The Safe Swapper's Swaplifter Page

Swap Categories

  1. The swap did not arrive.
  2. Items received were in poor, unclean condition.
  3. The swap was inexcusably late.
  4. Items received were misrepresented.
  5. Swapper was rude/did not respond when confronted with one of the above.
  6. Swapper falsified references.

The Safe Swapper is based solely on what is sent by subscribers as well as the external sources mentioned. The Safe Swapper will not verify any of the information given to us by subscribers. The Safe Swapper will not be held accountable for any negative situations that may arise from this website or newsletter.

Note: New additions to the list will be added to the top.

Last Updated: July 25, 2001

Primary EmailNameState/CountryOther Emails/AliasesCategoriesDate ReportedComments
ekpark@rice.eduEsther ParkGeorgia-1,57/01Failed to send item and did not return my end of the swap as she promised.
cosmobeauty@usanetmail.comCosmo Beauty/Noel Martin?California-1,56/01She claimed to have sent her parcel twice, but I have never received anything. She no longer responds to my emails.
noselgae@yahoo.comBrianne EaglesonCalifornia-1,56/01No swap received, does not respond to emails. Has not renewed account at the new MUA, so all negative tokens were lost.
whitt.30@osu.eduShannon WhittOhiosawdog_1@excite.com1,56/01Never sent swap items, all emails are being returned.
SoOeOoEoO@aol.comJulia Hwang/NadriCaliforniaSoKaLiYuJa@aol.com1,56/99Address updated 6/01 Michelle DaughertyCaliforniatwinklezbaby@hotmail.com3,4,5,64/01Produces fake feedback on MUA, rude/no response to email.
cosmetsienna@yahoo.comLauren Sienna/Kawaii JuhachiPennsylvania-1,5,64/01Produces fake feedback on MUA - she gives herself tokens.
lisaodo@aol.comLisa flea4me@aol.com3,4,512/99, updated 4/01Sent item months late stilagirl15@ivillage.comRobin Arrow/Parrow Christy FrederickTennessee-1,4,58/00, updated 11/00Swaplifting and sending items not agreed upon. Doesn't respond to emails.
surfer18@ruthsmail.comRuth Hallerunknown-1,511/00Swap items never received after multiple promises to send. Does not return emails.
peaches7633@hotmail.comChris KurakoffNew York-1,511/00Payment never received & emails went unanswered. angelface691@chickmail.comJennifer Martin, Jennifer Bartlett, Jennifer Maidens Canada-1,54/00, 11/00Never sent items (two people), has negative swap tokens listed under both names. showmeapicture@netzero.netNina Michelle JaureguiNorth Carolina-1,55/00, 7/00, 11/00Swap package never rec'd; all emails ignored. Updated email 11/00.
babypolka74@hotmail.comEmily Martin/Emily Duarte/Alex stargazer_11030@yahoo.com1,5updated 11/00, 4/00Updated email addresses. Never sent swap item, claims that swap was never received then does not send her end. Now uses post office box. Updated 11/00.,511/00Never received her end; will not answer emails. Butafliez1@aol.comDanielle Hong or FongCalifornia-1,5,67/99, 10/00Package was never received. All I have gotten are excuses and delays - when she did bother to reply to me at all. Updated 10/00. LunAustralia-1,5,69/00She swaplifted me on MUA in May, she is now listing the item that she swaplifted from me, and has given herself 4 new tokens from fake accounts.
mossflower279@yahoo.comKimberly ThielNew Jersey-1,59/00Has never sent swap items to me and 6 other swappers on the site - case has been reported to the Postal Inspector and the Internet Fraud Division of the FBI for necessary action.
mmmblah@gurlmail.comJulie FortierU.S.-2,57/00She did not send me the items she promised but she sent me old, used and different items instead. I confronted her and she said that it was a mistake and she would send the proper items, but she never did.
