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Joney - 12/19/00 16:28:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/jdgcd/
My Email:jdgcd@yahoo.com

Wow, your gorgeous. I loved the web site as well. Thanks for sharing. Keep up the good work. Hugs, Joney

reverdALsarptin - 02/27/00 00:52:09
My Email:patman66@hotmail.com

heyy grrl i just gave the one-n-only slippie-p00

Responsibility - 02/22/00 20:30:38
My Email:swojozi@home.com

Great Job Sis! By the way, WHERE IS SIZ? Well, congrats on your wonderful webpage. FLAWLESS pic. And one more thing. You Better WORK! Responsibilty

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