"Behold, I have made your face strong against their faces, and your forehead strong against their foreheads. Like adamant stone, harder than flint, I have made your forehead; do not be afraid of them, nor be dismayed at their looks, though they are a rebellious house." Ezekiel 3:8-9

For ages generations of young people have been marked with labels such as, "The Lost Generation", "Generation X", "Generation Y", "MTV Generation", etc.  We have made these names our own and let them define who we are by living down to characteristics such as, nameless, immoral, lazy, uncaring, cynical, violent, disrespectful, indifferent, among others.  Young men have failed to become men of character and young women have lost their value and self worth to live up to media expectations.

But there are many young people, particularly young women, that refused to be conquered.  Though persuaded by their generation they have stood strong against the pressure and refused to accept the mark of failure.  These young women have lifted their heads up high and were not intimidated.  They have the boldness and courage to be themselves, make their own choices and speak with their own voice without fear and these are the Adamant young women that God is calling to lead their generation.

If you are ready to answer the call and meet other young women like yourself who are learning about God's purpose in their lives we meet every Tuesday at 6pm.  To meet more young people who love the Lord and want to make a difference join us on Fridays at 7:30 pm at Eternal Impact Youth.





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