in the web
--- A webpage 'bout Music
and Life, which may be the same for me ;-) ---
(allusion to RollingStone Magazine)
Hi. I'm BiGUS. (You can find me in Inet also as
ChechuRisk, Kenny Lomax, etc. Look aquí
to learn more about my nicknames)
Nowadays, everyone feels so streessed (and so do I) that I
even have time to introduce myself. But fortunately we have
'automatics profilers', like MSN Messenger's one:
You can contact me by this great program (in my humble opinion,
much better than the well-known Mirabilis ICQ). You can download
it from
y add me to your contact list by my e-mail:
(don't worry... the proggy does all the dirty job, such searching
for IPs).
This is me, playing my guitar:

From here you can reach every item located in this web:
- Ways of life - Street
journalism at Internet. Reflects the lyfestyle of places
I've visited and people I've met there.
- BiGUS Pulp ;-) - (Probably) The Coolest Fanzine in the
whole Internet
- BiGUS recipes (some even comestible)
- Granny's corner :)
- Differents nicks for differents moments
- My music and my compositions
- Other hobbies (ciclism, electronics)
- Photo Album
- - Quick shoplifting guide for the
modern cyberfreak
- Byelines. Nifty phrases, some from myself, some gathered
over the Net (in Spanish)
- Greetingz to friends and colleagues
Some other webs I've made:
- Web page of St. John of Lasalle's School in Almeria.
Meeting point for pupils, teachers and the whole
community of La Salle, spread all over the world. Virtual
trip to college instalations, graduation photobook and
much more!
- BiGUS' World. Some weird experiments in the same way that
Beakman's World. Learn what happen when putting grapes or
eggs into a microwave oven. If you're under 18, don't try
to do this home-alone. No kidding! :)
Web pages vinculated in some way to me:
- Photoalbum of Spanish cinema news. Author: Javi
Marchante. A nice group of colleagues meeting in news:es.rec.cine by the end
of 1997. Focused on recent movies (if you don't know, pay a visit
A local radio program you can hear at (in
Real Audio, streaming technology) from Mon to Fri's, at
0'00 GMT. It's worth the while!
- Australwines.
Bussiness-to-bussiness solution for chilean wine
exporting. The leader in it's category (yepp... the
webmaster is an old friend of mine ;-)

Next projects:
- Pagina homenaje a Rosa León:
sus canciones para niños y para adultos. Una magnífica
cantautora quizá algo olvidada hoy día. (Si buscas
"Rosa León" en la red, verás que es el nombre
de una doctora mexicana que trabaja en la NASA. Je :)
- Pagina de Modestia Aparte.
Con un poquito de suerte, y si no me descuido un par de
años más, esperemos que llegue a ser la pag. oficial
del grupo (empezaré a mover mis 'contastos' llegar a
ellos... ya tengo "semi-localizados" a Portu y
a Fernando).
- Página de Los Lunes. Llevo
"AÑOS" buscando info sobre estos dos últimos
grupos (de mis favoritos en español) y no hay casi nada
de ellos. Hay que reconocer que el nombre (de ambos) no
ayuda (en el buscador te sale de todo menos lo que
necesitas... je:) - Lo mismo ahora ya hay alguna, porque
aunque tuvieron su momento en el 93 con "Los Años
que nos quedan por vivir" (al ser seleccionada para
el spot de El Corte Inglés), pasaron casi desapercibidos
hasta ahora, en que "renacen" con la BSO de
"Compañeros" ("No te fallaré").
Esto, a los seguidores de siempre --todo hay que
decirlo-- nos da mucha rabia :-|
- Los Caciques, un MAGNÍFICO
grupo que sacó un disco muy completito en el 93, y del
que nada se ha vuelto a saber. No puede habérselos
tragado la tierra, porque colaboraron con ellos gente de
la talla de Andrés Calamaro, Tito Duarte y Carlos Hens.
- Otros grupos de los que
también he aprendido mucho, y con lo que me siento en
deuda (como La Guardia) tendrán también su rincón
especial. Si ya existe página en la Red, sólo tendrás
que seguir un link.
- Un recorrido fotográfico por Almería y provincia. La
hermana pequeña de Ways of Life
- Short
Skirts. From here, a very special greeting to Wayne
Smith, the webmaster, whom has made a fantastic work this
years, updating the page weekly!. Lately he's having
problems with uploading to Geocities, but... who don't?
- The Simpons Archive.
The most complete repository about The Simpson.
- Backpacking.
Travelling all around the world by oneself (by bike,
hike-hitching, etc.). A dream that many people have and
that I've started to attain.
By BiGUS, Sep 2000