Rajesh Shanmugam

Mobile: (91) 98802 75556


Profile Summary


  • Techno-Functional consultant with over all experience 11yrs of which over 3 years in SAP HR/ABAP HR
  • 3 end to end Implementation of SAP HR. Implemented complicated Business Process scenario in Payroll & Time management, using ASAP methodology. Through knowledge on the HR-FI / HR–CO integration and hands on experience on ABAP-HR and schema coding. Developed BDC / extensively used LSMW for data upload.
  • IT consulting experience of 8 years comprising of analysis, design, and development and testing application solutions as per business requirements. Successful in leading teams for time bound, high quality deliverables. Excellent skills in project management, software quality assurance. Proficient in defining, communicating and fulfilling the project’s goal and breaking complex issues into manageable parts.
  • Work collaboratively with team members to achieve common goals, while maintaining responsibilities and commitments.
  • Foster professional growth through mentoring relationships. Excellent presentations, end-user training and negotiation skill, easily communicate with users, software developers and executives.
  • In-depth technical strengths and business understanding that are valuable asset to a full-cycle project and post-implementation problem-solving requirements.


Technical Skills


Operating Systems

MS Dos, Windows 95/98/NT/2000, Sun Solaris 5.8


ABAP/4, SAP HR Tools, ABAP HR, JavaScript, VBscript, ASP,  XSL, XML


SAP – HR - version 3.1h, 4.0b, 4.6b & c & Enterprise version.


Oracle 8.03, SQL Server


Professional Experience




Designation / Role

Hewlett Packard GDIC

August 2003 - till date


CyberTech Systems and Software Limited, India

April 2002 – July 2003

Principal SAP Consultant

Megasoft Limited, India

October 2000 – Nov 2001

Senior software engineer

Aavanor Systems

March 1999 – Sept 2000

Software engineer

ASAP Solutions

May 1998 – February 1999

SAP HR Consultant.

Chavva Infotech

Nov 1997 to April 1998


Mefco Engineers

June 1992 to Oct 1997

Software engineer


Project Details


Project – 1 – HR & Payroll

Client                          : Saudi Aramco., Saudi Arabia.
Employer                    :
Hewlett Packard GDIC.,
Period                         :
Nov 2003 to Present
Role                            :
SAP Consultant

Project Brief

 SAP R/3 Enterprise HR Payroll To be filled

Roles and Responsibilities

Functional Consultant 

  • To be filled

Technical Consultant

  • To be filled


Project – 2 - Implementation of Quota Accrual (Development)

Client                          : Mastek Ltd., SEEPZ, Mumbai.
Employer                    :
CyberTech Systems and Software Ltd.,
Period                         :
April 2003 to July 2003
Role                            :
principal SAP Consultant

Project Brief

The implementation of SAP R/3 4.6B Time management was carried out entirely using custom defined rules to cater to the complicated needs of Mastek, which includes various policies for inactive employees. Mastek being an IT company the leave policies are highly complicated. Moreover this is a maintenance requirement and data from past go live had to be corrected beginning January, 2001.


Roles and Responsibilities

Functional Consultant

  • Created time types, used as counters and flags
  • Created Custom status for actions, which used during Schema processing
  • Schema is capable of tracking inactive employees to generate quota as per company policy
  • Automatic quota accrual does not take place instead rule based operations where used to generate Quota in the system
  • Designed and the complicated calculation procedure as stated by Mastek’s quota accrual policy
  • Adopted an implementation strategy to accommodate time evaluation with effect from January 1, 2001. This has to happen to remove all the discrepancies in the system

 Technical Consultant 

  • Developed and Implemented Quota accrual using schema ZRQT to handle Mastek’s business requirements
  • Created 90 rules to process for New joins, Transferred and Repatriated employees
  • Used Operations VARST, OUTWP, OUTAQTYP, OUTAQVAL, UPDTQ, COLTQ, GCYG extensively
  • Created ABAP program to control retroactive computation of time evaluation as monthly cumulation time types are used

 Project – 3 - Implementation of SAP R/3   –   India Payroll

 Client                          : Aptech Training Ltd., SEEPZ, Mumbai.
Employer                    :
CyberTech Systems and Software Ltd.,
Period                         :
April 2002 to March 2003
Role                            :
Senior SAP Consultant

Project Brief

 Aptech - a Global IT education provider and one of the fastest growing companies in India. The modules implemented are FI/CO, SD, MM & HR. The scope for HR module implementation included PA, PT, PY- (INDIA) and PE.

