MGM Golden Hollywood
There was a time when life was as elegant as a dance step, blondes were platinum, and dreams were larger than life on screen. During this Golden Era, MGM was the preeminent dream factory, unrivaled in making movies that were stylish, glamorous and magical. Many of Hollywood's most legendary actors and actresses starred in MGM films that, today, define classic cinema. The influence of these movies and the stars that made them was so compelling, that it extended to movie magazines, fashions and even makeup. Golden Hollywood BarbieŽ doll captures the romance of this legendary Era. Resplendent in a golden gown and jacket accented with feathers and glittering "jewels, " she is a very elegant BarbieŽ -- evoking memories of a glamorous and magical time.

Retail: $90.00 each   

MGM Golden Hollywood

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