Welcome to my Modeling Portfolio...enjoy...
Hey what's up everyone?
This is my webpage.
Hey be proud of me, I created it with Notepad. Yeah thats it.
Well my reason for creating this webpage is to promote my modeling among other things.
I hope you find it interesting and informative.
Hey, did you enjoy this page? If so, check out my newest one at: Susan

I will be updating this page often so check back soon.
Make sure you refresh your browser every time or else your browser will still view the old one.
I am currently working on getting more fitness shots.

My Information:
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 130lbs.
Build: Medium, semi-muscular
Measurements: 36B, 27, 35
Age: 22
Location: Florida, U.S.A.

My Quote of the week:
"I see people who appear to have more, yet their lives show less. The money and possessions might be greater than mine, but so are their troubles and sorrows. I see people who appear to have less, yet they seem to be happier. They have no worries of possession, and they do not know what it is like to have everything they NEED so they never really WANT for more. The ones who have more know that it's easy to have what they NEED so they are only concerned with WANTS. This country is set up like that. There are so many levels of income and lifestyles its amazing. How could two individuals remain so different yet dwell in the same area?"
-Me (line from my book)
Do you have a quote you'd like me to publish? Email me and let me know if its your own or give me the appropriate credit. Thanx :)

Types of modeling experienced in or most interested in:
Fashion, fitness, swimwear, print, runway, and sports.
Types of modeling not interested in:
Nude, semi-nude, explicit or anything of the adult nature!

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More Pictures coming soon...

To other models and photographers:
Professional and Amateur-
If you would like to exchange links Email me.
with the information, I'd be glad to help provided the material is not offensive.
Try this out; we can talk to each other.

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Hey, why don't you drop me an Email and let me know what you think?By the way, this was last updated in August of 2002