jenntrac@hotmail.comJennifer TracCanada-1,57/00Package was supposed to be sent 5/13. Still haven't received it. Sent 8 emails, all were ignored.
stilagal@nba.comChelsea MeeksNew York-1,4,57/00She agreed to send an item for money. Paid her, and she sent the wrong item. Sent the item back, but she closed down her email account and didn't answer emails or send money back.
juliawebb@mycoupons.comJulia Webb/Amber VossWashingtonSnowballExpressTrucking@email.msn.com1,57/00Never sent swap after she was sent a huge box of stuff- won't answer emails, has apparently set up a new account on MUA.
presleysunshine@aol.comPresley BeamCanada-1,56/00Swaplifted several people.
kriscastro@prodigy.netKristina CastroTexas-1,55/00Swap was for Chanel products, sent Clinique GWPs. Does not answer email.
vasamban@debevoise.comVanessa SambanjuNew Yorkvanessa_sambanju@yahoo.com1,55/00Multiple swap packages never recieved, no longer responds to e-mails.
new_mommy1_2000@yahoo.comAmber HansenCaliforniaAmy Myers1,5,65/00Swaplifted over $100 worth. Falsified references.
lisa1227@mailcity.comLiz WongHong Kong-1,5,65/00Claims to have sent it via Priority Mail and it's still not here, emailed her several times and all emails have gone unanswered. Falsified references, made up names and gave herself tokens on MUA
jianw@jps.netAnne/Shuya WangCalifornia-1,55/00I made her an offer which she accepted and send the check promptly. She said she sent the stuff/or my money back several times and then admitted she didn't. No more heard from her.
clynnma@aol.comConnie Lynn MaNew York/ Dumdi1,54/00Three reports; swappers never rec'd promised items.
krissikat@hotmail.comKris Simmonds Australia-1,3,44/00Swap was late and only contained 1/4 of what was agreed upon. Refused to send items back or complete the swap.
Loonee10@aol.comNatalie G. California-1,54/00Never received my end of the swap.
ShamrockMeg@aol.comMegan Schutte Ohio-1,54/00Swap did not arrive and emails were not answered.
Lpettei@lij.eduLinda Pettei U.S.-54/00Wrote to me and told me we had a swap going, and I had no history of any email conversations with her. Left a bad token on MUA when there was never a swap.
caramia_t@hotmail.comCara Mia Trull California-1,54/00Never sent item, would not respond to emails.
lise1914@hotmail.comLisa Magnuson Minnesotalmagnuso1244@vax2.winona.msus.edu1,54/00Swap never received after 1 month. Claimed confirmed delivery but refused to forward postal/tracking information she claimed she had. Defensive and accusatory e-mails, poor communication in general.
mzchio@chickmail.comChio Arellano Antonio S Arellano1,54/00I still have not received anything from her. It's been 20 days since she supposedly mailed it, and the original swap ended up with me getting an empty envelope.
kathryn.krone@ny.ddb.comKathryn Krone New YorkJamie Krone1,54/00n/a
bookgrrl@earthlink.netJennifer M. Brown California-1,5,64/00Sent a check but it bounced. Tried to verify funds several times, but account never had any money in it. Try to contact her several times with no response at all.
miesner1@earthlink.netAlison MiesnerNew York-2,3,4,53/00Lied about the condition of product, told me after she sent it out and promised to send a bunch of extras and never did. Hasn't returned any e-mails.
sacredsound@earthlink.netAthena BohmCaliforniaTiffany Bohm1,53/00Added received item to her own swap list and hasn't sent her end. Ignores emails.
Volpicella@aol.comKate Volpicella/Katie KimballConnecticutstubbydiva@aol.com1,52/00Never sent swap, doesn't answer emails, refuses to send item first (she had no references).