 Roles and Responsibilities

 Functional Consultant 

  • Efficient communication with client & successful implementation of HR and Payroll processes
  • Full cycle implementation of Organizational Management, Personnel Development, Personnel Administration, Training and Events Management and India Payroll
  • Analysis & design of Organizational elements to fulfill client requirements & reporting
  • Infogroup and Infotype configuration to automate the PA process
  • Extensively worked on Appraisal model and Evaluation path
  • Customized and implemented all the custom wage type catalog
  • Incorporated wage type splits for cost center posting
  • Implemented indirect valuation to the customers need.
  • Implemented Own Your Car Scheme, Loans for the enterprise.
  • Implemented payroll processing through schema ZN00
  • Integrated payroll results through symbolic accounts.
  • Trained users in configuration, transactions and problem solving using SAP InfoDB HR051, HR052, and HR390
  • Post implementation support. 

 Technical Consultant 

  • Created technical specifications for Reports
  • Configure and troubleshoot features to generate enterprise defaults
  • Extensively developed / used BDC and LSMW for Data upload.
  • Developed user exit for incorporating the company specific pension calculation during payroll processing.
  • Generated client specific remuneration statement with Loan detail & leave balances.
  • Developed 2 reports using clusters using event ‘payroll’.
  • Created 5 reports extracting data from infotypes


Project – 4 - SAP R/3 Integration with 3e.

Client                          : i-Labs, Tidel park, Chennai.
Employer                    :
Megasoft Limited.(Unit of Satyam)
Period                         :
May 2001 to Nov 2001
Role                            :
Technofunctional Consultant

Project Brief

 i-Labs is a Metacompany focused on product development and solution provider. 3e is a mini ERP product developed to target the SME segment their financial and logistic needs. The product is configurable as an ASP, standalone application or in an exchange environment. 3e was enhanced with the Interface layer to communicate with SAP to carry out B2B transactions in the value chain.

 Roles and Responsibilities

 TechnoFunctional Consultant 

  • Business process integration between 3e and SAP R3 4.6 B using BAPI
  • Provided techno-functional inputs on the development of the Exchange(Interface)
  • Data mapping and data exchange using DCOM connector
  • All Business Documents & Reporting data in the B2B scenario were covered

 Project – 5 - 3e product 

Client                          : i-Labs, Tidel park, Chennai.
Employer                    :
Megasoft Limited.(Unit of Satyam)
Period                         :
Oct 2000 to April 2001
Role                            :
Project Leader

Project Brief 

i-Labs is a Metacompany focused on product development and solution provider. 3e is a mini ERP product developed to target the SME segment their financial and logistic needs. The product is configurable as an ASP, standalone application or in an exchange environment.

 Roles and Responsibilities 

  • Defined & implemented Product Development life cycle methodology
  • Incorporated the best practices in the IT industry to produce a quality product which include Software Metrics, Defect injection, Defect pooling and Risk analysis
  • Responsible for requirements gathering, functional fit analysis, prototype development, work breakdown structure, task allocation and monitoring
  • Handled 3 product variants basic, professional and enterprise
  • Conducted Client meetings and discussed issue’s
  • Coordination with the centralized testing department to produce an efficient product

 Project – 6 - Dosth.com 

Client                          : Aavanor Systems.
Employer                    :
Aavanor Systems.
Period                         :
Sep 1999 to Sep 2000
Role                            :
Team Leader

Project Brief 

Development of the community web site dosth.com which incorporates cross browser DHTML for interactive animation and message pop-up.

