i just found in my 'Favourites' and from that i came here. i was wondering exactly what is it about bras that gets certain neurons in some people's heads a bit dizzy. i was reading about Carl Jung's theory of synchronicity on the bus home from work today and have come to the conclusion that the bra is an 'archetypal'. if you read about Jung you will understand the following. everything has an external (conscious) and internal (uncon cious) reality. Jung said some pretty cool things about the relationships between these 2 ways of describing things. the bra is external but it defines the internal (the breast). the breast obviously has a pretty powerful influence - more than it's just a tool for providing offspring with nutrients. that is why big-breasts are attractive (our primative reflexes associate that with a good way of feeding our babies). clearly that is a load of bollocks now but 1 million years ago this was a serious issue! not only did we have to contend with Sabre-Tooth tigers but we had to find women with big tits! (unfortunately nowadays tigers are being driven to extinction.) but anyway, Janet Reger is the business as far as bras go. i went to their little shop in London la t Christmas to buy a present and got a glass of champagne! my Barclaycard responded appropriately and my girlfriend was very happy. anyway, cool site. |
marc - 01/21/99 20:35:28 Favorite type of images: regular girls in regular underwear Favorite Site (be honest!): bra strap fan page | Comments: great site....update it more!!!!!! |
Big J. - 01/04/99 06:17:16 My URL:/FashionAvenue/Salon/6747/ My Favorite type of images: What you see here Favorite Site (be honest!): I'll take the 5th! | Comments: |