equinoxefaerie@cs.comJoyce HuangNew swimgirl15@aol.com1,57/99Multiple swaps never arrived and doesn't answer emails.
christi_irwin@yahoo.comChristi Irwin/Tiffany TucamderCalifornia/Hawaiitiff_tucamder@yahoo.com1,512/99Two person swaplifting ring; swaplifted many people, used false references. Sells swap goods on ebay.
kyzil@hotmail.comRebekah RedelfsAlaska-1,52/00We agreed on Dec. 7 and she's been making excuses since about not being able to send the package. Now ignores emails.
Likablynn@aol.comLynn Buttreyunknown-1,52/00Signed up for secret santa and stiffed her santee. Ignores multiple emails.
stilagirl20@aol.comConnie HernandezCACissyH1@aol.com1,57/99*UPDATE: Has begun swaplifting again under new alias (11/99)* Swaplifted multiple people on several sites.
brookieben@aol.comBrooke Bennettunknown-1,511/99said she got mine. That was it. Nothing about her package. It has been almost one month and I still have not received her package.
glitterpixee@aol.comJudy BrockWashingtonrainbowravah@aol.com1,511/99I never received her end of the swap. I know she received mine, because she commented on the items on a few days after I mailed it. Once she received my package, she started deleting my emails without opening them.
kinhavem37@hotmail.comAileen C.Colorado-2,3,510/99Swap did not arrive for several weeks, finally showed up in poor condition *after* I reported a swaplift to the website where she is registered to swap (Makeup Alley). She also lied about when the item had been mailed (it was postmarked weeks later).
nad@notme.comNadia MooreCalifornia-110/99Not a big deal, just don't want somebody with a large swap to get swaplifted. (Note: This may be a former swaplifter who has reinvented herself. Will keep you updated.)
katjohnston66@hotmail.comKathleen Johnston--1,510/99swap never arrived (two months now) and she never has answered e-mails concerning the swap
daycogs@aol.comDana Cognetta--1,510/99The swap was agreed upon in August, but the swap never arrived. And I never received a response to the e-mails I sent. or FastFashion@aol.comJennifer KirchoffnerLouisianaGlammazon3,4,69/99Items were received nearly 3 weeks after swap was negotiated, some items received were not as described, used references with which she had not yet swapped with.
Mom2Dawood@aol.comMona ZenhomNew Jersey-1,59/99Said she had left the package at her house, and was temporarily staying somewhere else. I tried to be understanding and told her to take her time, but two months later I still have no package, and she no longer responds to e-mails., supercat@bazillion.comDevin AllmonCalifornia-1,59/99Complains about swappers being "snobby and selfish" with their high-end items and not wanting to swap with her; alternately, when they do swap, she doesn't send the promised swap items. Blames other person for giving her the wrong mailing address.
glitter_chick40@hotmail.comLacy JamisonGeorgia-1,59/99Claims package was sent a month ago -- was going to send tracking number but never did.
anjlim39@hotmail.comColby AtkinsIowa-1,5,69/99Was very friendly and pleasant-- had me send items to her "boyfriend's" house. Never recieved package, and she has yet to return any emails I've sent her.
goldenswap@yahoo.comJane/Jayne Lee, Starz, Amanda LeeCAashtonlove@xxxxx DarkXAngel@xxxxx1,57/99Swaplifted many times and admits she will continue to do so under different names. Other emails:
dwitz@hgo.netKathy BowmanWV-4,58/99Agreed to swap a Cargo gloss for Chantecaille lipstick, sent a Clinique gloss instead and refused to answer email and fix the situation.
