It was a dark thundery night. A woman lies in a hospital bed in stirrups crying out in pain. "Just one more push" the doctor coaxes. "UNNNNARRGHHH". First a head emerges, then the shoulders, the body, and the rest of it. The baby is delivered, and a new mother cries in joy. Smiles break out as the doctor announces, "its a boy". But then a nurse hurries over to check him. Theres something wrong, he isnt crying. The nurse goes to check him out, and much to her amazement he is still breathing, and staring at everyone with his small hazel brown eyes, with just the tiniest of smiles on his face. The medical staff are absolutely astounded. Never before in history has a baby been born without crying. They exchange looks, before turning back to look at the child, still wet with his mothers goo. He has a radiance about him, almost a visible glow. The nurse, still a little shaken from the inital death scare, relaxes. And realises. This child is destined for something great. They stand around the bed staring at this new wonder which has been bestowed upon the world. Suddenly his mother speaks up.. "I think I'll call him James.". ... and so it begins.
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