 Roles and Responsibilities 

  • Responsible for Portal design & database design
  • Developed ASP and DHTML
  • Effectively managed team to achieve deliverables
  • Programmed the animation character using cross browser DHTML

Project – 7 - Inet product 

Client                          : Aavanor Systems.
Employer                    :
Aavanor Systems.
Period                         :
March 1999 to Aug 1999
Role                            :
Software Engineer

Project Brief

 This is an intranet product to cater to the basic needs of an office for managing document formats, procedures, contact directory, document storage and discussion forum. It comes with a self installation and can be configured and administered easily.

 Roles and Responsibilities 

  • Developed ASP pages using sessions
  • Programmed using the DOM using VBscript and JavaScript
  • mysql / odbc was used for the backend
  • session time-out was incorporated

 Project - 8 - Implementation of SAP 4.0B. 

Client                          : ASAP Solutions.
Employer                    :
ASAP Solutions.
Period                         :
May 1998 to Feb 1999
Role                            :
SAP HR Consultant.

Project Brief 

The modules implemented are FI, MM, SD and HR of SAP R/3 4.0B. In HR the modules that were implemented are Personnel administration, Recruitment, Personnel Development, Organizational management, Time management, Benefits, Payroll, Training and events management.

 Roles and Responsibilities

 Functional Consultant 

  • Customized modules Personnel administration, Organizational management, Recruitment, Benefits, Time management, and Payroll
  • Defined work schedule rules
  • Defined attendance / absence types and quota types
  • Maintained Health plans, Insurance plans and Savings plans

 Technical Consultant 

  • Developed ABAP/4 report programs, HR forms, features and Infotypes
  • Developed report programs to show various information of an employee such as personal details, organizational details, salary information, dependent details
  • Default work schedule was generated for different employees based on their organizational assignment - feature SCHKZ
  • Developed Remuneration statement using transaction PE51 by forming totals and subtotals from cluster table RT
  • Created infotype 9005 (Sports) to store employees preferred sports with time constraint 2 using transaction PM01
  • Developed time statement to show employees time balances and time worked.

Project – 9 - SAP 3.1H HR. 

Client                          : Visu Consultants
Employer                    :
Chavva Infotech
Period                         :
Nov 1997 to April 1998
Role                            :
HR Consultant.

Project Brief

 Implemented the HR process and reporting requirements of Visu Consultants on SAP 3.1H

 Roles and Responsibilities 

Technical Consultant 

  • Extensively worked on ABAP, SAP HR and SAP HR TOOLS
  • Developed report program to show the different wage types of an employee at any given period (repeat structure)
  • Default payment methods was generated for different group of employees - feature LSCH
  • Default work schedule was generated for different employees based on their organizational assignment - feature SCHKZ
  • Programmed the decision tree DTAEL for defining the employee’s eligibility for receiving their payment by bank transfer
  • Developed BDC to upload employee master data
  • Developed forms to generate pay slip

 Project – 10 - Micro ERP. 

Client                          : Mefco Engineers.
Employer                    :
Mefco Engineers.
Period                         :
May 1995 to Oct 1997
Role                            :

Project Brief

 Micro ERP is a Financial Accounting, Inventory, Sales and Payroll Integrated Software Package to cater to the needs of a SME segment.

 Roles and Responsibilities 

  • Involved in developing Accounting package as per the company requirement to maintain accounts integrated with inventory Sales and payroll
  • Developed custom reports such as balance sheet, P & L statement, Outstanding statement, Stock statement, Sales report, Invoice, Dunning letter, Sales analysis etc.



  • Bachelor’s degree in Electronics & Communication


Trainings Undergone


  • SAP HR - Versions - 3.1h including US Gross & Net payroll.
  • SAP HR – Versions 4.0b / 4.6 b & c, Enterprise version including India Payroll.