
I just watched her
and everything around her was black

I watched
knowing she could not see me
wishing I could breath to her a single word
thinking if only I could share a single tear
there wouldn`t be so much pain

Her thoughts
I saw her laughing at the world
always so empty inside
trying to find perfection
so beautiful
so afraid of seeing her own reflection

I watched
a sudden serenity
fear and hunger
suddenly gone

A smile
her face a star from the sky
and i longed to touch her

I watched
she`d found her solution
I watched in horror as she cut herself
inviting death
to replace life

hers and mine
as she did it again
in pure ecstacy she sighed
her pain was now pleasure

thickly flowing from her body
her life escaped her
still she smiled
red as crimson
a velvet flow
her heart left her
all the sorrow
out through her hands

I watched each dying moment
becoming fragile
so pale
yet so beautiful
as she died
she became a porcelain doll
as she died
I was suddenly next to her
as she died
I held her to me

Her face shattered
and I screamed into heaven
for its lost star
I cried
I realized
this porcelain doll
was me
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