Stilagirl_99@yahoo.comKatalin Laura S., Katalin Schwarz, Elizabeth Chelester, Alice Seiler, marathon42@yahoo.com1,5,610/98-presentGives false references, swaplifts under different names, threatening and abusive emails. Has completed some swaps, but she's one to stay away from.
peachyquen@aol.comJennifer KingTN-1,58/99Has gone for over 1 month without sending agreed upon swap. Answers emails and claims repeatedly that "she'll go to the post office today" but never does, has lied continuously about the status of package.
supervixen@cottoninternet.netSara Savage-supervixen@starcomm.net37/99Bought products for her, shipped them, after time & many emails later, sent a check for much less than the price of the products.
moeyc@hotmail.comAimee Aileen, Melissa, Kris5,66/99Offered strange transaction, gave false references (have proof) and never responded. Fourth email
jwthom@cpis.netSamantha ThomSC-3,45/99Was over 1 month late, product not in condition that was describe. Some people have never received their swaps from her.
ltraughb@bellsouth.netNaomi CampbellTN-1,56/991. she wont return emails and swaplifted.
angelkae@aol.comAngel--UnknownUnknownNone available
arjr@gate.netJennifer Rasapo--UnknownUnknownNone available at this time
ashilegh@aol.comShannon Bostwick--UnknownUnknownNone available
Babybug22@aol.comMarcella Ciotola--UnknownUnknownNone available
c_jung@hotmail.comCami JungCanadaCami LaiUnknownUnknownNone available
cbv@GLADSTONE.UOREGON.EDUCindy Veldhuis-ZoeUnknownUnknownNone available FearnSydney, Australia-UnknownUnknownNone available
cmontag@hotmail.comLindsay MontagueCanada---UnknownUnknownNone available
Crissy147@aol.comCrissy ElliotCA-UnknownUnknownNone available
ctman@swbell.netRachael Morrissey--UnknownUnknownNone available
CuRLYGrrLy@aol.comJaime VerkCanada-1, 57/98At first claims she sent it, then refused to answer email.
deep_freeze10@hotmail.comJimmy KellyTX-UnknownUnknownNone available
Enigma8278@aol.comChelsea Cook--UnknownUnknownNone available
evelizzy@aol.comElizabeth Perez Gonzalez--UnknownUnknownNone available
frenet1@vcn.bc.caAnne-Marie Anastasiou--UnknownUnknownNone available
gilreath@blrg.tds.netStacey Gilreath--UnknownUnknownNone available
hgreen@kasa.comHeather Greenhalgh--UnknownUnknownNone available
HKmovieMan@aol.comTambra Brown--UnknownUnknownNone available
hstroud@ix.netcom.comTasha Stroud--UnknownUnknownNone available
KRK97@aol.comKatie Kimball--UnknownUnknownNone available
leahkim@aol.comLeah Kim--UnknownUnknownNone available
macayla1@aol.comBrooke Frazier--UnknownUnknownNone available
mdchanlr@sprintmail.comDerek--UnknownUnknownNone available
melflower7@aol.comMelissa Grochal-melflower@aol.comUnknownUnknownNone available
Moon_Empress@hotmail.comKimberly UnknownUnknownNone available
Mwalkup@prodigy.netMaggie Walkup--UnknownUnknownNone available
rusu@hotmail.comRuth Butler--UnknownUnknownNone available
SafireDazy@aol.comYvonne Allen--UnknownUnknownNone available
TwEeTe1414@aol.comBunnie Allen--UnknownUnknownNone available
wizard2@goplay.comSarah Katherine MullaUnknownUnknownNone available
Toddence@aol.comJulie ToddenceCA-1,3,510/98Wouldn't answer email, received items months later. Some people never received packages.
CLee556250@aol.comCrystal LeeGA-1,53/99Most recently swaplifted March 1999. DayNew Zealand-1,58/98Claimed it got lost in the mail, then stopped answering emails.
gargar@xxxxxJanice LeungCanada-UnknownUnknown-
myp11@xxxxxMarissa Peagler--UnknownUnknown-
geleach@xxxxxLauren LeachCA-UnknownUnknown-
jpowell@xxxxxJulia Powell-repowell@xxxxxUnknownUnknown-
cybergirl1971@xxxxxChristie Sodon---UnknownUnknown-
super_vixen@xxxxxCandace LehmanCanadaslehman@xxxxxUnknownUnknown

Copyright Safe Swapper 1999. Do not duplicate without permission.