Arthur & Guinevere
Inspired by the romance and passion of Camelot, KenŽ and BarbieŽ dolls are featured as a couple that legends are made of - King Arthur and Guinevere. Barbie as Guinevere is spellbinding in her full-length slate-blue medieval-style gown featuring long, flowing sleeves and crimson and metallic golden accents. A headpiece of delicate burgundy and golden netting with faux pearls adorns her cascading strawberry blonde hair. Dressed as King Arthur, Ken is clad in a crimson cape and matching velvet tunic with an embroidered lion's crest. A suit of golden "armor" -- including gauntlets and greaves -- and a realistic "sword" on his "leather" belt offer an authentic glimpse of the medieval warrior.

Retail: $99.00 each   

Arthur & Guinevere
Together Forever Series

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