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someone who cares!
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Hi! Welcome to my IMPROVED AND UPDATED Home on the Web!! I'm still in the process of adding heaps and heaps of pics to the famous archives so don't get stroppy if your favourite picture isn't up yet!  You must understand that I have a life and don't spend every minute of every day updating a puny little web site!

Well anyway... I've made a lot of changes (a little change is healthy now and then) to update this ancient thing and now it's something so flashy and new you'll have to wear sunglasses to get over the coolness of it all - or mayyybe not!  Anyway be patient with me, after all I am posting my old essays on here- for free!  I'm no scam artist looking for money, just love to help all the struggling students out there. Or maybe I'm just bored.

Also, ya wanna email me?? Go ahead! (Just no spam puh-lease, I get enough of that as it is!) The link is below....

Mwakz!! Later guys!!
~Candy the Web Mistress~
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Since the day I added this new improved counter in,
17th September 2001!!
Last updated 14th August, 2003
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