This is the Ringette source. There is as much as possible on Ringette, because RINGETTE ROCKS!! It isn't a league page or anything, just a page for Ringette players, fans, and anyone else who likes ringette!(Or anyone just trying to find out about it!)
TipsGood tips for Ringette Players around the world!
Ringette?A general explanation of Ringette with basic rules, strategies, points, and more.
What is Ringette!A New Compiliation of Quotes.
On Playing Ringette!A 2nd Compiliation of Quotes.
See Ringette Stories
Tell a Ringette Story
Good Ringette Links!
Ringette Nova Scotia's Players Corner
The Jacks- from Kristy's Ringette Homepage.
The old Ringette Ring Webring.
Tuusula Ringette Linkit
Winnipeg Ringette League
Back to All The Stuff
Pictures and quotes obtained from, but not limited to: Ontario Ringette; Gloucester Ringette; Tiverton Ringette; Ringette Canada ; Lower Mainland Ringette; Jennifer's Ringette Home Page; Howe Sound Ringette; St. Albert Ringette; If I have not included your page and I have included a picture or quote from your page, please send me a message via the "send me an email" button at All the Stuff