These are pixs of me and my friends...
From L to R is Linda Winnie ME Andrea ..keke I remember this day..chillin at pacific mall. Justin got my contacts @_@ for me today. He got me blue ones and the ppl there were soO mean cuz I took long puttin them on shiet man! Jayz is takin the pic. We all have a bitchy look on..but we notz bitchy.haha In this pic Winnie actually looks kinda bitchy...LOL. Even though she tries to look cocky she still has this CUTE ..and INNOCENT ..look. hahah..itz natural for us to look bitchy when we want to...sowwie Winnie..but u do!! aWwWww..isn't that SoOoO CUTE. haha jokez.
This is me and my GOD*SISTER !! I LOVE HER SO MUCH. haha We both have contacts on! =) Today was jokes..Andrea and I went to get our Eyebrowz done after we went to meet Ben at Town Center..gosh he's really TALL. Well look at the pic my brows were fuzzy so we went to get them done. After the makeover Andrea claims her browz were soOoO screwed over but they looked fine. After Connie, Chant, Andrea went to shoppers to look for a pencil to draw in her browz...but they looked fine anywayz. haha..Andrea isn't goin bak
This is me and my best friend WINNIE!!! I LOVE HER SOOoO MUCH TOO!! ~keke hmMm..i don't really remember what happen today but i guess another normal day at town center! Gosh man..u know how long i known her? almost SIX years..may not seem alot but it is..wHoOoo. Too bad we never had any bitch fights..haha or else i would have WON!! ~keke jokes man But you know..Winnie is known for her CUTENESS AND INNOCENT!! Haha ..LOLZ..don't kill me now! YOU know ish true Winnie..haha always SOBER at our partiez.. but ish all good. The cute one doesn't do bad stuff..har har..jokes me lubbz u tough..u know it
These are the two FreAkz of our krew VCP it's None other than [L to R] TATE and TIM *arf *arf ...specialties...they like to bark. It's actually losta fun goin wid them and barking and walkin wid one of them at the same time. They are goths and very proud of it. I'm a proud supporter of them. They look kute too..haha..aiite ok fine FREAKIE!! Tina...oh SHit i mean TIM has this wicked dance that she did at Linda's party...haha i tried doin it but it looked stupid cuz i didn't do it right. But yah no one has that kind of talent but Tim..LOLZ Tate is the Queen of comfort. She makes everyone feel much beta wen we have she has wicked dog collars but they don't fit me BoOoO so i didn't get walked.
HmMmmM..well all the ppl in here are...[from top to bottom and L to R] Winnie*Tim*Chantelle* Linda*Connie*Ellen...don't know her but she's some gr 9 from our scool*Tate*Me*Tuan...this is Linda's brother...don't mess wid him...truss me*Heather...she was the only jung there*Andrea*Irene...we were all at Linda's Birthday Party..WE both have the same Birthdate...FEBRUARY 14 yah but i'm older than her by how many hours?? i duno..but yah i'm older~ keke Well Linda had her party at some hall and that day at her party we had lotsa of fun we got to dance to our music but sat through some latino music cuz we didn't know how to dance latino. BUT Linda is a PROFESSIONAL latino dancer and she dances..SOoOooo SEXXY Truss me. She may seem wierd and all..but she can twist that body of hers...its good. She's a Scarborough Champion, too. hMmM...i got to get her to teach me some of those moves... cha cha..
~keke...this is another pic of us at linda's bday party..if u want to know the names..just look at the top pic description cause it's the same ppl in this pic.. well yah her party was really fun and stuff..keke we got to watch her latino dance and it was SOoOoO wicked. When we went to dance there was some rave beats and it was pretty funny cause Kathy..some korean gurl but there is no pic of her but she is really pretty..but yah..rave beats..she thought of the idea of gettin plastic spoons and pretendin they were glowstix..haha it was sOoO funny. Oh yah and I remember that someone was tryin to set up Connie and Alvin..haha it was jokes..Connie didn't even like him. am i right con? yah she got mad and stuff cuz ppl were makin fun and hooting..*sigh* oh wells..nuthin really happened though..LOLZ just that he asked her to dance when she tried to avoid that..~keke... my turn..this was taken at my birthday party. I had my party at Yonge and Finch. This is where we usually have our parties. In this pic [L to R] Tim Dave..don't really know him but he was of Tate's friend..ME Anthea Heather. yah..I think only Anthea was SOBER ~keke....almost everyone was high on something that night. I know winnie wasn't for sure cause she's INNOCENT ~keke...this is one of Winnie's qualities.. But yah i was on XTC so was two other of my gurlz. keke..goshman Andrea and Heather was SOO PISS drunk...*sigh* but yah it was fun over all
...and this too was taken at my barfday party. This is a pic of heather dancing in the middle of the room ..she was really really drunk..haha LOLZ it was SOooOo hetic man. Andrea and Heather were like goin crazy, they wouldn't stop drinkin after we tried to like hide the drinkz. Funny part was when Andrea thought she lost her pager but really Heather took it and hide it from her and she thought Darren had it..haha she was goin bERZERKO ..Darren had to take out this own pager and throw it around the room so Andrea thought it was hers..hahaha..jokes man. but it was a smart move!!!! haha They were sOo drunk that they beat up eachother..haha..shiet jokes...can't wait till our next VCP party...
And..of course the WARDEN KREW of '99. This is Andrea Tim Helen Tate of the ppl of WARDEN..~keke..yah right!! So ghetoOOo But yah this pic of me..haha i looked stoned. aNyway..if ya'll wondering what WARDEN is..well ish just the subway station we chill at after skewl..HAH MAN SO GHETTO but ish true...we wait for eachother before we jets for home even though we just chill for a bit. But now that Tim is not here..she lives in's just the 3 of us. Haha..Tate is the loner though..she has to wait by herself ~keke LOLZ but yah..don't forget lil man.. HAHAHAH..jkz..
This is sticky pix of me and my godbro...and this was taken at YONGE'S a karoke place where my bday was held. I was still sober ..haha~keke but Jayz look more fucked up then me...but he wasn't on's just his "cOckY" look but he took care of me that night..gosh one let me stood up..everytime i stood up someone would push me back down i don't know who it was..but if i find out who is it..*har har* "ur GEttin SO pushed down NEXT time" ^gRrRrrRR^
whoOoO this is a pic of the krew VCP ..yah this is almost of us...we kicked some members out..oPpsie did i say members?? i meant one member...she was just too kewl for us...we couldn't handle her. Well that pic is pretty old so we're plannin to take a new one soon cause we have new members.. but yah the krew is :ME Tate Winnie COnnie Andrea Tim Susan Chantelle Linda Heather Karen Suzanna .. Hmmm..but i can't wait. YAYA..hehkeke lolz... But yah our krew is pretty tight..we have fun and shit..NO one should mess wid US..hehe cause BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER
Aiitez i guess dats it for now.. if u read all through..then i THANK YOU SO MUCH..mauuuhh cause it took me sOoO long to write them out and one time i thought i lost everything cause my internet resetted but nothing went gone..hehe *phew* okaiz..bye bye