"You Are Gone"

You looked at me and told me you'd always love me
Let my hand go and walked away
Right into the oncoming cars
Destiny had it planned that this driver's brakes would not be fast enough
And you looked me as he slammed into you
I watched you fly 15 feet into the air and back onto the ground
20 paces from where I was standing
I ran to you and kneeled down beside you
Watched you as death crept in to take you away
We both knew you were going to die
I realized I would never see you
I began to cry
You told me to hush, that you would always be with me
That you'd always love me
You asked me if I loved you
And for a moment I was stunned into silence
As realizations of many months hit me all at once
I stared at you and remembered the day we met
How you'd held me to you
Told me you'd never met anyone like me
I remember our first kiss in the park
And the way you liked playing with my hair
Until you had touched every tendril, every curl
I remember when a cold winter night you proposed to me
Asked me to be your wife
You swore you'd love me forever
But forever came too soon
Because now you were leaving me
You asked me again I loved you
I looked down at you knowing I would never see you again
Knowing we were in our last moments
I said,
“NO! I do not love you!”
I looked up at the people surrounding us
Remembering so many times we had been surrounded by friends and family
Times you had told me to fuck off while walking the streets of the great city
Surrounded by on looking tourists
I remembered the times of madness in which you'd jumped atop me and yelled into my face
I remembered times when you had looked at me with disgust and told me I was too fat,
My hair was not shiny,
Long enough,
Pretty enough
You'd told me I was embarrassing
That your friends told you I was too fat
I remembered the times you'd smacked food out of my hands while sitting in any public restaurant
I remembered the looks of repulsion I got from you
And the feeling of inadequacy I felt within me
And the more you hated me,
The more I loved you
The more I hated myself

In my mind I stood at a bus shelter
I watched as you pushed a crying me into the glass and nearly shattered it to the floor
I watched an angry you spit at the face of a scared me
And shake the life and more of my spirit out of me
And I swore things would get better
When all they did was get worse

I remembered losing love of friends and respect of family
At my choice to stay with someone as possessive as you
I remembered every time you told me to leave you alone before you got sick of me
And how could I forget you telling me that I was not woman enough
That you were the man and therefore you knew more about life and everything than me?
The tears flowed from me
I'd forgotten how much pain I had stored up
How many excuses I had made for you
How many times I'd apologized when you'd cursed me and put me down
How many times I had promised myself things would be ok
How many times had I asked myself if maybe I changed just a little bit,
Or was sweeter,
Or did not argue then maybe you would love me and show me just a bit
How many times had I cried myself to sleep alone, and wondering where you were
How many propositions for NY Escorts, and us did it take
Before I started looking at myself in the mirror, Hating what I saw and who I had become
How many nights had I laid myself to sleep?
Hoping and praying to never wake up in the misery of what was "us"
Too many excuses
Too many times
Too many moments
Too many propositions
Too many nights
Too many tears
Our love was all pain

Burned into my memory is the night you took my innocence
After so long a time of waiting
Only to leave me alone in a cold dark room
Accompanied by nothing but a thin sheet,
A cold draft,
And my quiet sobs
That night, you killed the rest of my spirit and left nothing for Death
As he quietly passed by and left me with his pity to comfort me
Then, I heard you again
Asking me if I loved you
I looked into your eyes
Once again I said
I saw you see hell before your spirit left your body
And as your soul left with it
Mine was returned to me
I wiped a last tear from my eye
You deserved no more of those
I took the ring of my finger and placed it in your hand
I got up slowly and left your body there in the care of strangers
And since, I have never worried or cared about you again
May my laughter torment you in Hell
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