Untouched Again

I know you you know me
never reaching intimacy
this is my story
this is my curse
never feeling closeness
you eyes touch me
your hands hold me
my lips kiss you
my heart wants you
my mind rejects you 
the vicious cycle
of and time and time again
fear, failure
loved once loved twice
once again made thrice
no more pain
no more feelings to be gained
no healing allowed
you can`t stick around
so today it`s you
tomorrow it`s him
next week it`s them
say goodbye
i`ll never see you again.
what you felt wasn`t much
my heart can`t be touched
for always i`ll remain in everyone`s company
yet always alone
showing my smile
hiding my heart
chances have been used
my willingness abused
so now I go hide away
never again to stay
in comforts home again
I cannot do for you
first I must to do for me
looking foward to never falling again
I always knew this was our ending
for every time
for every back then
I remain untouched again
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