I have finally put together all the pictures that I've taken on Halloween night. Yes guys...I have all the pictures ! |
This page is to remember the great times we had and the laughter we all shared. I will constantly add new pictures for your viewing pleasure. |
First of all, here's greetings from Minnie and Snoopy |
OK guys...this is probably the last halloween for some of us and some have decided that they will dress to kill. |
Let me now introduce to you our ONE and ONLY male cheerleaders!!!!! |
That's me in the center and I was dressed as a gypsy. On my left, with the 'Peggy Bundy' wig is Harry, on my right is Rainier, below Harry is Eric |
with his supposedly SEXY lips..hehehe...Lastly, we have the prettiest one of all...Richard Goh..You really look sweet Richard...Even GIA said so...hahaha... |
This is the 'KISS OF THE EVENING' |
This is the 1998-1999 President of USC..LIA..She's dressed up as a wizard. Love your eyes YA! Sayang contact lens nya udah ilang ya.. |
Lucy is dressed as a BUTTERFLY |
Next picture is MANDY...Ayo Man..Work it!! Hi..hi..(" Man, kite kayanya kalo liat foto2 ini in a couple of years, bisa ketawa abis kali ya...) |
Introducing DJ Jacko in the house... Without him, the party would've been 'soundless' |
Jeniffer, Andreas and Mandy. |
I hope you enjoyed the pictures and please drop by again. |
If you have comments or suggestions, email me at lindh4rm4@hotmail.com |