I have finally put together all the pictures that I've taken on Halloween night. Yes guys...I have all the pictures !
This page is to remember the great times we had and the laughter we all shared. I will constantly add new pictures for your viewing pleasure.
First of all, here's greetings from Minnie and Snoopy
OK guys...this is probably the last halloween for some of us and some have decided that they will dress to kill.
Let me now introduce to you our ONE and ONLY male cheerleaders!!!!!
That's me in the center and I was dressed as a gypsy. On my left, with the 'Peggy Bundy' wig is Harry, on my right is Rainier, below Harry is Eric 
with his supposedly SEXY lips..hehehe...Lastly, we have the prettiest one of all...Richard Goh..You really look sweet Richard...Even GIA said so...hahaha...


This is the 1998-1999 President of USC..LIA..She's dressed up as a wizard. Love your eyes YA! Sayang contact lens nya udah ilang ya..
Lucy is dressed as a BUTTERFLY

Next picture is MANDY...Ayo Man..Work it!! Hi..hi..(" Man, kite kayanya kalo liat foto2 ini in a couple of years, bisa ketawa abis kali ya...)
Introducing DJ Jacko in the house...
Without him, the party would've been 'soundless'

Jeniffer, Andreas and Mandy.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures and please drop by again.
If you have comments or suggestions, email me at lindh4rm4@hotmail.com