Taking Care Of Your Tights
Snagging or laddering your favorite tights can be very annoying.
7-30 denier tights are most at risk from both of these, when putting on tights first check for rough skin and sharp nails on both hands and feet, either could mean the end of your tights also remove any jewellery. I always put on a pair of cotton gloves before putting delicate tights as I am a manual worker.

Putting on Tights
Sitting down start by gathering up the leg of the tight, one at a time place on the toes and gently pull upto the calf. Next put on the other leg doing the same as the other leg, next gently ease over the thighs one at a time and then the waist if they seem to short ease them down and try again, don't pull hard you'll rip them. Once on even them out by wetting the palms of your hands up wards, do not pinch and pull them up, you'll probably rip them. The same applys when taking them off watch out for sharp nails and rough skin.

Washing & Drying Tights
Never just throw your tights in the washing machine on their own.
Either wash them carefully buy hand, or in the washing machine (40 degree C. short spin) in either a lingerie wash bag, a old pillow case or the leg of a old pair of 70 denier tights.
Never tumble dry tights, tumble drying kills lycra.

Freezing Tights
I read somewere that freezing tights can make them last longer. Do this when they are brand new, first wet them with water put them in a plastic bag tie a knot in it and freeze for twenty four hours thaw out and hang to dry.

If you do ladder your tights put some nail varnish on the begining and end of the ladder.

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