Welcome to my Guestbook!

louis tanumihardja - 08/18/00 05:06:46
My URL:louistanu@yahoo.com
My Email:08161164395
Address: Sunter

very nice pictures Linda, but perhaps you should put names for each person on the picture. I just thought it would be better. Ciao, Louis T

Robert Utomo - 08/01/00 11:51:46
My URL:utomo2@hotmail.com
My Email:310-6666928
Address: 1561 Barrington Ave #106, LA,CA 90025

Hi Linda, You did a nice job on your home page. Anyway kapan your turn to get married. Anyway good luck and remember to invite me for your wedding.

Felina - 06/19/00 10:27:02
My URL:http://fls27@hotmail
My Email:(22)2038119/(081)22354488
Address: Kapten Tendean 66, bandung


ricat go - 06/17/00 21:39:06
My URL:http://rdgo88@hotmail
My Email:626 254 0788
Address: arcadia

hello again lin...i really get a kick out of your site..i love to keep coming back & checking out the photos...we had lots of fun and i believe we still have more to come..hehe..so i thank you for your site that i can be a part of it..hope to see u soon.< r>
Mey2 - 06/04/00 12:11:48
My URL:m3y-ng@usa.net

Hey Lin..., nice homepage...! Keep us up with your new pictures yach... :)

David Mursalim - 06/03/00 12:05:32
My URL:dsmursalim@hotmail.com

haloo lin, it's very a nice homepage....ngeliat foto2x di indo jadi pengen cepet balik nich..... miss you guys......hehehehehe

Lung2x - 05/16/00 18:17:35
My URL:http://gwinarta@hotmail.com

T.O.P buanget deh sitenya.........More photos dong........

Gogo - 05/14/00 01:24:30
My URL:http://rdgo88@hotmail
My Email:626 254 0788
Address: arcadia

i really enjoy visiting your homepage lin...brings back precious memories...great page lin..hope to see u people soon

Richard Go - 05/14/00 01:07:49
My URL:http://rdgo88@hotmail
My Email:6326377312
Address: phil

hello linda..great website and hope to see you guys soon...what memories!!!

Anton - 05/02/00 18:04:35
My URL:AR1020@email.com
Address: LA

Di foto mukanya banyak yang merah yah, kenapa yah? hehehehe

aeree.ahn - 05/01/00 16:42:20
My URL:http://hiaeree@han.mail
My Email::) ???.............
Address: :)???.............

Thank you for made our wedding's page.You have very good friends.I want be your cook friend.And then we can see each other often in the kitchen.:)Ha!Ha!Ha!also you can make cook page with me.

aeree.ahn - 05/01/00 16:31:08
My URL:http://hiaeree@han.mail
My Email::) ???


debbie - 03/26/00 17:15:34
My URL:dbee@hotmail.com


Mandy - 03/01/00 07:43:14
My URL:mbudiman@cbn.net.id

Hi Lin.... Nice job on your homepage....However, I didn't enjoy it quite as much...because I'm not in most of the pics....:-) Anyway, great job... PS. Try to put more pics with me in it....next time...hehehe

Dany - 02/24/00 16:03:08
My URL:d4ny18@hotmail.com
My Email:007
Address: homeless

kewl hommie Lin... put more pics :)

Donna - 02/21/00 12:33:28
My Email:0816-1 949 949

Good Work! Foto terus!

Markus Silitonga - 02/18/00 09:01:46
My URL:msilit@aol.com
Address: SF

nice homepage, lin. See you...........

eric - 02/15/00 08:38:42
My Email:310-2469543
Address: 8665 burton way ph 16

lin ngga rame kurang banyak gua nya...hehehe

aiDa - 02/15/00 06:36:55
My URL:littleprincess@www.com
Address: San Francisco

KaNgeNNNN!!!!! JaDi PeNgeN PuLaNg NiHHH.... MiSS eVeRyoNe SoOoOOoo MucH... PoST MoRe PiCTuRes yaH LiNNN.... I LiKe BeiNg upDaTeD wiTH NeW PiCTuRes...

Jabin - 02/14/00 23:12:15
My URL:jabin@hotmail.com
My Email:310-3065591

lol! =)

Rachman - 10/26/99 12:43:07
My URL:maman@indosat.net.id
My Email:62 21 8507710
Address: Jakarta - Indonesia

Linda .... Kamu punya Home Page bagus .... Semoga untuk selanjutnya bertambar dengan kreatifitas yang baru .... Semoga sukses !! Rachman

Mandy - 08/25/99 04:27:34
My URL:mbudiman@cbn.net.id
My Email:021-520-1110
Address: Jakarta

Hi Lin....It's been awhile since gua liat foto2nya...and it's nice to see everyone again...:-) Great job...keep it up!!!! Kapan ke Jakarta??

Richard Tirtadji - 06/04/99 14:04:42
My URL:http://www.krdesigns.com
My Email:+6221-000-0000
Address: Jakarta

Linda, Cool HomePage!!! Tini let me know the site :) If you need advices in designing let me know. BTW when are u and Harry planning to get married? or when are u two will go home? Tini - 06/04/99 02:20:23
My Email:547-3863
Address: Karawaci

Hey...it's fun to look up to the pictures, I'm kind of look back to the time when I was in the State...

Jocelyn Tan - 05/12/99 10:18:04

Wow Linda, you sure put in a lot of effort !! Great to see you this way since we're so far apart, although I'd like to see you in person soon :o)
Andreas Djuarsa - 04/20/99 07:29:43
My Email:12530 Braddock Ave, #135, LA, CA 90066
Phone Number: 310-827-9607
Birthday: June 27, 1971


Taffy - 04/18/99 10:55:47
My URL:Canova@hotmail.com
Phone Number: 555-1212
Birthday: Feb 31st

Nicely done Lin....

Richard Go - 04/01/99 09:26:46
My URL:http://rdgo88@hotmail.com
My Email:Rowland Heights
Phone Number: 626 9658384
Birthday: 06/04/77

hello lin hhehehehe['] was up

Lia - 03/24/99 21:55:14
My URL:chafchaf@hotmail.com
My Email:LA

Hello nda, lia nih.. lagi iseng liat elo punya home page di usc ada mei2 ama ting2. The pictures look good. Keep it up, and make sure yah foto ada gua dipost. hehehe....

Jun2 - 03/24/99 16:38:41
Phone Number: 021 724 7927

Hello Lin.... It was very nice to see all the pictures, they remainds me of the old memories....kepp adding new pictures yah Lin... Well hope to see you soon in Jakarta... Take Care.....

jenn - 03/24/99 10:41:03
My URL:jennnn@rocketmail.com

hey lynn.. looks like you've been working hard on your site...looks good! keep it up..

- 03/17/99 08:05:19


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