Song In My Dreams

    I smiled.  I smiled because there were shades of red,  blue and yellow among the flowers and plants on either side of me.  I stopped in my tracks and bent down to touch the petals of a sweet pea flower.  I wanted to envelope myself in its velvety softness, so I laid down for a nap among the pink petals.  I dreamt.  For hours I dreamt of walking down this path and discovering everything in life, and the simplicity of it all, and how everything harmonized.  The branches of trees slowly swaying in the wind, and the leaves falling away with the breeze, circling about the base of the trees and falling into no particular pattern with the other leaves of autumn.
          It was at the moment a red oak leaf circled my leg and fell at my feet that I heard your music weaving softly through the air.  I stepped off my path and walked in your direction and you were right behind that huge tree, and i stepped around it, but didnt see you.  Then I heard your music off to another direction, and I follwed there, but still i could not see you.  I could only hear the sounds carried in the wind.  Then it became fainter so i started to run towards you. I ran and the wind carried me.  Then I caught a glimpse of you and I raced towards you but then you disappeared.  Once again all I heard was your music and it became fainter and fainter and the less I heard it the more I needed it to carry me out of my dream and into reality with you there with me.
          I woke up then.  Alone and in the company of myself.  I looked around to see if by chance you had followed me out of my dreams, but you were not there.  There was nothing there.  The trees were barren, and I was laying on the cold dirt.  I got up and began to walk with the memory of your song in my mind.  The path was never the same again, and i knew it never would be because I knew I would never find you.  You would always remain a melody in my dreams.  Now when I want to forget the dark unlit path I am traveling on I will close my eyes and hear your song.  For that instant I will be in the place where tress danced and the wind spoke.  Maybe one day I will find you and bring you back with me.  Until then I have you, the song in my dreams
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