The Ultimate Survey (About Me!)

I got this in an e-mail, and I decided to put it on here.. hope you enjoy! :)

1. Name: Margaret

2. Nicknames: Marge, Margie, Mags, Maggie, Meg, Margarine, Sweetie, etc.

3. Hometown: PA

4. School: WAHS

5. Bacon bits or croutons: croutons

6. Favorite salad dressing: Italian

7. Favorite shampoo or conditioner: Herbal Essences

8. Favorite color(s): purple, blue, and green

9. Best friends: Click here and see!

10. One pillow or two: two

11. Pets: 1 dog

12. Favorite Movies: The Matrix

13. Color hair and eyes: Brunette ,Green eyes

14. Sports to watch: Baseball, Football

15. Dream Car: a truck

16. Word or phrases you overuse: "HOLA! Buenos Dies!" (if you didn't go to Kelly H.S., it wouldn't be funny..)

17. Toothpaste: Kiss me and guess..

18. Favorite food: too many to name..

19. Most romantic thing that ever happened to you: when my crush wrote me sweet little notes... :)

20. Do you get along with your parents: well enough...

21. Favorite town to chill in: Jamestown

22. Favorite ice cream: vanilla

23. Favorite soda: Diet Coke

24. What's your bedtime: whenever I'm tired..

25. Favorite shoes: Skechers

26. Favorite perfume/cologne: Elizabeth Arden's 5th Avenue, Tommy Girl, Calvin Klein's Escape

27. Favorite song at the moment: "Love is a Killer" (Vixen)

28. Favorite website: none

29. Favorite subject in school: Math/C++

30. Favorite boxers: ;)

31. Favorite sports to watch: Baseball, Football, and Cheerleading and Dance competitions

32. Most humiliating moment: When my crush saw the pics that I had of him... along with everyone else in the classroom...

33. Craziest and silliest people or person you know: Joyce

34. Are you an inside or outdoors person? mostly outdoors.. well, out of my house at least..

35. Favorite Holiday: Christmas

36. Do you have a child: I think I'm going to pick no for reputation reasons

37. Say one nice thing about a person you miss: You're one of the greatest dancers that I've ever met...

38. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? yeah.. *blush*

39. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? what's your definition of "crime"?

40. Boyfriend/Girlfriend? nope.. wanna fill in the blank?

41. Piercing or Tattoos?: piercing

42. Have you ever been in love?: I've thought I was in love.. but it was more like lust..

43. What do you look for in the opposite sex?: kind, thoughtful, nice, cute, athletic, can drive, and likes me as well..


School: Notre Dame, Duke, Yale, Stanford, Vanderbilt, Harvard, Boston U., and all those expensive-type universities!

Place to live: in the North

Number of kids: Hopefully none

Names of Kids: If I do have one? Either China, Dawn, Brandon, or Kyle

Broken the law? nope


Cheated on a test? nunya

Played strip poker: nu uh

Had a medical emergency? no

Gotten beat up? why would someone want to beat up sweet, innocent Margaret? (haha..)


Love at first sight? no

God? yes

Aliens? yes

Horoscopes? no

Ghosts? depends

Hell? I run the place!

Do you love yourself? sometimes


Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi

Oranges or apples? oranges

Deaf or blind? depends on what I'm seeing or hearing...

Hot tubs or Pools? hot tubs

Blondes, Red Heads: both

T.V or radio? radio

tall or short? depends


Took a shower? this morning

Watched Bambi? a long time ago!

Got a real letter? a while back..

Kissed someone? about 8 months ago


Your most prized and important possession? a diamond that was my great-great grandfather's

Your good luck charm? a pearl necklace

The item you worship most? my treadmill

Your bedroom like: spic and span with spots :)

Your favorite thing for lunch? food

The best thing that happened to you today? I got to see my friends..


Abortion? it's great for people who have been the victims of rape or incest, or for teens still in school who don't have the time or money for a baby, but it's NOT to be used as a source of birth control, and I don't believe in partial-birth abortions.

Premarital sex? It's not the best thing in the world, because once you've lost it, you want it back just as quickly.. you can wait..

Religion? everyone's got to believe in something..

Hanson? no comment

Alternative music? it's alright

Rap? it's cool..

Country? it's all the radio stations play up here!

Classical? great for studying by

Opera? I'll listen to it if I have to...


Makes you laugh the most? people I know

Do you go to for advice? Lisa and Kyle

Do you hate? no one

Has it easier, guys or girls? Depends on whats happening: Birth? Guys. Sex? Girls. (usually)

Do you ever save AOL conversations? no

Who are your favorite people to talk to? Lisa, Jessica, and Kyle

Do you save emails? depends on what it is and who it's from

What are the best song lyrics you have heard recently? "Are you ready for what's to come?"

Look the END!!!!! so that's me folks.. sorta."

Thank you for reading all this un-important stuff...:)