Mariaīs Univers

Wellcome to my little spot on the net.

Before you go any further, would I like to tell you what this page is about -
Itīs about being a young transexual (a girl in a boys body) in Denmark, and being all alone with this big problem.

Just so you know.
About me.

Well, Iīm an 15year old danish girl, and as I told you, Iīm transexual.
Here right below, can you read about my childhood.

All the time I can remember, I allways liked to dress up like a girl. Ever since I was a little child, I was allways laught at becouse I went to school with makeup, and stuff. I couldn`t understand why they laught at me - I only did what I felt was right. The girls was the onlyone who didnīt laugh, they treated me fine, and were wery sweet.

As time went on, I began to think more about my feminine way to act. I had to start act like the other boys did, otherwise I would get hurted. I toned my self down a bit, but it didnīt change me - I was still a girl in the inside.

Now Iīm going in 9grade (in Denmark we have from 1-10grades), and Iīm not alone with this anymore, I have told my parents, and all my family, that I felt like a girl. It didn`t surprise them at all. When Iīm out of school, will I start being female fulltime, and Iīm still waiting till Iīm 18, so I can get hormons, and a sexchange.
About this page.

I want to tell people with this page, that the outside doesnīt matter, itīs the inside that counts. Before you judge people, get them to know, you canīt judge them for what they look like. Many people judge us, without knowing the person inside, and thats not fair, we are really nice people. Take good care you self, and please drop me an mail.

Last updated the 6/4-1999
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