VLAD.Com presents "All Aboard"


ALLABOARD                                                                                                       1974                     

A father and daughter on a commute to infamy in this European classic. This is why your mother tells you don't run on the G train platform at Greenpoint Avenue.

One time when I was 16, I took the black chick I was fuckin back to Red Hook. On the way back home I decided to go down the village (when it was still cool) and hang out with a 40 ounce of OE.

 Anyway I thought this gang was following me and wanted to rob me. So I wound up crossing the West 4th train tracks and getting a $50 fine from an undercover cop. He kept yelling at me about my pockets  and feeling me up,

Moral of the story: Keep off the tracks.

Hey what the fuck is up with these  Europeans not having a fence up near their train tracks. The NYCTA has 20 foot fences topped with razored barbwire.  Thats why all those old school Graffitti artists have scars on their hands and arms.....its from climbing those fuckin fences.


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